(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

hm I will come back after this dungeon in tbcc wish me luck on the offhand fist weapon.




You seem to think calling someone something and them going “wtf?” makes it look look like you’ve got a point, but instead it just makes you look unhinged.

Someone questioning you going to the extent you’re going to win an Internet argument doesn’t mean they don’t deny what you’ve accused them of, they just don’t see the need to.

You’ve called people fascists for years now and get the same reaction every time by everyone, figured you’d learn by now.

The funniest insult i have gotten from anyone on this forum was “Alliance fanatic”

No, but you might notice that I don’t in an out-of-character fashion, stridently and repeatedly parrot those ideologies as barbs against people who like things that I don’t like, or run around trying to validate said ideologies or call them reasonable.


You called Melirius a n*zi collaborator like a week ago, just called Baal muslim hating fascist, and said that I sympathize with fascist ideology like 3 posts up.

Are you ok???

You literally used the word ‘validated’ to describe someone threatening to rape a Horde fans family.


I’m not going to reply to selective failures in reading comprehension other than to call them out as selective failures in reading comprehension.

In what possible universe does seeing someone describe someone else as fascist, saying ‘Sounds like he fits in with you’ not qualify as calling someone fascist.

You literally said the words “Your extreme behavior validates him” in response to me bringing up someone’s threats. You said Tewdee was a quisling. This isn’t up for interpretation. They were simple and direct sentences.

I’m beginning to think you go into some sort of posting fugue state or something, or you’re just a pathological liar.


You’re right, you don’t call people fascists. You imply it and then when people get offended, you gaslight and try to pretend it’s their wrong interpretation of what you’ve said.


Melirius. My best friend.

Aren’t you supposed to be clearing a dungeon?

also are you on euro or US classic, broski

its a heroic dungeon and i am playing enhancement in tbc so lots of downtime to make quick posts.

obviously I am on the superior servers (EU)

The first matter was described previously. You even replied to that description previously.

Tewdee has this habit of posting on a Night Elf and advocating for things that are expressly against the interests of said race. Hence why he got the title he got.

As for Shipper - you omitted the context of that statement, purposely of course. You’re perfectly aware of the herculean, if failed effort that I expended on trying to deradicalize him, and that the statement itself pointed to the prospect of validating him as horrifying. You just chose not to include it here.

Again, selective failures in reading comprehension.

Ysera had vivid nightmares in the pod. So, is Elune the source of those visions?

Also, did you notice that the crescent symbol (or something like that) can be seen on both naaru (not all of them though) and void gods?

This could’ve been an interesting story. Not sure it will be.

inb4 the 1st Ones are representatives of the possible 7th cosmo force x_x

gl hf


Fug. Was hoping you’d be around so I had a chance to run into you in arena or something.

I wish nelgarr posted here.

I think this statement needs some serious reflection, but it’s unbelievably insensitive and a desperate illogical fallacy to imply that people who’ve fled from genocidal autocracies are supporters of genocidal and autocratic ideologies because they employ a satirical persona that plays on video game tropes in a discord about that video game.


I dont play arena.

you know, what the real interesting part is…all forces exist _before _the first ones intervene, thats the interesting part…the architects ordered this six forces, but they don´t created them, atleast the broker mean this.

I’m playing Resto myself. Earth shield and Chain Heal are grossly overpowered.


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