(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

I would agree. But I tempered my expectations pretty early on in BfA.


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Factions and the players. How connected are they really? That is one of topics that the game really dropped the ball on IMO. Is the game about factions or not? Eventually the devs will have to decide.

gl hf

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So in short you don’t agree?

No, I do. What I pointed out was that I tempered my expectations in believing Blizzard would be able to produce something satisfying. That’s why I left and haven’t been back to retail.



If you’re looking for “literally no one” as where you want to put the goalposts, no, I’m not going to permit that.

What I am going to point out is that every indicator I’ve looked at his told me that popularity in the Night Elves has cratered since they have been subjected to the treatment that they have received from Cataclysm onward - and it’s not hard to see why. The major points that they sold most Night Elf fans on are items that they would take back or put to lie.

No, I assume that people who carry water for an ideology that meets ten of the fourteen points of Uberto Eco’s Ur Fascism are perpetuating that ideology - and no, it does not matter to me if they are doing it with respect to a fictional property so long as they are unironically, and in an out-of-character fashion espousing its ideals. The abstract acceptance of that ideology itself is an issue. By the way no, I will not apologize for you, nor bow to your rock-fetch demand to somehow datamine my discord channel - especially considering that the behavior I was referring to is what was taking place in front of your face right here on these forums, and in this thread.

The last time you said they were doing fine, I challenged you to convince me to feel good about playing one in retail, and that challenge stands.

In the meantime, if the race is completely unappealing because Blizzard has comprehensively humiliated it and has no plans to fix that, the fact that I can roll a Night Elf character means little if I’m completely demotivated to do so.

Again, constructively dead.

I think I came to that realization after the LOTR ripoff I realized… “wow its all poo poo not just my things.”


I suppose it might be if you aren’t as invested in the Night Elves as some are.

Not denying that as it has happened to a lot of races. To differing extents, sure.


I realize that you like to toss this out as a sort of gotcha, but the difference between you and I is that I don’t make a habit of trying to blockade attempts at fixing these issues as they apply to other races.

Instead, I get unfairly criticized for asking how we can solve multiple issues at once instead of submitting to things like Droite’s purity test.

Sure, as long when people are talking about fixing, say, the Horde, they include fixes for Alliance grievances, right?



It’s a two faction game. Got to fix the problems on BOTH sides before we can move on.


I listed you multipally reasons already. Next step will be killing Sylvanas. That will settle your grievance. Because Blizzard will not just delete a Horde race from the map just to appease to your irrational demands.

I’ve never asked to wipe a Horde race from the map, and am not doing so now.

It is, has always been, and will continue to be an onscreen reconquest of Ashenvale. That’s all I want, Erevien, why would you be standing in the way?

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Anyone have that twitter post about wanting sylvanas dead? with the poll.

But you already have Ashenvale. Read the latest novel. Tyrande would have killed Thrall, Baine and Calia on the spot if Ashenvale was still in Horde’s hand. They drew back all their forces from that zone.

There’s a place for that. Just as there is a place for identifying, positing and suggesting fixes for individuals, races and factions in the story.

For example, the Horde needing new racial leaders isn’t something that specifically involves taking anything from or harming the Alliance.



The novel was silent on Ashenvale, and even if it wasn’t - if it established that the Night Elves retook it, the “onscreen” part of it is important. I don’t want it to be a footnote hidden in a book, I want to see it - and I want some development resources to go to it.

If those resources were there for the War of the Thorns, then they can and should be there for this too.


BFA brought in a host of new characters though.
Alliance side it was Jaina and her mom.

you forgot Erazmin, Umbric and Fareeya.

The leaders of the core races are trash. We can do better then that.

You accused Baalsamael of being a real-life fascist sympathizer with no evidence other than that he plays Horde, and implied that the same applied to the entire Horde player base. Also, don’t think that I haven’t noticed that you’ve deleted the post in which you did so. I really don’t understand why you seem surprised that I’ve asked for evidence when you’ve made extreme claims without proof. You don’t want to apologize, fine, but don’t expect people to treat you as reasonable when you refuse to give evidence that you can be reasoned with. This conversation has proven to me that I can expect about as much reasonable discussion out of you as I can a brick wall.


I mean, given that you’ve systematically ignored every out that I provided to you and him and have proceeded forward regardless with the same line, I think you’re seeing the brick wall when you look in a mirror.

Regarding this specifically:

I didn’t delete it. It was flagged and removed without my consent.

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