(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

Absolute neutralization.

Um… do you even understand that genocide just means an attempt right? Like there’s still nelves and other genocided people, just like irl.

In what sense is an “attempt”? What the Alliance would have tried but failed?

Because the Alliance leaders aren’t orcs? Because there’s no point?

Pre-BfA the Zandalari were a struggling albeit wealthy city-state failing on all sides, whose only strength was a large, powerful fleet. The Alliance destroyed that fleet, took their gold, bombarded their city and killed their head of state. The trolls contributed nothing to the war post 8.1 and in the post-expansion novel Talanji is barely holding onto power.

Devoting more resources to fighting them is like devoting more resources to fighting kobolds or any other sort of low-level trash mob. There’s no point.

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Zandalari have the entire opposit problem of the nightelves.

The nightelves have still their army, but most of their people are dead

The zandalari and the horde army are depleted and most of their civils are still alive

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Do you think like, the Germans killed all the Jewish people? CUZ THEY DIDN’T! And it’s STILL GENOCIDE AND HORRIBLE!

Also, I played ESO once, barely, kinda… but I don’t know the story or can play the game, and my only knowledge of the game is they my own insular bubble of people sending death threats to different factions people, so imma go complaint about the story I know nothing about on the ESO forums.

That last bit is irony if it’s lost on you.

Um … Really? In one of the discussions, it was said that the Alliance “spared” (or ignored) the population of Dazar’Alor, no? That only Rastakhan’s personal army was fighting in the city or something like that, no?

Yeah, thats the reason most zandalari are still alive, but their army is dead instead.

The alliance get often striked because they tried to spare civilians and focus entirely on the army. Thats more difficulty and costly in army terms

This is sooooooo awful, fans proving they are worse than blizzard writers again

My dude just because someone committed genocide doesn’t mean you should. Also said genocide is painted horribly so having the Alliance do something similar would make you a villain, like they made the Horde.

But it was possible to try. Or at least leave, naming a military reason, and not pity for your enemies.

For three years I have been reading EVERYTHING that is on the historical forum. I think that’s enough for me.

The Alliance left cuz they accomplished their goals.
Not cuz they spared civilians.

I’d ask if you’re some kind of idiot, but I don’t have to.

Thats not true, i mean, after ww2 many many germans lost their life (between 45 and 48). Soldiers were captured away and other awefull things. Thousand of thousand died, its not called a genocide;)

But thats another conversation

Um … So what about the Zandalari population and army? Which of them is more or less destroyed?

No the genocide part the systematic, planned attempt to get rid of a race of people.

Tel’drassil counts. German soldiers being hunted down, doesn’t.

Also the fact that you are making ANY comparisons in the first place is disgusting.

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There was a video from the Siege of Dazar’Alor, no? Or an in-game scene … More like a scene. Anduin spoke at first. The forum was outraged. Then Jaina said it.

The Alliance retreated so the Zandalari could mourn their king. Not because the Alliance was protecting the Zandalari. Only because of their sorrow.

What was Lordaeron? What was Zul’dazar?
That’s a rhetorical question. I already know your (and every night elf player’s) answer:

Not enough.
It will never be enough.

Lordaeron and Zul’Dazar? Obviously not the vengeance of the night elves. They are not even starring there.



WOW!!! Very nice and beautiful, thank you for sharing!!

I want that customization option for night elves PLEASE!

:joy: :joy: :joy: YES PLEASE!


391/731…this topic on fire. :smiley:

what?" She will lose that look? :S NOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooo! It can not be! This must be a new customization option for night elves!!

LET’S SAVE THE WORLD and burn orcs from Our lands.



Wasn’t 1000 in Darnassus alone, not all Teldrasil?


you are CUTE! Pleased me with “night elf” words , do more!

What a joke.

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Sure sweatie, totally not because they got exactly what they wanted.

The fact that they didn’t kill civilians is a bare minimum, they got their mission done.