(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

I don’t think thats so much “psychology” as “willpower”.

Perhaps I should have separated these sentences with an empty line.

I complain about the lack of guarantees if the situation doesn’t get better or gets worse. I complain about the quick, pleasant feeling because it could mean that you are not really cured.

Not much about Tyrande IMO. Same as with other races / themes that brought people to the game originally. The devs just use them as tools for their stories without caring about what the players experienced with them and what it all means to people. And supposedly a few sprinkles over a turd supposed to fix everything in their eyes.

Problem with Tyrande, alliance in general, them not getting the concepts of draenei or worgen, Nightwatch, turning the orcs and the horde by extention into what it is, Sylvanas, blood elves on the edge of “what is even their identity”, and so on.

gl hf


Before we move on just want to summarize:

  1. Kyalin implied Erevien is actually what most Horde players think by saying the “quiet part loud”, a metaphor used to describe unabashed fascism
  2. I point out that no Erevien is just an actual IRL fascist easily verifiable by public information and he’s often banished from public forums because of it
  3. Multiple users bring up some racism in Kyalin’s discord this past year
  4. Kyalin throws a fit and accuses me of being an IRL fascist because of those accusations of other people

Brain worms


I think a second effect of the datamined cinematics is that it looks like Elune’s power is actually bleeding out of her tattoos.

Ie the nelf tattoos actually channel Elune’s power or will

Makes you wonder if Elune maybe sees through any nelf with those tattoos on default and so is able to intervene when she feels like it


a cool theory, but not every night elf has these tattoos, I just think that she has a certain omnipresence and through that she ´s able to oversee the entire universe. She even know what happened in the shadowlands and there are no night elf with tatoos before (only their spirits):wink: and she send tyrande visions of events that will happened before they actually happened.

i think one of elunes greatest power is a kind of extreme Powerfull Divination magic

Maybe it is not a permanent passive spell but an active spell that she has to work consciously, I can imagine that certain moons serve as a “vantage point”.

“Your lot” refers to what I’ve seen from the Horde community in general, especially in supporting what Blizzard has turned the faction into, declaring that there was nothing wrong with it, and/or wanting to lock in gains from that transition. Whether you identify with that ideology specifically is up to you.

If you want to call that unfair, fine - but so are attempts to smear my discord and Night Elf fans generally on that basis. So long as that continues, I will give what I am receiving.

Therapy is quite s***** all over the world. They get you in for an hour where they are mostly wasting your time and are constantly pestering you to wrap up at the end of it because their next client is coming in.
Not to mention the overanalysis and inability to identify the key issues and create focussed efforts.
I’m sure there are good therapists… though I’m also sure I haven’t met any of them.


Supposed to be a rite of passage according to Elegy, in most cases. Also Tyrande is a special example because she is a Night Warrior. Most likely that the power just attuned itself to her own appearance.

Let me guess you joined a discord?

I’ve literally asked for a hard retcon of the entire past 4 years so you can hop off me now


But much like how in Dragon Age the elves just believe their tattoos to be a symbol of devotion and rite of passage, when we learn they actually are magical bindings TO that deity

These tatts are probably more

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Sometimes I feel really ignored by you, I already answer you and then you don’t answer back.

Blizzard did it cause it’s cool

I suppose his response was delayed by the mail.

I’m on multiple discords and have been for a while just thankfully none that the Story Forum is in (except Zahir to my knowledge)

Erevien however is on Twitter.

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Nah we have invited her to several discords because we tire of her antics.

? Wait what

I’m pointing out a little logic problem regarding your tattoo statement

Oh your reply didn’t load for whatever reason? Forum does weird things if you don’t refresh the page

Yes but what’s interesting is Elune was able to see into the Maw and give visions to Ysera of what Tyrande was experiencing

The notion of her being omnipresent or omniscient, like a true deity (First One) I think has left the building.

She’s a Pantheon member. So being able to see through magical tattoos of people devoted to her would explain things.

Shadowmoon Orcs developed tattoos they learned from the moon and stars

Elves have Elune and arcane tattoos

I think Kul Tirans Tidesages mention tattoos too

Zandalari tattoos

Tauren have tattoos and war paint (temporary tattoos)


Actually not at all, with the new information we know that the great powers have been balanced by the architects (I think another word for First Ones), and in the process the architects…partly merged into the powers(or part of them now lie in the powers themselves), what Elune is in the end, we still don’t know and blizzard may well go the way of luring us all on the wrong track now to then say “Fooled you”.

And I think she has a certain omnipresence, and as I said the tatoos are not seen on the souls, and Ysera had the visions of Tyrande in the Maw before Tyrande was in the Maw and also Ysera has no tatoos.

I don’t think it’s because of the tatoos.

If you don’t agree with her 100%, you’re a fascist irl and support everything in the narrative.

Sorry, I don’t make the rules.


muf4C9m.png (544×630) (imgur.com)

Wait, was this ever actually a notion?