(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

Why would they want to in Cataclysm? The Tauren haven’t appreciably changed since the Year of Our Lord Two-Thousand upon Ten.
Why would the Horde want to attack Night Elves?
The answer is there wasn’t a solid reason, they just did it. Which compounds the sin in both examples.

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Cataclysm? The murderous thugs of the Alliance were already murdering Tauren villages even in Vanilla.

Face it, the Alliance will murder anyone they get a chance to that isn’t a member of their little club



You’ve yet to be proven right at all.

Nathanos untouchable: false
Tyrande being killed: false
Sylvanas never being a raid boss: false
Night elves extinct: false

Of those that died in Teldrassil, not 90% of the entire population. Again, you’re wrong.

You don’t know what literally means.


Separating posts. Look again.

Sure it does. Because it points out that you were wrong and have a nasty habit of misrepresenting things said by Blizzard among other things.

Only when you’re delusional.

I adore that you pick and choose what to latch onto with what the devs say.

Devs said Sylvanas won’t be getting a pass for her actions, but to you it means they’re giving her a pass on her actions?

Only in your head.

SOOOOOO many. :rofl:



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To pave a way to Ashenvale to hit the Horde army there from two fronts. That’s the reason they didn’t move into Mulgore. To put it bluntly, Camp Taurajo was a speedbumb as far as the Barrens offensive was concerned. Move up through the barrens, smash the army in Ashenvale to pieces, and then attack Durotar. That was the plan anyways.

Well, according to Sylvanas and Saurfang, to prevent the Alliance from attacking them for past transgressions. Not that it led to anything except making the Alliance more likely to attack the Horde, but well.

While the Alliance certainly wants revenge for Teldrassil, they would go for Orgrimmar, not Thunder bluff. You can attack it from the sea, instead of having to walk through Dustwallow, the Barrens and Mulgore. And it’s also more strategically important. So I don’t see why the Alliance would hit Thunder bluff before Orgrimmar

Seems a bit more apt with recent events in mind.


Still waiting for his final death then :upside_down_face:

Tyrande either killed or forgiving Sylvanas: right

Sylvanas never brought to justice: right

Not quite yet, but very close. And with no home or future, how long do you think they’re going to last?

90% of those that died in Teldrassil were obliterated, plus those that died in Ashenvale and Darkshore. In other words, 10% of those that died in Teldrassil were not obliterated.

There’s a PTR.

Apparently I am following it better than you, otherwise you wouldn’t spread such nonsense.

It makes no difference if she’s a raid boss or not when she’s escaping justice anyway.

Only when you pay attention to… literally everything happening inside and outside of the game.

She doesn’t need a pass, because even after Teldrassil they called her “Not evil”. It’s not evil as long as it’s done against Night Elves, therefore, why should she face justice in the first place?

Take a look at the map.
They’re not getting across the divide.

Genn is not a night elf, Morghel. It’s shocking, I know.

Well yea, but I just said it was the plan. Fight through the barrens, get up to Ashenvale, help the Night elves. Unfortunately the Alliance got stuck on step 1, probably because of that damned scar making it impossible to get over without a bridge, which is hard to build when there are enemy forces directly on the other side.

The Night elves still had beef with the Horde before bfa. Fly over Silverwind refuuge, and you’ll see ample reason for the Night elves to hate them. It would proably be easier to list the races within the Alliance that don’t have, or in this context didn’t have beef with the Horde.

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A plan that literally cannot succeed is not sufficient reason to attack the most benevolent race in Warcraft.

That tells me what night elves think. It doesn’t tell me what the Horde thinks, which is the question you’re challenged with answering. And to point, you chose a loaded answer; one from Cataclysm.

The Horde had been out of Ashenvale since MoP’s end.


Still waiting for him to come back. Oh, he wasn’t datamined in 9.1. Still waiting…

Moving goal posts.

Took 4 iterations of the game for Arthas to be brought to justice, Veruca.

You have no numbers for their population, only assumptions.

See above.

That shows Tyrande forgiving Sylvanas? Nah.

Hollow words coming from you.

Still stuck at :one:.

