(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

The territories that the night elves own now have never belonged to anyone but…them, if we are talking about Northern Kalimdor. The dark trolls were there, yes, but night elves are dark trolls that have mutated, so technically it is their own territory.

The story was not finished a year ago, or three years ago, or ten years ago. When will the Horde make a blood sacrifice to the night elves in the name of peace?

I’ve heard this excuse since Cataclysm. It is no more compelling now than it was then.

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Well not all of them, there were still dark trolls in WC3 around Northern Kalimdor. So every one of them didn’t evolve, they still took those people’s lands. Also they used the night warrior’s power to “care their empire” so whoever was living there before, troll or not, is the rightful heir of the land, the elves are the usurpers. As are the belves in Quel’thalas.

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So you’re upset with the story for 11 years and keep paying blizzard for it… alright

The dark trolls lived there until the twillight hammer wipped them out, and thats still wrong.

The night elves ARE the Dark Trolls…they ruled this land since ever, its their ancient home.

The night warrior was used to …roflstomp the rest of kalimdor and create the big empire

You aren’t exactly proving me wrong here.

Dude, there’s dark troll mobs in the northern Kalimdor maps in WC3 up to and including the Hyjal map.

And okay, then they usurped the rest of Kalimdor from whoever was there first. My point stands.

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Im proving you a chump

Kyalin returned … Recently. Prior to that, her messages were transmitted by people from Discord.

The point of the attack was to destroy the Golden Fleet and capture King Rastakhan as a way of neutering the Zandalari and ensuring Alliance naval supremacy, which they achieved, albeit by killing Rastakhan rather than keeping him as a hostage.

In the aftermath, both the Alliance and Horde leaders talk about how the Alliance is winning in every theatre and is expected to end the war within weeks. Occupying the city and trying to hold it against Horde counterattacks was a risk they didn’t need to take.


Well if you don’t play wow, then it’s kind of unhealthy to be hung up on it and rant on the forums through other people…

Like stop playing / caring then. That’s weird.

Like when I didn’t play i maybe saw a cinematic and was like “neat” or “lame”.
I didn’t find a proxy to go on a rant for me on the forums while having a discord for wow and caring about it. Also I’ve heard wonderful times about the amazing people on that discord, so I have no sympathy for them.

Also um, the fact that the Alliance didn’t blow up Dazar’alor doesn’t mean their objective wasn’t done or that they stopped for the trolls feelings. They wiped out the navy, and killed the king, then left. Their objective.

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But why, then, were the emotions of the trolls the reason for the retreat? And since the plan was to neutralize the Zandalari, why not carry out genocide? The princess is left and she will clearly not be neutral.

Maybe play the game so you UNDERSTAND. I’m not here arguing about a topic I don’t understand with you but you are.

I can’t play, I can’t access my PC. I repeat other people’s conversations.

Then dude… go do something better than this. Jesus.

To be honest

Zandalar is in bad shape and can’t defend themselve anymore. Their army is broken because blood trolls, alliance, rebellion

What for? All the same, all the dialogues go in a circle.

BuT wHy NoT gEnOcIdE?

Because it is making me sad.