(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

So not surprising many NEs having unresolved issues. :man_shrugging::man_shrugging:

No justice or revenge available anywhere

It’s not just NE players. But when the issues are made up (like saying Night Elves are extinct) there isn’t anything to resolve, so…

It’s almost like Blizzard wrote themselves into a hole and realized all too late that punishing the players is a bad idea.



New city for population numbers and some powerful racial moments against the one group that terrorizes them constantly will help.

They should do it anyway.

Nobody Likes the Tauren. Turn them into BBQ and we are even.

Nobody likes your troll posts. So I guess we’re already even


? So are you saying the Night Elves are extinct?

Haven’t you been punished enough?


I think they got savaged as a race by the Horde and Blizzard did everything they could to make it as bad as possible to get everybody motivated for a faction war.

But NEs were still left bleeding in the street and any fighting back has been denied them. They really need their strong moment.

Neither has been punished enough to make all this worthwhile.

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They are constructively dead, I would argue. The major reasons for wanting to roll one are gone. What remains is unappealing - which, and I realize I’m bridging topics here - seems to be the way that Horde players on these boards want to keep things.

They got that when Tyrande killed Nathanos,

The Horde does not owe you anything. Get over it.

As long as a race has leaders standing no race is dead. Night elves have six of them. And they keep getting story.

Nice dodge, but this doesn’t engage with what I meant.

Not to mention - our leaders are terrible.

Mordent Evenshade

looks like a solid cast to me.

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waht you dont get is they personally dont them so it doesnt count bceause it doesnt work with their head canon


I made my point already. If you’re not interested in engaging with it, I’m not going to humor your attempt to distract.

Once again:

then dont roll one and roll something else u cringelord

let ppl who like htem roll one

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Yeah, they stated as such.

This is not true.

??? You want more punishment for the players?


For you? Or are you arguing that literally nobody wants to play night elf?

If you say so…


I only criticized you after you started assuming that strangers playing a video game were fascist because they play Horde characters. You claim that you want to be held to a reasonable standard, but then refuse to apply that standard to others and complain when you’re called out on it. I am not part of some conspiracy to attack you, I am not in private contact with anyone else here. You have made absurd and offensive claims regarding strangers real-life politics, and you made yourself available for criticism the moment you posted those claims on a public forum. That’s where we are with this. You could, for instance, have apologized, but instead you doubled down and insisted that your personal Discord experience gave you leave to continue attacking uninvolved strangers. If you’re going to insist on sticking with your claim that Horde players in general are fascist-leaning, then you are free to give proof and evidence by answering the questions I asked about your data. If you’re not going to do that or apologize, don’t bother responding.

I meant as a whole, not necessarily any specific leaders. I’d love some more internal conflict, or even just internal focus, on some of the various nations that make up the factions. I think it’d be good to catch up on what’s been going on at home, so to speak, while we’ve been off fighting aliens and tentacle monsters and such.


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Come on, Kyalin. This is Erevien…


I say the night elves are not dead. They settled at Hyjal. They took Darkshore back. Tyrande activley engages in the Shadowlands story. We help saving Nelf souls from the Maw. They are doing fine.

For as much as of a big event Teldrassil was I don’t think a cyclical NPC battle ground is really the conclusive finale to all the pent up issues NEs and the Horde have.

Oh yeah, clearly where we left things is not satisfactory so lets continue where we left off no?


The story wanted to say this:

The World Tree was more than a city. It was an entire land, home to countless innocents. How many night elves were elsewhere in Azeroth? Far too few. Now, they were all who remained of their people.
Sylvanas Windrunner had committed genocide.

© Elegy

but it did not intent to follow it up. Which is one of sources of frustration and why I think that it’s about time to fully consider the story to be one of the problems of the game, and not be exluded from the list where it belongs (with gameplay, backtrack on customization, etc.)

gl hf