(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

Except that this is how capitalism works.

Remind me which battles the Horde won during BFA.
I remind you that the War of Thorns happened before BFA launched, but I’ll be a fair sport and let you claim that one (1) single victory.

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That it’s not necessary to have same number of zones. The horde could have more story content in their own, extra scenarion across the continents, more “verticality”, catacombs, etc. Different tools to accomplish the goal of having comparable amount of xp avaiable for leveling.

Instead the devs chose the path to harm the alliance for the benefit of the horde. Which might’ve been a good thing in a faction - focused game where some zones regularly being conquered by one side or another. But it’s not what the story is centered on.

True. And the net result would’ve been the same, because the zones are not the night elf ones anyway.

Way to piss off both sides. Horde with losing, alliance with not showing properly those wins in the game.

gl hf

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If ever I had proof that you were an NEFPA, this is it. Right here. “The Horde doesn’t deserve more zones to experience different areas and changes of scenery: just give them three times the quest per zone.”

Maybe I now have proof you aren’t an NEFPA, because you’re absolutely stonecold admitting that Ashenvale is not a Night Elf zone. Is this your intention, or was it a mistake?

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Balnket statements like this are worth nothing. You need to prove that Lordaeron’s impact on the game’s sales are greater than that of teldrassil. Even if you had all the information that Blizzard has, which you don’t, you don’t have a clue, you’d have to prove that Lordaeron’s exclusion from the story would have impacted sales, which is almost impossible to prove.

Teldrassil, Brennadam. And in the end, Armistice. Not a win.

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Never said the word “deserve”. What was there earlier?


Number of areas do not make them good. You somehow forgor to quote


Changes of scenery can happen even within a single zone. Sometimes pretty radical, like the mentioned before Dezolace, that is a desert in some areas, and a lush forest in others.

Why didn’t you try to claim that I also suggest making all the horde quests “collect 10 rat tails”?

But yes, sometimes to tell a story it’s enough to have 3 quests, and somethimes - 30+. Can’t have it if the game artificially limits what can be done by arbitrary requirements on quantity of leveling zones and thus - on how much xp can be earned in each of them individually.

I made a post once about how the devs could justify fully moving Ashenvale to the horde side while being true to canon.

Currently it is not depicted in the game as the alliance specific zone. Hence talking about wins is borderline worthless. IMO it’s just irritating loss for the horde, and a shallow victory they can’t enjoy in the game, for the alliance.

gl hf

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My entire argument is “You can read a company by what they sell. They sold Frozen Throne at incredible numbers, which allowed them to create World of Warcraft. They’ve honored the Lich King ever since in their products.”

You’re… going to claim a battle Horde players never take part in, against a literal village of women and children?
Really Scraping the bottom of the barrel there. Nameless npcs got one win. So players got one win ontop of that, giving the Horde 2 wins.


Taliesin flat out belted out the Alliance won BFA during the 2019 Q&A that they hosted with Blizzard’s devs sitting on the stage behind him.

You think the Alliance is owed more zones than the Horde. Quibble over wording, you’re still hip deep in it.

You stated the Horde should have fewer questing zones than the Alliance. No need to feebley wibble out of it now. As I said earlier, you’re hip deep in it.

You hypothesized gifting Ashenvale to undead night elves. Big of you, but not quite the stretch I’d imagined you to actually be making. It’d still be in the family. Just “Horde Night Elves” instead of “Alliance Night Elves.” The only things that change are faction and breathing status.

Oh can it, you Blizzard cheerleader

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I think that both sides should get good stories. And number of zones is not something inherently good.

As it is in the game, the story told that the horde conquered some zones and brutally murdered a bunch of denizens. Hence in story those zones were take from the alliance for the benefit of the horde. Which was never the only way to address the xp problem, but now we’re permanently stuck with the consequences of the situation.

I stated what I stated, that quantity does not guarantee quality.

Why would I? I firmly stand on the position, that the number of zone is not enough to deliver an enjoyable player experience.

The idea is, if playable undead elves become a part of the horde, instead of rubbing the salt with the mess they have now, to bind the spirits of long dead highborne who never were friendly to the alliance, to the bodies of those who died. It can even be portrayed as sort of good thing, since that will be a step somewhere to the souls that are stuck between the life and death.

How it elvolves past the intro experience - who knows. It could be some orcs finding a peaceful place to get the lumber they so lust for. It could be a co-op with blood elves and nightbourne to make something in the spirit of the arcane branch of the elves ancestry. And so on.

It does not have to be the same place with just differently coloured NPCs. It could be, but because that could be a choice of the devs, not because there is no other dozen of opportunities.

gl hf

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You just want to keep the status quo because you want to keep having the Alliance feel superior. Stop lying. Dirtbag.

