(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

Yup, and still is.

I mean…from who? Where did it come from? It seems like baseless nonsense.


News flash: the Horde player base isn’t a monolith and never has been. There have been plenty of Horde players, myself included, that have loudly expressed their dismay about what Blizzard has done with the Horde. Accusing someone of being a real-life fascist because they happen to have a red background on their forum avatar just like someone else who is harassing you is incredibly inappropriate, and minimizes the impact and threat of real-life fascism. That you went after Baalsamael of all people is especially appalling.


there is no need to apply your own logic and thinking towards anyone else

The irony in this post.

Once again:

However, that IS how Blizzard has written the faction, that HAS spawned a disturbing surge in that style of thinking being applied to Warcraft - and not just from Erevien, and there HAS been quite a lot of covering for it.

Part of that coverage from people whose sympathies are with that has been to attack my discord on the basis of isolated statements over a year ago that don’t reflect the overall nature of the channel, as well as the actions of someone who I banned. If I have to own that, you have to own this. Sorry.

In legion it was once mentioned in a quest…bfa has always made references to it, where it was first said I don’t remember, but it was often said something like that, that she sees and notices everything. I think the first time it was really written …in the encyclopedia? I don’t know anymore.

Yeah man I love the Horde and Erevien and also fascism. Ask anyone. Valko, the famously right wing Horde poster who’s BFFs with Erevien. For sure.

Deranged post.

PS: Something being years ago doesn’t matter when you still defend in the present.

PPS: Saying “its up to you if you identify with that” and then calling people who don’t identify with that fascists anyway is big lol.


Hm. That’s interesting, I didn’t know that.

Honestly I might chalk that up to Blizzard being dumb with words, or the source being biased (a Night Elf might say “she sees all” but maybe it only seems that way from a mortal perspective, etc).

I can’t imagine that’s actually the route they’ll take.

man my image embeds dont work anymore but yours does wtf is this bs

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We have several powers that we know are omnipresent…Void, Light, Time (Arcane), so Elune would be just another power in there.

you have to post the image link i think

I did, it just posted a hyperlink. Maybe just a bug with Blizzard’s crappy forum.

I mean…I feel like if the Light and Void were actually omnipresent they’d have a lot easier time accomplishing their goals.

Hell from what we know of how they work, if the Void was omnipresent, the Light can’t be by definition.

most likely.

not quite, both forces are omnipresent, but one force accepts all possibilities as true, and the other rejects all but one.

So both are omnipresent, but their interpretation of what they see differs.

If I describe a group of people who hold an ideology and hold out a way for people to not be part of that association, and am still met with:

Then there are only so many things that I can assume.

“I banned him so don’t question how I rationalize his logic and justify it”


Are you a monarchist because you play Alliance? Or do you support theocratic autocracies because you play a night elf? It seems rampant generalizations about people playing a video game are the actual problem. If your perceptions of players are so ingrained in the inability to disassociate them from the game, and if those perceptions inspire the desire to approach strangers to verbally accost them (or worse) for just wearing a Horde t-shirt, then maybe the issue isn’t the game, or the other players. Maybe, just maybe, it’s you.


I mean, you didn’t, you just said Baal sounds like a white supremacist with literally zero qualification at all, and then also strongly implied me and Tewdee/Melirius are also white supremacists (based on what, I can’t imagine)