(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

Is there a race on Azeroth that hasn’t expanded its influence and land? Or who managed to occupy the land, and he owns it for eternity?

And we discussed it.

Start somewhere after this point.

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Ah okay, I scroll through. Thanks

It may also be worth clarifying who is being held responsible for what.

The Kaldorei as we know them overthrew and replaced the Highborne government that came before them, a government that the Sin’dorei and the Shal’dorei also have links to and share more characteristics with.

“splintered off” might be a better way to say it.

I disagree.

The revolution?

Maybe it’s just semantics.

But completely abandoning the old ways and moving to a more druidic lifestyle, leaving behind all the old remnants and trappings of High Elf society and leaving those who chose not to follow them seems more of a factioning off than an overthrow and replace. The High elves endured, the Shendralar of Eldrethelas (Dire Maul) support the idea I think.

But again I suppose it’s just a matter of individual perception.

Splintered off to me suggests that they left and became their own thing, which is not what I see the Kaldorei as having done. They took over the government. They made it something else, and when the remaining Highborne objected - and this point is important - they were initially going to execute them, but exiled them instead. They had the power to effect that exile, because they were the ones who had taken control of that society.

But they didn’t replace it. That’s the key I think to the discussion. High Elf society endured. That’s my point.

High elf govt continued on after the split. High elf society remained intact albeit changed a bit of course.

Okay and? The Night Elves expanded at the expense of the Trolls. Here is a map before the rise of the Night Elves.

Now, here is the map of the Night Elf empire.

That is Imperialism plain and simple. Or are you saying it’s not Imperialism because it was only the Trolls being displaced?


What is wrong with imperialism, except for the constant redistribution of territory? During the time of Azshara, the expansion of territory was completed and the Empire began to ignore the rest of the world if it did not attack. Imperialism has dried up.

Did the trolls not attempt to expand as well? What you’re comparing is the natural expansion of two races and where that expansion overlapped came conflict.

Hardly the definition of imperialism within the context of what happened.

They endured, but again, they were the ones who had to leave, not the other way around.

To draw a (perhaps unfortunate) analogy. After the Chinese civil war, the Communists took over the seats of government while the nationalists fled to Taiwan. The former can be said to have overthrown the previous government. They did not “splinter off”.

Strangely, Elesa has been a proponent for Night Elf Imperialism, and her post is liked by Nelfas/Shernish, so she isn’t the only one. Where’s Kyalin’s input on this fascist behavior??

Imgur incase of delete or edit.

It might be worth deciding which vocabulary to use.

Night elf imperialism ended ten thousand years ago and has never been seen since.

Well except that The Maoi’sts displaced the Chinese and laid claim to the population and the ancestral homeland whereas the Kaldorei removed to another land to make a new home.

I don’t expect a delete or edit, nor do I see a sentiment on par with a Pole in 1945 asking when their country is going to be liberated as being on par with what you’re trying to parade it around as.

Not that the Kal’dorei have moved to a new land. They rather moved to another piece of their land. And the Quel’dorei set out to conquer new lands.

I’m not sure where you are coming from, I assume it’s a troll post.

I’m not discussing anything as either pro or con in regards to anything. I’m merely trying to establish a proper chain of events based on WC/WoW lore and keep things in context. It seems there is a lot of misunderstanding based on lack of proper knowledge of WC/WoW lore.