Can’t wait for Katiera to justify Sylvanas getting away with all crimes

No, ideally I want the alliance to be heroes of the alliance and the horde - heroes of the horde.

“For Azeroth” is indeed a way to cheapen the development, but as can be seen with Shadowlands, it’s not a pleasant experience.

The horde could get (leaving aside the fact that there is no proper follow up for the horde afterlife stories in general) the Ardenweald story through troll-related characters, who share common history with the night elves, or through the lenses of nightborne / even blood elves discovering where their path moved away from Elune and all of that.

Instead we got what we got. Which IMO is shallow, and I saw quite a few people disliking what they have to go through because of the cheaper option picked by the devs.

gl hf

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I missed this, but the dark irons specifically killed civilians, and that was an issue brought up in the Roux book. Zandalar has gold, but it doesn’t have people.

It’s an empty statement devoid of any real meaning. The Horde had fewer zones from vanilla until cataclysm and because of that, fewer quests with which to level up to 60. Blizzard’s answer to this wasn’t to jampack quests in fewer zones, it was to make more zones contested to show that the Horde was an equal power to the Alliance.

The idea is “Keep Ashenvale Night Elven, even if it’s Horde.”

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That assumes that Blizzard allways makes the correct decisions, finacially or otherwise. That’s again an assumption, not a fact.

And because of that, you think you can prove that Lordaeron, one part of the Frozen throne story, had such a massive effect on sales, compared to every other part of that story, like for example Arthas, Northrend, Mal’ganis, Jaina etc. You want to prove that out of these parts, Lordaeron had a bigger impact than teldrassil had over it’s lifecycle. And that is not something you can prove. Understand that. You have an argument you will never be able to prove, even if you had all the available data and information.

Taliesin Is not an official spokeperson for Blizzard. Lorewise, it was an armistice following the siege of orgrimmar.

Also, I can guarantee that once Teldrassil is properly settled, Alliance players will calm down. Because that’s all we want, a resolution that gives catharsis.

No what you want is to have the Horde deleted from the game. What we needs is more alliance losses instead. The following alliance characters need to die:


Alright, but they have more information than you or I do, and you’re piloting entirely/completely off of “Night elf players feefees” instead of sales.

Yeah MHP and Ainhin and their recurring subscriptions, purchases of the Arthas novel, etc are definitely not signs that Frozen Throne was the cornerstone of the entire series and Teldrassil – some dumb tree they half butted into the setting both in the story and out – was.
Fandral: I’mma do it.
Malfurion: Don’t you do it, it won’t be blessed.
Fandral: I did it.
Malfurion: It’s gross, goodnight.

He was a paid spokesperson at Blizzcon.
What are you on?

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Their army is gone, yeah, but not because the alliance attack alone but because they fought against g’huns fanatics, have a civil war and on top of this a fledget out alliance invasion with multiple assaults before the raid starts.

The darkiron killed a bunch of civilian, yeah, but most of them were save.

If you say so.

The horde had fewer zones because of cost cutting measures that were present since the influence of vivendi is not something that could’ve been avoided.

There were next to no Silithus quests. Same goes for Azshara and overall Kalimdor was executed worse. Could’ve been extra 2-3 locations easily. Plus ex-Scarlets territories could’ve been also in the mix, so, add Western Plaguelands, tailored for the needs of the forsaken. But we got what we got.

There is no “because of that”. There is more than 1 way to skin a cat ©

Got lvl 60 while I did quests in like 7 zones. Had a blast in the process.

Number of zones is not a magical solution. It could contribute to making things better, but neither is sufficient not guaranteed by itself.

Having a whole catacomb part is Silverpine of Tirisfal would not be “jampack”. It would be an exploration of old mysteries that still is not touched by the modern dev team.

If that’s the only possibility you see in it, sure.

gl hf


the ALLIANCE destroyed the Zandalari. And the Horde council betrayed Zandalar by doing nothing in retaliation against Jaina and her kingdom. Because Baine and Thrall are too busy kissing her feet. The Horde needs to rise up, kill the council and then the full might of the Horde will bring down Kul Tiras. Lok’tar!

They had fewer zones because the Alliance was worked on first. It’s also why Orgrimmar is so much smaller than Stormwind.

Yep. Kalimdor was done later than Eastern Kingdoms.

No, it’s definitely because the Alliance’s many zones were worked on first.

Seven zones?
Calling your bluff.
Durotar, Barrens, Ashenvale, Stonetalon, Desolace, Dustwallow Marsh, Thousand Needles, Feralas, Tanaris, Un’Gorro Crater.

You’re telling me you only did seven of them to hit 60?
Don’t buy it.