(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

When you have someone in an OOC channel declaring support for an ideology, that matter is leaving the realm of playing a character in a video game.

indeed! :wink: Its not the right place here.

wait kyalins discord is a rp channel?

When is the next episode of this tv show coming out?

I hope it is next monday i need something to look forwards to while i consooom the loki series and bad batch

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No, and this didn’t take place there. Romarion is wanting to interrogate a completely separate incident.

Happened in ours when she briefly rejoined before throwing a tantrum and leaving because mods intervened.

it’s funny that i was right btw


meh only discord channel i care about is our own :slight_smile: But i think that some people in this thread are banned from it after nelgarrs antics.

I am not referring to ours as in valkos and tewdees

I’ve never joined but I’d probably get banned the moment I did.

But I don’t have interest so I’ll never know.

Actually, my moderation policy would prohibit that. That’s why your lurkers are still there, or why Katiera ended up leaving on her own accord despite that no one liked her there.

I’m talking about Gurzog’s Discord/Nelgarr Discord.

Ah, my mistake.

Extreme doubt lol

I do hope you aren’t referring to Tyrande, Malfurion, and Illidan. Please offer up lore references to back this statement up. As per WC/WoW lore Illidan is the only Kaldorei that remotely fits that description. Queen Azshara was the most powerful sorceress to ever live but she has been written into obscurity.

Because that’s how WC/WoW was written in the first place. For what ever reason the original writed decided to use the elven race as plot drivers. This makes you bitter why?

When Zin-Azshari covered 1/4 of the known world there were few races in existence so your use of the term Imperialism is a misnomer at best. Only trolls suffered any land loss due to the elf city expansion.

Elves ARE the story line of WoW along side Orcs. What lore are you reading that you don’t understand this fact?

“They didn’t do imperialism except for the imperialism they did do but that doesn’t count cuz reasons”.


"You Keep Using That Word , I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means ”

The highest stage of capitalism, characterized by the dominance of large monopolies, the struggle between large capitalist countries for sources of raw materials and sales markets, for foreign territories and the exploitation of other peoples, which leads to aggressive wars for a new redivision of the world.

It seems that the Empire of the night elves does not fit this definition. What is your definition?




  1. a policy of extending a country’s power and influence through diplomacy or military force.

“the struggle against imperialism”

Methinks you need a refresher course on WC/WoW lore.

Definition of imperialism (via Merriam-Webster)

1 : the policy, practice, or advocacy of extending the power and dominion of a nation especially by direct territorial acquisitions or by gaining indirect control over the political or economic life of other areas broadly : the extension or imposition of power, authority, or influence

In other words, Valko does know what the word means. The Night Elves extended their lands at the expense of the Trolls. That’s Imperialism


I haven’t read the most recent posts. Have you guys seen the new tyrande model on WoW’s main page?

Very good, now let’s use that in the context of what happened in WC/WoW lore and let’s see if it fits?