(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

But i’m not arguing that Teldrassil is more important than Lordaeron, because that is subjective. To you Lordaeron was more important, and to me Teldrassil was more important. That’s the beginning and end of it.

The forum is far, far too small to even create a test sample. millions have played the game over it’s lifetime. It’s estimated to be over a hundred million. A few hundred, at most, visit the forum daily. That is a speck of dust in comparison.

All i’m saying is, you will never be able to prove that money wise, Teldrassil was less important than Lordaeron. And ultimately what matters is how each and every player feels about it. Some liked Lordaeron more, some like Teldrassil more. That’s all there is to it.

Is this video related to any of this list?

Dazar’Alor, Undercity, and Stromgarde were not victories of the night elves. These were the battles of the Alliance. Teldrassil was not a defeat for the Alliance. This is the defeat of the night elves.

Night elves are part of the alliance. Stop being a strawman. You are embarassing yourself. Any victory for the alliance is also an nightelf victory.

Teldrassil didn’t even exist when Warcraft 3 shipped. Lordaeron did. Lordaeron and Arthas sold the game. They sold Frozen Throne. They sold World of Warcraft.

This forum is, sure. Shame there’s not fansites and whatnot elsewhere on the internet, as well as an entire video making platform that has World of Warcraft’s lifespan thereon.
Oh… wait.

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Has the video been data mined yet or do we just have to wait until the 29th?

Gotta wait afaik. It’s for the best, probably.

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So without a set deadline by the publisher they would still leave unfinished zones unfinished?

Yup. My leveling experience was:

  • spend the week day having 40-90 min preparing quests for the dungeons and getting consumables.
  • do those dungeons on the weekend.

I like group content. It was a fun experience. And I fully did just the starting zones, Burning Steppes, Plaguelands, Dustwallow, and Silithus quests because attunements / quests.

gl hf

Yeah you’re probably right. Best to wait it out.

So you based your entire experience on that of group dungeon play instead of solo play, and for some misbegotten reason thought your experience marked the solo player’s quest experience, in this quest / questzone discussion?

Man, talk about dishonest.

So. Now talking about selling Reign of Chaos and The Frozen Throne. Is the order of passage important? If you go through TFT first, then Blizzard sold the history of the night elves.
My first game was TFT. Yes.

In 2004-6, a poster of a night elf hung on the door of the dark room (closet? Pantry?). I’m not sure if it was her. I was “frightened”, shouted “Witch” and ran away, dragging the sled behind me. 4-6 years old. Pha.
Ridiculous, probably.

That’s great and I’m happy for you, but Blizzard didn’t sell us a night elf expansion for a reason.

About the starting version.
Played in Cataclysm and MoP.
My knowledge ends in Stoneclaw. Then the tasks were not available. Played only as night elves. Favorite place - Darkmoon Fair.
My brother played for gnomes, goblins, orcs, trolls. The blood elves became the chosen race. Yes.

Just a preview so far

I based by experience on mmo being multiplayer. And significant portions of the stories being straight locked behind the dungeons. Like the Onyxia quest line, on the Moira one.

But it’s just an illustration that there are different ways to make things work. Not a single formula for every possible occasion.

gl hf

M? What is this expansion of the night elves?

The Horde is weaker then ever before. And it is the fault of the Alliance. If the Horde wants to be proud again we need to destroy the Alliance for good. All of them.
Burn their cities.
Kill their leaders.
Slaughter their people.
no peace
no mercy.
no compromise.

Death to the alliance. All time. Lok’tar!

And most people who play the game didn’t even play warcraft 3. That is an assumption based on the fact that the game has had 115 million players over it’s lifetime, but only 6 million copies sold for warcraft 3 + frozen throne. The numbers speak for themselves.

Right, so make a poll in every single one of these forums, combine the results, and you get something somewhat close to a test sample. And even then it will be flawed.

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It’s the Horde’s fault! The guilt of the Horde population! The Horde is splitting itself! Slay the Horde! Save the Horde from traitors!

Both of which being max level content (unless Moira is level 50, I genuinely don’t remember.)

You made the claim that the Horde didn’t need zones while the Alliance had a surplus of them, and your answer as to why is “Grind repeatable dungeons, newb.”

Yeah nah that doesn’t fly.

There isn’t one. Blizzard sold The Frozen Throne because Arthas/The Undead were bigger appeals than Night Elves were.

But who did the TFT story begin with? From the night elves … Yes.

You won’t kill. You will split in the process and start punching your own face. Let’s continue the conversation in your topic, where I asked for a recipe for meat for dogs?

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