(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

The individual in question was given chance after chance after chance to clarify his position. He was left with plenty of outs. I threw them out constantly.

It is not my fault that he chose not to take any one of those off-ramps.

Stormstrike and dual windfury is fun as hell.

Also Shipper is fun and great.

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Really shows how detached from reality you are that you think “No no you don’t get it, he disagrees with me about elves, that’s why I called him a n*zi!” is some kind of worthwhile defense.

…you saying that it’s horrifying that you think I validate rape threats by posting about WoW doesn’t actually make your statement of “rape threats are validated” any less awful, you realize that right? Going “rape threats are horrible, that’s why its so awful that you justify them by existing” doesn’t actually solve the moral issue here.

There is no context that saves that.


Again, someone reacting “wait what” to your insanity doesn’t immediately mean he supports what you’re accusing him of.

The fact you took someone’s joke to the extreme that you’d accuse them of being a real world fascist, and their confusion and anger explaining how that’s insensitive of you to accuse him of it was taken by you as confirmation your accusation was correct and your repeat insistence to degrade him for it showed your true colours despite your intention to prove otherwise.


I really enjoy the support role of Enhancement shamans in tbc

can off heal great in dungeons etc. can help tanks threat etc by totem twisting etc.

Could you pls argue in another Thread instead of here? I would prefer to talk about…wow iand I just saw something very interesting about the Xe’ra picture.

Xeras 5 Runes …one of them is the symbol of Elune, it is also in the temple of Elune , in the Raid.

The first symbol on Xe’Ras body.


Enhance is pretty good for that on retail too, if you’d give retail another shot.

Turbo is cancer and made my horrible DH climb to 1.8k a nightmare. Got to 1799 before I ran into 7 turbos in a row, to the extent I decided to climb up to 1.8k in 2s instead.

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Well, Xe’ra was also reactivated by the Tears of Elune, so…not crazy to think there’s some connection. Not sure what it could be tho.

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Shipper by my read is a depressed Russian in a low-paying, dead-end job who takes his frustrations out on other people, and expresses those frustrations and others in a desire to hurt people.

There’s nothing fun or great about that.

He is also a convenient argumentative tactic for certain present parties with dishonest intentions - which is why well after I determined that he was a lost cause and banned him, we are STILL talking about him.

This was discussed a plenty during Legion, when you can’t continue the Illidan chain unless you have the Tear to activate her.

It’s a shame the narrative hasn’t expanded on this since.

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meh he is just slightly misunderstood and his worst crime is wanting erevien gone.

But erevien is a necessary evil.

true, i mean…if is the first symbol about elune and elune was there during the great ordering of light and void…what are the other 5 symbols? do you know one of them?


And once again, you fail to acknowledge how you still actively justify his behaviour still.

Repeatedly chiming that you banned him doesn’t mean anything when you go “you deserve it.”

Also it’s cute how in your other post, you once again presume I’m dishonest in liking Night elves.

You’re not the authority on who can like a fictional race.

He’s a person, not a dancing monkey. Just because you said jump, doesn’t mean he has to kowtow to you and do it, especially when it’s an accusation that is so far out of left-field that it doesn’t warrant a response in the first place.

I’ve had people in my line of work ask me about my personal faith frequently. They inquire because they want to make sure I don’t adhere to what would be considered unorthodox beliefs in my community. I could very well answer the question, and, to be honest, the answer is prevalent to the astute observer, but I don’t find it appropriate in the context of my profession to do so. And so I refuse to engage with the question, because it’s irrelevant.

Just like your accusation was irrelevant. The fact that you still feel the need to defend it with “well, he could have just answered” is astronomically ignorant, because in the context of the situation, the answer was clearly a no. Your reliance on calling people extremists because they won’t prostrate to you is nothing more than desperate ad hominem.


I doubt you’ll actually acknowledge this as your tactic when faced with proof of being wrong is to just ignore it, but you literally brought him up.


I guess we gave to wait for a new cosmo map from the Grimoir.

Chain does have ridiculous scaling. Same was till WotLK. So-so in the beginning, and very strong as gear stacks up.

gl hf

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No, his worst crimes were making real world threats and resisting any and all attempts to correct that behavior.

I disagree that it’s out of left field when he’s championing a standard bearer for that exact ideology - and when he had on many prior occasions demonstrated that he was perfectly aware of the associations between that figure and said ideology, and hyped those up in a bid to get at people.

lol this thread gone places ngl

bringing out the popcorn for kyalin plympic hole diggin

any1 else want some???

So your defense is that you can’t disassociate between a video game and real life. How unfortunate.


hm I really think this discussion is more fitting for a discord channel tbh.