(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

Well, we do know, as stated in Shadows Rising, that the Kaldorei have made Hyjal their home. Whether that is shown in game is another matter entirely. As far as Sylvanas goes, we all knew a possible redemption was in the cards for her. That really shouldn’t come off as a suprise to anyone who’s been paying attention :wolf:

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@Ethriel, did you imagine your reaction if the incredible happens: will you like the story or at least satisfy? What will you do? Drinking wine? Launching fireworks? Will you try to grow a tree?

Eh not sure about that, I have never been provided with a source that states more than Tyrande and the others being present in Hyjal. But I never heard that the Night Elves actually made it their new home, maybe a temporary base of operation, operations that failed because Sylvanas and those others got away with it.
We also never heard of the Horde leaving Hyjal.

Yea, but that doesn’t make it acceptable.

The incredible would be Sylvanas being brought to justice for her actions and the Night Elves getting positive development.

Since both of these are completely impossible, I also don’t have to consider what my reaction would be.

Truth? Haven’t even tried it? Interesting. Maybe empty promises that are forgotten almost immediately?

I have seen your posts clashing with Ethriel and Kyalin. I am not going to waste my time playing this game with you :slight_smile:

Meh Horde get plenty of handwaves too, if you are going to be mad then be consistent about it.

I don’t think Alliance races calling Horde races racial slurs would match up to Teldrassil, but maybe that’s just me.

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It’s par for the course for Blizzard. Look at the downfall of the Lich King and Kil’jaeden. This isn’t Blizzard inviting malice against the Night Elves, it’s just what they do.


Still awful.

The continuation of the story arc of Saurfang IMO would make way more sense if the KJ encounter would be a pivotal point. It could’ve been his moment to address what was done with the orcs (assuming original W3 take on the horde over "they are jerks without demon blood) and his feeling towards draenei.

It’s one of the situations where some blizz writers are so stubborn in following a specific story they imagine, that it hurt other story lines, IMO.

  1. still awful storytelling
  2. if it is seen in a certain way, the problem is inability of the devs to tell the story in the game.

gl hf

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We don’t get one for Teldrassil. The Alliance needs an equivalent evil.

Oh, my sweet summer child.
Racism is so much more than name calling.

I know that. But how you will make that racism happen without heavy blows to the Horde is the hard question. Downright impossible i’d say. equally as hard would actually be to frame it so that it’s not just victims lashing out at their abusers. Good luck with that.


Your bad takes on all of that has been thoroughly addressed. But since you’re still stuck at :one: you keep repeating the same falsehoods.

See above.

Night elves still exist. You’re stuck at :one:.

Partly obliterated.

And again Tyrande has not forgiven Sylvanas. That is your assumption.

That you refuse to follow because you keep squawking about falsehoods like this :point_down:

Remember when you and the other NEFPA were 100% convinced that Sylvanas would never be a raid boss?

I remember.

Here’s your assumptions again.

So, not countless?

Not sure where you got countless from.

:one: <---- You’re still here.


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I agree. All I’m saying is that this is not Blizzard going after Night elf fans like some would imply.


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Well, context matters. If they fail to realize it, that makes the story awful and worth criticizing :stuck_out_tongue:

gl hf


It’s not even been a month, and there’s over one thousand posts about (1) one cinematic which we haven’t even seen in its entirety. I know yous devolved into typical Story Forum faction squabbling, but holy ****, please calm down. At least until 9.1 comes out next week, so we can squabble with accurate canon to back us up.

Ok but what evil would you have them commit?

Silly hordies, you can’t play nelves anymore they all got obliterated…there’s only like 20 left!

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I mean I’m already on record offering up Thunderbluff on a silver platter.


It was exactly that, it was “consumed by vengeance and dying” or forgiving. Now we got latter option.

The only one stuck at denial here is you, because you’re left with almost nothing, and you’ll be left with nothing once the Sylvanas raid comes out and I’ll be proven right again.

As a playable race, sure. And then they spawn you in front of ruins that was once your race.

more than 90% :woman_shrugging:

It’s literally right there in 9.1. I guess Sylvanas beats Tyrande so hard that she realizes that she’s too strong for anyone to defeat. So now she gives up on justice and focuses on renewal for the nothingness that is left of her people.

I’m following it very well. No resolution for Night Elves in BfA, none in Shadowlands. Sylvanas? Getting absolved of her crimes and getting away with it again.

Seems like you have no counter argument there.

It doesn’t matter if she’s a raid boss or not when she’s getting away with it anyway.

No, it’s blatantly obvious and was even stated multiple times.

From the fact that I’d have to spend a good time looking because there are just so many.

Most of 9.1 is known, the only thing we don’t know yet is if Sylvanas will fly away and be forgiven later, or if she’ll be forgiven right on the spot.

Thunderbluff, Mulgore… and what other 2 zones? And what race will be genocided, tortured, obliterated and which one of our Alliance leaders will get their own expansion where they’re celebrated and glorified for it?

If people do not go after each other personally - why not?

Still speculations and discussions end up more interesting than the official lore. Which is in-line with Danuser’s approach I’d say.

gl hf


The one race who’s leader gets any kind of pass for what transpired during bfa, and you want the Alliance to hit them. Sounds like just kicking the dog if i’ll be honest. Not to mention your feelings on Baine…

And why would the Alliance want to hit the Tauren, specifically? Just because they are cowmen? Please, the Alliance has demon goats and wolfmen, as well as panda men. The racism narrative is on thin ice indeed.