(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

The military base is still a legitimate military target, even if it will result in the death or injury of civilians.

I can’t see poisoning the river as being a good plan - you’d have to somehow amass enough toxins to administer lethal doses to, well, a river. Think of how many gallons of water that is. Damming it is possible… over time, but I don’t think the construction effort would survive the intervention of goblin artillery.

Eeeh, a bit more nuance might be needed here - I’m still trying to pin down the firebombing point.

The water’s sourced from Mount Hyjal. Depending on how far up the river you want to go, the horde would have to climb upward and into night elf territory if they wanted to stop it.

The base itself, sure. The civilians in it? Well, that gets a little more complicated.

Kind of like how a .50BMG is supposed to be used as an anti-materiel weapon.

“I was attempting to destroy the flak vest. It just happened to be on someone when I took the shot.”


Doesn’t the runoff come from Winterspring? And again, how do the Night Elves get enough poison stock to continually poison a river?

Well… if you use Blizzard logic and just bomb down mountains with a few explosives… sure. While the Alliance has aerial strikes too the Horde does have counters to them…
I used to think Darna was highly defensible until the WoT crap.

But I still see it as a situation where they reach a stalemate and Orgrimmar easily intercepts. But ofcouse, they could pull an Exodar and ignore it, or a SW and go “takes too long to reach” “portals can only port all the civilians out, not troops in”

I mean, at this rate, logic doesn’t mean anything in the setting so … anything goes I suppose.

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General Twinbraid heard the bad news and stated this time the Horde had made things personal.[19] After finding out a goblin corpse inside the ruined fortress, they mistakenly came to the conclusion it was the Bilgewater Cartel who did that.[20] Raging with vengeance, Twinbraid sent the Alliance champion to Frazzlecraz Motherlode, a Bilgewater goblin mining operation not far from Bael Modan. There he was tasked in killing some mine workers,[21] and bury the rest alive.[22] Although Twinbraid was happy to hear the news, the champion knew this wouldn’t be enough to quench his thirst for vengeance.[23]

That’s all I could find concerning that particular incident

I just added the poison bit because it reminded me of FF6. :stuck_out_tongue: Damming or diverting the river instead would be a relatively less war crime-y way of doing it; you’d just be opting to starve out the population instead.

Edit: But it really does begin up in Hyjal. I remember flying up there because I was curious the last time I thought of this thing. Even now, despite the story not going into it, the horde’s still passively reliant on the night elves to survive because they can’t control the entire river. It’s entirely on their goodwill that they can continue to drink.

Kefka is the best.


What you’re forgetting is that Night Elves are not allowed to have the benefit of those kinds of plot contrivances… or even most of our kit.

The difficulty again with damming is, while the Southfury river gorge can act as a defensible geopolitical barrier, given the goblins’ control of their side of the bank, it’s not one that the Night Elves could exert control over. Changing that would require countering goblin artillery, and I’m not sure that Night Elves could do that from the opposing bank of that river.

Maybe if they were approved to use chimaera and hippogryphs, but as we’ve seen throughout WoW, securing that approval is next to impossible.

tbh Dwarves get the best lore in the Alliance. Blizzard keeps them fairly consistent with their racial identity, and they aren’t afraid to write dwarves in light that can be considered morally grey at best.

For some reason they can’t do that with Night Elves.

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The word you’re looking for is “won’t”.

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Not gonna lie, and maybe I’m crazy, but it sure feels like blizz hates the fact that the NE and Worgen in the alliance. :wolf:

I think I’m not being clear. You don’t construct the dam in the river; you do it to the water that sources the river up in Hyjal. If you look at the zone map, all of the water comes from the Gates of Sothann area. If you put a stop to that, you cut off all water flow without alliance forces even having to approach the river in the first place.

They’re not doing a lot that makes me think otherwise.

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I think that would work if the bluffs weren’t stuffed full of shamans who would likely have little problem convincing the spirits of the earth to rise up and engulf the sappers.

It at the end of the day depends on how much Blizzard wants to destroy Thunderbluff. I could make arguments for days on why it would have made no sense for catapults to destroy Teldrassil, from Druidic intervention to the fact that it’s a massive living tree situated in the middle of the ocean across a strait that’s too far for catapults to shoot.

None of that stops writer mal-intent. Your shamans are worthless if Blizzard decides that they all collectively took a vacation that day and that sappers were toting portable nukes.

i disagree strongly here…poison wouldn´t fit the night elves…i mean, they would kill innocent life like wildlife aswell with a poisened river.

What many here forget…the night elves could simply overgrowth orgrimmar… with thornes

Then make another race do it. :stuck_out_tongue:

On that subject, the goblins DID beat us to it.