(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

are we really doing this


I’m an auditor, what do you expect?

Not to have this conversation in every thread with Ethriel.

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I mean, if you don’t want to have conversations with Night Elf fans, then Night Elf threads might not be the place for you.

Can we just accept the fact that in game content, Elegy and A Good War all MASSIVELY contradict each other, and blizz is never going to ever truely tell us how many actually died?


I’m not, I already said this.

Having this is completely irrelevant, because the 1000 minus the ones we saved in the quest died AFTER the evacuations.

982 to be more precise. Your equation makes things unnecessarily difficult from this point already and I’m not going to argue with you about something that is this simple.

That’s not what I’m saying omfg you’re hopeless


Well sure, but that’s not my point. My point is that Ethriel has been inconsistent in her methodology, and has done so in order to inflate the amount of people lost to the maw.

Ok, so are we changing methods here? Are you walking back the proportional sample method and saying that only 982 died in the Burning of Teldrassil?

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Welcome to not respond to any NE posts or Etheriels in particular. Like, instead of complaining, why did YOU come into this thread to do just that?

Well I thought I was going to see discussion on the cinematic but instead it’s Kyalin and Ethriel hashing out this discussion they’ve had multiple times over many different threads that leads to literally nowhere.


This would be the second time we’ve had this discussion.


As Kyalin just said, twice is a lot to you huh?

I was obviously taking about approxiate numbers. We saved somewhere around 100 (+/-5 I believe) from the maw and around a thousand (982-the ones we saved in the quest which is far below a hundred) died in Teldrassil after. So we saved around 10%. I’m not arguing that either the 982 or 100 are lore accurate, but we actually have a proportion of how many we saved through this. (~10%)

And no, we don’t need a formular with 5 variables for it. Especially since it already didn’t make sense in the first place.

P sure it’s more than that, just two that got specific enough to go into accounting.

Honestly? We don’t really know, because blizz is notoriously inconsistent when it comes to actual in game race numbers making any sort of sense.

Given we’ve had what? 20+ world ending threats or catastrophic events in general in the last ten years, each kingdom should theoretically be dead by now.

The formulas are in use. I’m just describing them in order to illustrate the impropriety of what you’re doing in swapping methods like this.

Look, either you use the proportional sample method or you don’t. You don’t get to use it in one instance and then toss it out the window in a situation that would again call for it. You used the proportion in calculating deaths, which is fine, but you don’t get to expand the sample to draw in the sample of an entirely different situation, and you don’t get to change your methods as you did.

Yea, but if they wanted to give the souls a happy ending, they would’ve indicated that we saved most of them atleast.
Now we have to live with most of them not having been saved, therefore having been obliterated in the maw even as children, and this bothers me by far the most.

If you consistently apply a proportional, sample-based method, that is what they indicated.

Does that make me a-ok with the situation? No, but it does leave me with the conclusion derived from consistent methods of accounting.

9.1 does suggest the reason Elune didn’t save all of them is because they’re meant to serve a higher purpose during Shadowlands. It’s stupid I know, but this is blizz we’re talking about.

But if they aren’t saved, they are obliterated in the maw…

If their higher purpose is to be forged into weapons for the Jailer and for Sylvanas so that they can save the universe, I don’t want it. Because Night Elves wouldn’t be allowed to be part of it.

The sad part is that the writers are getting away with this, because people who don’t pay attention to detail will believe that we actually saved the souls.