(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

Yes we did. We lost the war and soldiers, more than you. It only surpasses our loses if you count Tel’drassil which was dishonorable and a suckered punch. Overall you won the war, you always do

I ain’t gotta prove anythinf

So the night elves may well kill the Horde right now? Especially when they so desire it.

I dont think you understand what I’m saying and frankly I’m too exhausted to explain it

Once again the matter comes down to what has been presented and made clear to the audience versus the strict canon.

Okay, I couldn’t find about Xavius.

I agree that Illidan is cringe incarnate, but oh boy with this post you aren’t far behind.

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BFA was a major story about the Horde and their heroes.
I think we have had enough Horde stories for a long while.

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Vengeance is bad, how many times does history have to tell you that, or stories jesus

history? lol!

Okay. We will not retaliate. We’ll just take ours.

You heard it here first, folks. The US should have gone home after Pearl Harbor.

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Already did, keep up with the story

THE US didnt break japan, thats why japan still exists

No, we just kept driving until we got an unconditional surrender, occupied it for years, and got them to write a pacifist constitution that they still have today.

M … No. Azshara is still not ours.

again i have to ask

if faction war is worst story n it riuns stuff adn writers hate nelves

why keep asking for faction war??? wyh dl you think it will be different tihs time?? would taht rven make u play again?

and then if they go too far in other derection, wuldbyou cry when tbreads say tehy want to kill nelves to avenge thunder bluff or wahtever???

who cares about azshara

Also thats a nice goal moving

But this is our land. So … why not?

My criticism at its core is that the faction war is being done incorrectly. Past that, there remain issues that only faction conflict can resolve.

I’m on record multiple times as saying that sacking capitol cities of playable races should not happen in MMOs, and I am on record as saying that the Undercity siege shouldn’t have happened either. That should indicate where I’d fall.

worlds edh tavern is over there >>>>>

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