(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

It does, you want a BFA experience, BFA cannot exist without the rest of the experience/ events that ultimately lead to it.(particularly MoP, because like it or not, Sylvanas was simply following though on Garrosh’s whole plan in the first place)

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dreadmoore and kyalin belong together
and they say love is dead



Yes. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Given the current “unreliable narrator” trend, I would add that there are no other sources to confirm the statement.

Arguably it should’ve been. But it is not.

I wish…

gl hf

It has been forever since I read the Last Guardian, but I dont ever recall this? Where was in the book(at least an aproximation, I can check my copy)

Shernish, you’re RP speak is weird af lol.

Also boys, the power of the night warrior was used by the night elves to CARVE their empire they must’ve carved it with gifts and niceness though according to these posters


Arguably we won’t get any until we get a different team that will take into account the player experience and story consistency over personal likes and ignoring the follow ups of the events.

So, do you want something horrible, or not?

They are “objectively good” in the eyes of the developers, but then there is a contradiction between the tauren we see originally, with their share of grimtotem-alike tribes [edit: actually, maybe I just wrongly recall different location with grimtotem memebers, and not different tribes :thinking:], and Cairne not being like Baine, and the “tauren stand Proud” sitting in Oribos for more than half a yeah.

So, which should be considered the true™ version to build their fantasy upon?

And any city could be rebuild. And story could lead to exploration of themes / character / cultures, or just be a plot device. Depends on the execution, I’d say.

With the way that story was handled - none of it should’ve happened, because it’s worthless for anything other that marketing the stuff, taking money, and placing the stories to the side. Key for marketing, background in the actual story.

We need Anduin to be present for this to happen. He’s been to “free” from responsibility for his decisions, and managed to get away from consequences even when his bones were crushed.

You would be hired instantly by the current narrative team I think.

Nah, we have a bunch of stories when characters like Khadgar are moralizing that the alliance players should feel bad if they do not forgive everything without question.

The story has split personality problem, when the devs want to claim that the factions are the core and what we do is in the name of the factions, but the story is telling how bad bad everyone is who does not seek to condemn the faction boundaries. IMO it does not work. And could not work, I think.

Figuratively speaking, we did. IF is the key city in Classic, but Stormwind is pushed by the devs in retail.

Oh please, removing Anduin / Jaina would be welcome IMO. Arguably, given Genn’s position in the heritage quest, perhaps that would not be bad either.

gl hf

But Blizzard isn’t assuring the Horde or Forsaken that they’ll get their lands back. They’re only assuring the Night Elves.

Nah, have to hate the Horde and love the Alliance.

And? The Horde has been moralized for three expansions before BFA – I’m not saying you should get pre BFA moralizing. If you want the BFA experience, you get the BFA experience.


Tyrande mirrors Sylvanas as the leader on the opposite continent.

Ah yeah, that’s why we only got 1 out of 3 zones back and no new home. They also promised us justice or resolution and it never happened.

Oh, so that’s why the entire cinematic budget was spent for the Horde. And that’s why an alliance race was wiped out and had everything taken from them just so a single orc can get sad and the horde can get all the attention.

The Night Elves have no influence on Kalimdor anymore, it’s all Horde now unless you want to count the Draenei as a threat.

Again, you’re a liar and a hypocrite.

iirc Shadowlands supposedly dealing with night elves, and next expansion - with the forsaken. Given what happens with the elves, I mourne the forsaken.

IMO have to have hate everything other than a few characters, turned into whatever instead of what they were.

Just pointing out how contradicting the story is to the gameplay.

Genocide or random people not related to existing problems, followed by a death of bad-bad Anduin and a story that you must forgive the rest of the alliance?

Sounds miserable, but in line with the current narrative team, so it would fit I suppose.

It is bad that the devs pushed Orgrimmar and Stormwind to the detriment of other cities IMO.

It have has to involve Anduin’s death, otherwise - no deal.

gl hf


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I know they said the former, but have heard no indication on the latter tho

if anything, they implied not only the Forsaken but explicitly stated the Tauren too would have big development in Shadowlands lol

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Well Anduin would be Saurfang and Tyrande would be Sylvanas with Malfurion as Nathanos.

Well, it’s not like it’s the first time Baine got cut from his own content. Or the second. :stuck_out_tongue:


I remember it. It’s a Danuser quote that I regularly mention. Danuser states that “Blizzard will never hold off important story moments again” and that “Night Elves story will be quickly rectified” but “Forsaken get no story in shadowlands.”

Edit/Addendum: I guess I don’t remember them stating that Forsaken are next expansion. Just that they aren’t being resolved in this one. Which contradicts their claim that stories will be quickly resolved.

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It looks like the thing with BfA. Market the expansion with

No pain in the Lady’s light, in the Lady’s love. Mother and child both slept, breathing gently despite the smoke. Her duty faithfully discharged, Astarii allowed her own eyelids to flutter closed.

There will be justice, one day, but eyes other than ours will behold it.

And then be like “eh, people already payed the money, so who gives a f”. “Justice? What justice? It’s the story about turning the horde into something new! And Anduin. Totally about Anduin. And Jaina touching Thrall” (which is also contradicting the marketing materials afaia, but whatever)

I totally can imagine mak’gora attempt of Anduin, but I imagined it to be Yrel. With the Light being “lol, nope, not this time, Anduin!”

First he cut his horns. Now this.

I am sure Baine will be featured when the characters discuss Anduin. He was (in 9.0) saying during one of conversation:

The Jailer's Grasp
Baine Bloodhoof says: We should gather our forces and attack Torghast! Anduin must be freed!

Nothing says “faction pride” more than this, or Saurfang’s “for Azeroth”.


Through all our other journeys, the villains we’ve fought, the deeds we’ve accomplished in World of Warcraft so far, we’ve done these things in the name of our factions, viewed through that lens.

© https://www.polygon.com/2017/11/3/16597166/world-of-warcraft-battle-for-azeroth-news-features-reveal-wow-new-expansion


gl hf

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I guess he played DotA too much and wanted to say

but tried to mask it as “rekt—ified”.

[I mean not in a doomsaying way, but as “solutions that players do not want”]

It’s kind of the current approach of blizz. I guess they want to test loyalty of the audience or something. Some will always defend them.

gl hf

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In that case, it was a lie, since we’ve seen what happened now, and it was nowhere near rectified. :wink:
Except that they doubled down on the Night Elves’ misery and glorifying their genocide.

Maybe you missed the forsaken leader being all over the place and the face of wow.

Lilian Voss isn’t even in the hecking expansion.

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