If you say so…

Keep flailing. Those statements have been dissected numerous times and things going firsts have already shown that your take on them is false.

Just like you and the other NEFPA insisting that 8.1 was the last thing Night Elves would get regarding vengeance.



I mean it could have, maybe. It wasn’t beyond the realm of possibility to push through the Barrens. It was just more difficult than the Alliance imagined.

Regarding Taurajo, yea it was a poor choice. With how lightly defended it was, the Alliance could probably just have walked into the place, rounded up all inhibitants, and escorted them to the great Mulgore wall, and then set up a few scouts to report if any Horde soldiers made their way to the Barrens.

It required absolute control of both sides of the divide. Even if they did genocide the Tauren race, Orgrimmar’s full resources and soldiers outnumber Theramore’s. There’s absolutely no way they could pull it off.

I assume “because they’re horde” would be good enough, regardless of how Baine acts.


He said he’ll be back, Ion said he’ll be back. I bet he’ll appear once Sylvanas gets absolved of her crimes.

Arthas was also never fully forgiven, redeemed or absolved.

I do, I know that close to every single night elf in Ashenvale, Darkshore and Teld was wiped out, and that there are quote “far too few” left.

I actually also have the numbers here. Around 1000 died in Teldrassil, and in Ardenweald we saved around a hundred in total.

It shows her giving up on justice against Sylvanas, meaning that she’s fine with forgiving her and her incoming justification :woman_shrugging:

If you want to count our “Giving up on justice” and “Giving up on a future” moment in SL :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Just out of curiosity, will you admit that you were wrong in… not even 2 weeks?

Where is he?

Ion also said Azeroth is a world of grey.


Neither was Sylvanas.

No, you don’t.

What percentage of the Night Elf Population is alive. Give me a canon source.

Go ahead.

I’ll wait.

So when you say you have numbers you mean you actually don’t have any numbers. Got it.

Ok. So, again :point_down:

You still have no numbers as to what % of their population was killed or remains.

Only assumptions.

Focusing on renewal = giving up on justice

Right, like:

“Sylvanas isn’t getting a pass.” = “Sylvanas is being a pass.”

Oh, I see. So when Tyrande states she is focusing on renewal you see it as Tyrande saying she wants to lay down and die.

Got it.

Right back at you.



Once again, we talked about the methods you used and why they’re improper. Stop using this method.

Waiting to reappear whenever Sylvanas gets absolved of her crimes, that doesn’t have to be in the first patch :woman_shrugging:

So? If he was refering to Teldrassil, he’s not the only one who thinks that Teldrassil wasn’t evil and can be justified by Horde players.

Except that she will… if not in a few weeks then she’ll just escape and fly away until it happens.

“Far too few”, which is obvious considering that all of their 3 zones were wiped out with the exception of a few refugees.

Uh no, it’s literally in the game.

The numbers tell us that we saved 10% at best, but fewer because those that died in Ashenvale and Darkshore also count in.

I do have a “far to few” statement and the fact that their 3 populated zones were wiped out with a handful of survivors.

Uh yes, that’s blizz writer language for “You wont bring Sylvanas to justice because she’s getting a justification, but have some renewal for the anima left of what once was your race”.

There is no renewal when the past story has been focusing purely on telling us that there can’t be a future. Their people are dead, their souls obliterated, their zones either destroyed or in Horde control. Renewal for who?

No, you just deliberately refuse to understand it or something, and I’m tired of arguing with you about this.

We both know this isn’t the case. We discussed the methods at length, and you haven’t provided me with a compelling argument for why your method is defensible.

Look, either you stop this, or I will. I will make a thread for the purposes of future referencing just to respond to this seemingly evergreen point.

Kind of like Sylvanas being brought to justice… :scream:

Keep flailing.


Again, no numbers for the population.

But not how many of the total population died or are currently alive.

But no numbers to back you up on what % of the Night Elf Population was killed or is still alive.

If you say so…

Some of them. How many? You have no idea.

You clearly don’t know what renewal means either.



That seems less and less likely and many are still waiting for the Horde to be brought to justice.

With Blizzard’s writing this isn’t surprising.

