(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

Let’s destroy Orgrimmar entirely. Then one or two extensions of silence. And the destruction of Zul’Dazar.
The second attack will definitely be racist. I’m pretty sure about that.

Although … and if this option is used: the Alliance attacks the Horde because of the economic failure after the war? The idea is so-so, but you never know.

I believe that many things have changed their positions during the sundering

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If you can find the quote, you can make that claim.

I’m not mad that the purge happened. I’m mad that Blizzard never acknowledges that Jaina (and they who aided her) were wrong.

1: Pretending that Teldrassil is Orgrimmar’s equal.
2: Pretending that Lordaeron hasn’t been destroyed with two expansions of silence.
3: Pretending that Blizzard hasn’t been more silent about Lordaeron than Teldrassil.

I don’t understand your point here.

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All of this is wrong. Every bit of it.

I specifically opposed that Northrend idea, and have repeatedly pushed back against people advocating for literal genocides repeatedly.

The discussion that even came close to imperialism was a discussion on whether or not the Kaldorei were a “splinter” government from the Azsharan empire - which I argued that they were not.

I’m not sure what you’re on about concerning Garithos, at all.

If you believe this is a reasonable standard, and in any other situation I’d agree with you, then you shouldn’t have made yourself a part of the dogpile on this matter.

But so long as that’s the standard that I’m being held to, then that’s the standard that I’m going to hold my opponents to. That’s where we are with this. If you didn’t want to deal with that, then you shouldn’t have joined the dogpile.

To be honest, it makes no difference to me which cities to destroy, if only it was unpleasant for you.

The second city is needed solely for the manifestation of racism, because the first city will be perceived as a justified attack.

Do you want to sing about the Undercity? Sing! But don’t pretend that Undercity and Teldrassil are equal in degree of inaccessibility.

Why are you pretending Lordaeron wasn’t unpleasant for me?

Oh I mean sure. But it can’t be Orgrimmar purely because it’s our Stormwind. The other cities don’t have the npcs Orgrimmar/Stormwind have.

Thunderbluff would be good. With Baine being a member of the Alliance, murdering and destroying his city via racism would be something Alliance players couldn’t brush away, what with Tauren being one of the few objectively good races in the setting.

Blizzard: Trees can regrow! :wink:
Also Blizzard: Yeah undead are stuck in Orgrimmar and the heat is super rotting them. They have no where to go.


This is probably a decent occasion just to remind everyone once again as well that I’m on the record multiple times as agreeing that Lordaeron shouldn’t have happened, that its circumstances were just as ridiculous, that it matters just as much, and that it should be reclaimed/retaken onscreen by the Forsaken.

Since this topic has come up.

Oh, don’t worry about Undercity. I’m ready to offer Ironforge … Demon. Ironforge alone can suggest what a shame.

What is Tanderblaff? Thunder Cliff?

It’s okay, the dwarves will have nowhere to go either.

I’m not even demanding an Alliance city in exchange for Thunderbluff. I just want Blizzard to finally admit the Alliance is completely, wholly, objectively, inexcusably, fundamentally, and irrevocably wrong with a sin they can never take back.

Then that sin must be lorded over all players of the Alliance for the same exact amount of time that Teldrassil is lorded over Horde players.


Okay. Except … Scream … Will the night elves be unhappy with this sin? Others too, (guttural laughter).

I don’t care if the players are unhappy or not. The story needs to lord over you how unhappy your faction is. How wrong you and your faction are. How weak your faction is. Your faction leaders need to remind you how wrong the entire Alliance – including the Night Elves – were for (in this scenario you’ve suggested) destroying Thunderbluff because the Alliance does not see Tauren as people, just animals.

I’m sure Baal could suggest a better story than you and I did, though.


Quiet laughter.
Remember that you deserve to lose the first city.
And then there will be an assault on Stormwind … And Anduin will be blamed for everything. Joyful chattering of teeth.
It will be an interesting experience. At the very least, it will be interesting to watch the “villainous” cry of the Alliance.

Oh. You want a new BFA where the Alliance is treated exactly like the Horde was, and the Horde is treated exactly like the Alliance was?
Count me in. Absolutely. We lose Thunderbluff, our least important city. You lose Ironforge, your most. Peons nearly defeat the entire Alliance, including Malfurion and Tyrande. Tyrande quivers in fear when facing … idk, Thrall? We only have one possible demi god.

Then you’re going to be introduced to two characters Blizzard wants you to like a lot, only for both of them to betray you. You must play as Horde killing this heroes yourselves, as you conquer some city of the Alliance’s to do it. Thrall holds the entire Alliance back by himself, suffering no injuries. Later content in the next expansion reveals he could’ve killed the entire Alliance like Jaina could have the Horde, but he’s a good person like she is.

Two important Alliance heroes must be lost for however long Sylvanas and Nathanos are. Tyrande and Malfurion make the most sense, what with being the only couple. Then, idk I guess Anduin can die to fill the Saurfang slot.

There’s more, of course, but I’ve got a migraine.


I’m sad I missed the earlier argument in this thread because it’s more entertaining than talking about Tyrande.

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As soon as we burn down a few extra of you towns and Bildgewater. Really, if you want to set the scene for this entire thing then I say you need to get the exact reverse of what happened. MoP and all!

Or it just become a battle for Exodar/Silvermoon. Considering those two are next on the chopping block if another faction war were to happen. Oh, and maybe we can have some leave a giant hole in the middle of Ogrimmar for a few expansions if you are so interested in getting the Alliance experience.

And we will get an Alliance character(Trulayon or maybe Muradin) getting several cinematics and having say most of Eversong woods be a contested zone for an entire expansion or so.

Bilgewater isn’t anywhere near thunderbluff tho? If you want to burn down camp taco on the way into mulgore, then bloodhoof village, that’s fine.

Nope. She wants an exact copy of BFA, but with the Alliance experiencing the Horde and vice/versa. You must lose your most important city that isn’t your faction capital. That’s Ironforge. We lose our least important city, that’s Thunderbluff.

??? This isn’t Cataclysm. And dry your tears, Stormwind is the largest city in the entire game, even with Varian’s statue being a crater.

It’s whichever character takes the Saurfang slot. Has to be important, has to be made weak and ineffectual, cowering and near worthless just like Saurfang was. Has to admit the Alliance playerbase was wrong to have ever joined the Alliance, just like Saurfang did in Dustwallow Marsh to Anduin.


You wanted the Alliance experience. Then I say we burn down the only Horde city that could have equaled Theramore. Hell, the worgens got a tree in Darnassus and that burned down too. Seems like it would time the goblins got a taste of it.

Undercity was not your most precious city. If anything UC and Darnassus were about the same in popularity.

Pretty sure Zandalar/Boralus are bigger. And again, you wanted the Alliance experience, you should get it, warts and all.

Saurfang was not cowering. Sure he got knocked down a peg he still decided in the end to actually do something about Sylvanas. Also, in this hypothetical scenario we can have Thrall extalling the virtues of the Alliance while remember their own faults(which are plenty).

That didn’t happen in BFA.
Work on your reading comprehension.

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And yet it was one of the reason BFA ever happened. Literally had Theramore existed BFA would never have happened because the Alliance could have helped the night elves/not need the night elves to send their forces.

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Doesn’t matter.
Reading comprehension.

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