(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

Level it, you’ll like it. Convoke is fun.

Swap to Ally even

Yes, but you’re not addressing the root cause of why people think that.

That being that the devs decided to annoy the player with his VA. You may not think it’s fair or reasonable that surface elements have that kind of pull, but they do.

But they continue to believe that the night elves are weak. And the night elves need to constantly prove that they are something of themselves.

Again, then people should read the quests. I don’t argue about my profession with pple who dont know what they’re talking about.

Same for the lore.

And they don’t, theyre the most powerful alliance faction up there with the humans

even in Terror of Darkshore there is this little skepticism in there when they were hyping Malfurion with “not a single night elf can do this”…

however, I think that orc definitely didn’t think… “haha, he’s weak”.

Blizzard later explained that this particular Orc had only ever fought Civilians, and hadn’t even fought a Sentinel, and their perspective was completely skewed, but Nathanos knew exactly…now it’s getting bad.

No, Blizzard needs to structure its storytelling so that audiences actually follow where they’re going. People do not remember text anywhere near as much as they remember more visual elements in particular.

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Okay. Then let the Horde die out a bit, okay?

The scoff and her tone of voice suggests otherwise.

Yeah no name orc no 47 whos never seen a freaking demigod.

Malfurion holds Darkshore together while its sinking in Cata inside a tornado. He isn’t weak. Hes too strong.

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i even answered this.

I am also pretty sure that this Orc-lady…is dead. died in darkshore…killed by night elves with no problems.

The Horde is weaker than the Alliance. Always been except for WC1. And the night elves are stronger than all of our races individually and even multiple combined. Weren’t gonna give an inch, because we don’t have to, you’re already more powerful.

No!!!1!!! You are WRONG!1!1!!!

Blizz HATES nelves! There’s only 20 of them lef, you can’t even make them anymore!

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Then prove it to us. Lose and die. Because until now, only we have died.

Prove it to me.

Don’t underestimate Orc 47. You’ll end up being knocked unconscious by a fish and thrown into a grape press before you know what’s happening.

What are you talking about, the Horde lost WC2, Cata/MoP war, BfA. W e only won WC1 out of a sucker punch. We always lose.

Unimportant orc #2354554285…i never saw her again.



But you are not dying.

The absence of the orc is not evidence of her absence.