(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

Lillian Voss is also not the forsaken leader.

Yes she is. Go read Roux’s book. She’s the interim leader.

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Okay nobody cares about their temporary representative in the council when Sylvanas will be forgiven and return in no time. Just like Nathanos, because guess who’s in charge of the story, who also happens to play undead.

Y’all need to stop entertaining her. forreal forreal.

such a good book

truly the best written trolls i’ve ever read in wow


So far, the story has been leaning in the direction that Calia will inevitably take over as the new forsaken leader. It’s part of the BFA afterstory where Voss says she believes “someone else” will be more fitting to lead than her, and needs to be eased into the position. Considering she’s next seen dragging Calia around in the Shadow’s Rising book, it’s clear that the new leader is intended to be her.

It’s probably why Derek’s even a thing. I think Blizzard’s banking on replacing the Sylvanas / Nathanos dynamic with Calia / Derek instead as a zombie power couple, except they suck.


The story, if anything, has been leaning in the direction that Sylvanas will be forgiven entirely just like the Horde. For a long time. And that she’s getting a pass on genocide and torturing innocents to oblivion because it’s not bad if done against the Night Elves.

With even Tyrande forgiving her, this is very clear, and with Sylvanas’ voice actor not leaving Blizzard anytime soon either, they’ll either keep Sylvanas as a neutral mary sue hero or make her return to the Horde after Shadowlands.

I don’t think the Forsaken have any long term negative consequences from BfA or Shadowlands other than losing their capital city. And that’s a pretty good deal if you consider what atrocities they got to commit and how their leader has been the face of wow for 2 expansions and countless cinematics.


So far she says that she abandoned claims to the throne (Shadowlands pre-patch).

I have a conspiracy theory, but it’s offtop:

In the PTR version of the meeting quest, the ending says “Lilian’s machinations are becoming clearer”. Not in the retail though. So, what could that be?

The thing is (IMO) that a lot of what Lilian does and says is squarely related to her idea that “the living can never accept them”. So when she learned that Calia if freely chatting to some as undead, what did she say? (Sense of Obligation)

Well, that is interesting…
I must act quickly.

Or at least that’s how I imagine an interesting take on that story. Which might be my imagination. Or not interesting to others at all.

I think he’s a tool for the Jaina “arc”.

gl hf

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Blizzard is playing into the “the only worthwhile leaders are the ones who don’t want to be leaders” trope.


Lilian would fit it too. And a bunch of not developed properly horde characters.

gl hf

An unusual feeling.
Thank you.

Shall we make a new deal? Tyrande, along with Finel, quietly retire from history. In exchange: do whatever you want.

Nah, it can. It literally required to happen draenei not to be present with the night elves (there is a bunch of draenei quest givers in Ashenvale in TBC for example), and Saurfang to forget his WotLK arc.

So, BfA experience can exist without logic or reason.

gl hf


That quote about Voss’s machinations becoming clearer was part of a larger block of text where the player character was internally monologuing about how honorable Calia was being, despite Sylvanas “betraying” her. The text was changed when people complained on the PTR.

But the whole thing about someone not interested in becoming a leader is also a trope about how they’d be the best for the job. Technically that applies to Voss too, but so far, only one of them has been pushing the other. It’s possible Blizzard might walk that back due to Calia backlash, but we won’t know for certain.


Whats even the point here?

Not to mention the Worgen conviently didn’t hang back to help defend their elven allies. Imagine how the war the would’ve turned out if the kaldorei had both their allies there to help with the defense. :wolf:

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Just like the story was leaning towards Tyrande being killed by her Night Warrior powers? Oh wait! That was false.

You don’t even know what this means.

Devs said otherwise.

Yes, yes. Night Elves were the only race that ended up in the Maw. No one else…

Never happened. But, of course, your twisted delusions think that Tyrande focusing on renewal is the same as Tyrande saying she forgives Sylvanas.

You realize that a lot of voice actors do voices for more than 1 character, right?

Again, here is you making assumptions with literally nothing of substance to back it up.

LOL! No surprise you’d say something silly like this.

4 = countless? Ok…


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Onomatopoeia or action descriptions are my RP. A way of expressing emotions.

Well, I just prefer to have goofy conversations with occasional ideas about what could’ve happen / should’ve been taken into account in a miraculous event of some significant changes in the narrative team.

Otherwise - a little bit of everything. Like Anduin and mak’gora.

gl hf

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It’s those sort of claims that…bother me I guess. Like, the Night elves weren’t the only ones who suffered during WoWs history. There’s been plenty of head scratching/WTF writing moments from the dev team concerning every race in game.

I get that NE fans have legitimate complaints with the story, but these ridiculous claims just make it that much harder to take the actual legitimate gripes serious, you know? :wolf:


I honestly imagined a situation originally when Tyrande forces Sylvanas to also become a night warrior / share power, and that way ruin the Jailer’s plans and mark an end of Sylvanas’s arc.

Devs also said that Tyrande’s feeling are justified, but the game says that her state is concerning, etc. You know the sad story turn of 9.1 and Tyrande saying “eh, whatever” after being fixed and not going after Sylvanas.

And after the ritual of Thiernax that did not work, now ackshually working.

Tyrande not being a part of the raid team is as awful take on the story as not being present during the Orgrimmar events in BfA.

That was the focus of the marketing. People expected the story follow what was advertised. If the devs fail to deliver - they fail to deliver.

gl hf

The story was leaning towards either Tyrande dying or her forgiving Sylvanas, now we got the second option.

Except that they said that Sylvanas is either not evil or that she’s getting redeemed in various interviews ever since Teldrassil.

Night Elves were the only race whose whole future was dependant on saving those in the maw… which didn’t happen so no future for them.

Focusing on renewal for a race that has been obliterated in the maw is an insane thing to say.
There’s also no home for them or safe lands to settle.

I have a story, interviews, tweets and history to back it up. And a raid in 2 weeks where she escapes justice once again.

What other long term negative consequences do they have with Sylvanas and Nathanos returning?

I can count 5 CGI cinematics alone, now add all the ingame cutscenes or pre rendered cinematics. Not sure where you pulled that 4 from.

It’s not really a ridiculous claim though. Sylvanas is getting away, we know that, so obviously she’ll just return to the forsaken so they don’t have to change the npc dialogues.

We also know that the Night Elves will never be able to move on from the war of thorns, because their zones were destroyed or made into Horde zones, and their souls were permanently obliterated in the maw. There’s no coming back from that. Also, do I need to mention that they’ll very obviously never get a new home?