(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

I don’t need to look for reasons, I have the writing and the removal of night elves and their zones from the game and story.

Man one doesn’t need to make fun of yall, yall do that yourselves.


I very literally just rolled a new monk in Shadowglen

Shadowglen is gone.

You can still go back to it all you want. It’s removed from the story, sure, but not the game.

But we’re in the story forums. You can also go to Ashenvale as a Night Elf in the game, not so much in the story unless you’re looking to die to the Horde forces in there.

What’s left ingame doesn’t matter if it’s all gone in the story, and in the next world revamp they’ll have a Kalimdor without Night Elves at all to reflect canon lore.

So it’s gone from the story, but not the game.

I’m glad we’re in agreement on SOMETHING then.

Yea. Not from the game… yet. Until the next world revamp, where Ashenvale and everything is gone too.

But still, I care more about story than gameplay.

You really are just a ball of sunshine, aren’t you?


Stating your doomsaying as fact again, are we?


Well no. If there’s a world revamp, things in the story will be reflected ingame, meaning that Ashenvale will be a Horde zone with chopped down trees and maybe blight and the Night Elf NPCs will also be mostly gone. It will be a Kalimdor without Night Elves, just like the Horde wanted in BfA.

I mean, the situation is bad enough when it’s just in the story since I won’t just pretend that everything is still there because it’s outdated ingame.

You already do this whole thing of pretending ingame states are proof that things are messed up beyond what they’re implied to be about Ashenvale


Uh ingame Ashenvale is stuck in cataclysm. Meaning contested.
In the story, Ashenvale is fully controlled by the Horde. Why do I know that it isn’t contested? Because the war is over and there’s an armistice. If the handful of remaining Night Elves attacked now, guess what would happen.



Very outdated, that was the very beginning of BfA, potentially even before the burning. The Horde eventually won in both zones until they lost darkshore in the SL pre patch.

Darkshore was in 8.1

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I’m curious, do you ever get tired of your ceaseless defeatism?

Like, dead serious? You seem to be so intent on being proven right about your constant doomsaying to the detriment of the race that you claim to like so much.

Seriously, do you want the Night Elves to be conquered by the Horde? Cuz you seem dead set on them just being absolutely wasted going forward into the next expansion, despite several notable lore development setting them back into a position of recovery.

-Darkshore is retaken
-They’ve settled mount Hyjal
-Their leadership remains alive and well
-Their standing military is largely intact
-Tyrande is set to master her newfound power in the SL

If anything, the Night Elves are being thrown quite a few bones in the wake of Teldrassil.

You’re always so certain about all the bad stuff that you think is coming, yet you never seem to have a point to making these claims.



They didn’t reclaim it until pre patch.

No, I wanted the opposite, but now it’s all over so…

Yea, that’s 1 of 3 zones. And it won’t be long until this one is gone since the Horde is apparently entitled to all Night Elf zones. Azshara, Ashenvale, Teldrassil…

Hyjal is a neutral zone. There are close to no living Night Elves left. Their only hope was mass revival through Elune, instead they were obliterated in the maw.
Also, there’s nothing that states this. The only reference to Hyjal was Tyrande meeting Thrall there

Remains to be seen. And yet, they don’t have anyone to lead.

So intact that they couldn’t even reclaim Ashenvale. Honestly, it’s pretty clear that they all died in Darkshore because why else wouldn’t they have tried to get Ashenvale back?

The powers that were even further weakened. And since she also told us that there will be no justice, Sylvanas will be forgiven and the Horde will just happily keep Ashenvale, and also get Darkshore in a few expansions considering the past development of the Horde getting or destroying Night Elf zones.
Especially with Sylvanas back in the Horde soon.

No not at all, their resolution consisted of forgiving Sylvanas and having their souls obliterated on top of not getting their zones back and having their souls obliterated.
Even if the things you listed weren’t wrong, they still wouldn’t have a future. And let’s be honest, they’ll never get a new home. They don’t need one because the fate of the race was being obliterated in the maw.

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A’ight folks. Might be time for all of you to stop taking the bait (because, let’s be real here, that’s what they are) and simply ignore whatever the heck Ethriel is foam-mouthing about. Y’all pointed out elements that proved Ethriel wrong on multiple occasions, but kept circumving around them to keep their mythomania going on.

At one point, gotta realise it’s a lost cause and nothing can be done. Y’all tried, and it’s attempts to help worthy of praise, but unfortunately, they don’t care.