(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

Item level rewards are level 60. It’s definitely not intended as level up content.

I mean, even if you could prove that (and you can’t) Blizzard’s held Frozen Throne and Arthas on a pedestal. There’s a reason this meme exists:

Part of Onyxia one is started in Westfall going into Deadmines, going into Stockades. And then both go into BRD which I did the first full run of at lvl 54.

I made the claim that addressing the xp difference problem and improving the player experience is not a formula and could be addressed in different ways.

One of the possible answers to experience the story is indeed to do the content that involves critical story moments.

So it happened that I had a blast while doing the dungeons. If the group is right / likeminded, it can be amazing experience.

If you only stick to 1 possible solution, so be it.


gl hf

Right, but can you prove that out of all the things that existed in the Frozen throne, that Lordaeron was the thing that drove sales? That that one city mattered so much that it made people go up and buy it? Good luck proving that.

Also that meme is about Arthas, not Lordaeron. And Lordaeron has been very abscent in shadowlands, despite it pulling so much lore from wotlk and frozen throne. Perhaps that tells us what Blizzard thinks of Lordaeron.

Lordaeron was part and parcel.

A nice cinematic. Still doesn’t prove that Lordaeron drove the sales, nor that it earned more money than Teldrassil. Just that it was featured in a rather iconic cinematic.

Lordaeron was part and parcel. Big brain Morghel over here “Night elf feefees for first zone” can’t comprehend that people dig the zone that the scourge was cinematographically captured in.

So was Northrend, arguably moreso. Can you prove that Lordaeron was more important than Northrend?

I have never, once, questioned your personal attachment to Lordaeron. It’s clear that you love it, and everything associated with it. It’s just that you don’t know and cannot prove it’s monetary impact compared to Teldrassil in any way that actually matters.

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Which is why WotLK was the most sold expansion in Warcraft’s history … until Shadowlands, which promised to rehash the Scourge.
Imagine that.

But Wotlk didn’t really have anything to do with Lordaeron, outside of a few throwbacks here and there. By and large, it wasn’t important for the expansion’s story.

Uh. Yes it did. The Alliance invaded Lordaeron and Varian declared war on the Horde.
But, again:

Lordaeron wasn’t the only selling part.

A sideshow compared to the main story. Ultimately, didn’t lead anywhere either besides the abominations in undercity being replaced with orcs, which i’d call a rather minor detail.

No, but you have to prove Lordaeron’s importance in regards to sales, independent of other factors such as the Lich king, the Scourge etc compared to Teldrassil.

And to whom did they sell it? Who is the audience that bought WotLK? What races ranked first in numbers at that time?

Maybe. But it was a sideshow where Varian announced the Alliance would reclaim Lordaeron city, which got the Alliance playerbase howling. Metzen knew what he was doing.

I mean, not really. The importance Blizzard itself placed on Lordaeron did that for me. They made the Forsaken, gave them Lordaeron City, even added the audio from Arthas killing his father to the throneroom. Added ghosts that only Warlocks could see. Lordaeron had a lot of work put into it.

But only night elf feefees matter, clearly.

Only Horde fees make sense. The Horde in the Classics was more advanced. Or something like that.

Is that why Jaina promptly teleported every Alliance memeber out of the city, and the issue of “reclaiming” Lordaeron was never brought up again until ten years later? The same year when Teldrassil when up in smoke?

I’m not saying there aren’t Alliance players emotionally invested in Lordaeron, because there definitely are. Just like how there are players invested in Teldrassil, and continue to be.

Who are far less played than the Night elves. Money wise, they are probably not the earners.

I imagine it had, just like Teldrassil. They allways did regret that the technology wasn’t there to make it a proper tree. But they tried their best. I’d say that proves that they cared about Teldrassil as well.

Never said that, never will. Especially considering i’m a Worgen player.

The status quo had to be maintained. The forsaken couldn’t actually lose Lordaeron, but teasing Alliance who wanted it would rile the playerbase.

Bringing that up, Horde players didn’t give one single fig about conquering Teldrassil. But Alliance players did care about conquering Lordaeron.

Night Elves allegedly got a huge bump after the victim card was handed out and are allegedly the most played race now. I have no idea if that’s true. I haven’t seen realm statistics in years. Last I saw it, humans overwhelmed them.

… the world stump had work put into it?

Kalimdor as a whole was an afterthought rushjob. Eastern Kingdoms was done first.

You’re equating night elf feefees with the money that the Frozen Throne and its fanbase brought in.

Nope, still humans and blood elves.

The tech simply wasn’t there, so they had to settle for what it looks like now. understandable, since it was the early twothousand when wow began development.

And that stump mattered a lot to a lot of people. Please don’t diminish that.

Compared to the money which the Night elf players have brought in over the years. Again, you can’t prove that one was more profitable than the other, nor can you prove that Lordaeron itself drew anyone into playing the game, either of them.

dear diary,

Horde is - N-O-T-H-I-N-G! even your warchief said this. Know your role.

Alliance could end horde any time while yawning, with all our powerful characters. Just because blizzard need this human vs orc crap they can not show for e.g. night elf superiority vs lesser horde races.

And horde ALWAYS is a reason for starting a war not alliance. So…


We are alive. we will get even more! :stuck_out_tongue:

You will fall. Just like the rest of your paethetic alliance. No mercy. No peace. Only slaughter. Lok’tar!

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