(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

Worgen …could do it, Darkiron and void elves are ruthless enough too, the night elves have no clue with being cruel towards foes , but they have a kind heart against animals and nature.

There’s an easier way to bring down Orgrimmar via starvation and lack of an adequate water supply.

Just put an Orc in charge of their economic, agricultural, and industrial policies.

I’d also be morbidly curious if this hypothetical would be treated with sufficient gravity like Teldrassil was, or if it’d get glossed over like Undercity.

It’s sad that Forsaken fans probably got hit hardest by BFA (Yes, even more than Night elves), and yet are treated like they’ve got no room to complain.


It depends on what the objectives are.

When the Night Elves cut off trade to the Horde, the narrative painted them as the bad guys and demanded sympathy for the Orcs. The Orcs got that, the Night Elves weren’t permitted a chance to counterargue. By my read, that was successful to the intended audience, who proceeded to argue that the invasion of Ashenvale was justified because the Night Elves wouldn’t giftwrap food to deal with Orgrimmar’s economic crises - crises that once again may be blamed squarely on Thrall.

As for Teldrassil, I do want to point out that the narrative spent a lot of time trying to justify it, and at first you had devs teasing that we were going to see old grievances come up - targeting the Night Elves once again with commentary that the Tauren didn’t like them, and frontloading Teldrassil with a blame-and-shame incident on Tyrande regarding the Nightborne. I expect that they thought that the Horde was going to be WAY more on board with it than they turned out to be, and as I’ve observed here - that event either still has support, or at least is something that most Horde fans don’t want to address or reverse.

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At least Sylvanas is succeeding at what she is doing. Night Elf fans got their city burned down in a fantastically display of “Feel bad for the pretty elf damsel so you can sympathize with this old suicidal war vet”. Only to then watch our leader get a major power buff so she can continue on failing to accomplish a single thing she sets out to do.


“We have it harder because we lost our city”

Forsaken lost theirs tooooooooooo


they lost not only their city…their lost their entire countries :wink: Teldrassil wasn´t a city, it was a country, ashenvale and darkshore were countries aswell.

i´ll give you the benefit of the doubt to have forgotten this simple fact, but …its no real comparison

Don’t humor the red herring. This is a distraction and Waygs knows it.


Y’all just proving my point that there’s a weird narcissistic trend of the night elf fan base to completely shut down and be snippy about anyone else not liking their races’ direction either.


Slowly I can’t read the word anymore…reads pretty paranoid…

I mean, you have to be aware of dishonest debate tactics. Asserting that merely discussing Teldrassil is at the same time claiming that no one else has problems is one such tactic. Those tactics exist to distract conversation away from the topic - because the person throwing out such an argument doesn’t want the base conversation to continue.

You have to be aware of dirty debate tactics. I don’t like it either, but they exist and are used often.

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explain this, i mean, most of the night elves like their races direction either…sooo ^^ what do you not like about them? (i mean, did you like them before? )

Admittedly this was only a sample size of…3, and I didn’t intend on it being some sort of bait topic at the time I posted it, but it kinda dawned on me that when I was scrabbling together what I thought would be particularly monstrous acts to do, my TB example was effectively Tauren 9/11, and I think Faranoth was the only one to balk a little bit at that. Makes me wonder if the roles were reversed, would the same justifications would be given? Or maybe worse, because now the alliance has been waiting to feel like they can strike back twice now.

I kinda bummed myself out now.

From Blizzard, or from the playerbase?

Playerbase, but I think I’m just making broadside posts at this point and should stop.


If BFA demonstrated anything to me, it’s that if you create a fascist narrative and tie it to the justifications for a playable video game faction, you will get people unironically elevating fascist rhetoric. As I do not believe that Alliance players are fundamentally different people from Horde players, I expect that if the roles were reversed the outcome would be similar.

Such is in line with historical experience. This is part of why people just obey monstrous regimes.

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One was a genocide, the other wasn’t. I’ll leave it you to figure out which side got the worse end of the narrative.

I’ll give you a hint, it’s not the forsaken. :wolf:

The call for comparisons is itself a distraction. I again wouldn’t humor this tactic.

It’s not a matter of compromise, it’s a matter of preventing a derail.

People love doing this - they love shutting down conversation on things that need to be talked about by diverting those conversations into a meaningless comparison game where we fail to decide over the next four-hundred posts whether the apple or the orange is more purple.

That is what Waygs is doing, I’m trying to prevent that.

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