(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

It seams that Sylvanas is really going to die.

btw only 4000 players in the World will actually get the title (title that could troll Sylvanas fans). Second title says nothing about killing Sylvanas. So, Blizzard really thinks about fans.

Yes, that is good storytelling and character development.

Learning to let go of hatred and petty vengeance is good character development. All adults should strive to get to that level.

That means nothing as Wowhead themselves point out. Wowhead is notoriously anti-Sylvanas, everything they datamine is evidence Sylvanas is going to die in the next patch and it has been that way for years.

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There is no choice. Blizzard tells but doesn’t show why exactly Tyrande cannot do both. She has several people who work under her. She is the leader of the night elf nation, a powerful druid is her husband.
If Blizz wants to tell me she cannot do both, they have to answer WHY that’s the case.

And as I said before, taking out Sylvanas helps secure a future for all Kaldorei, dead and alive.

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A sailing night elf army? Forget about the plague? End the siege for the sake of the enemy’s feelings? Isn’t that idiocy?

I think what Kaleoan’s argument is, is the fact that even if we kill Sylvanas, she would end up in the Maw where the Jailor rules and so we would still have to deal with her until we stopped the Jailor.

That kind of storytelling is called having your cake and eating it too. You cannot present a power-up as being inherently dangerous and deadly and then have that character use it without consequences or repercussions, get everything they want, and then just set it aside like nothing happened and everyone is better off. You talk about bad storytelling, that is bad storytelling.


A, that’s just how being part of a military Alliance works. They need your army somewhere, you go. That doesn’t make them look stupid, it makes the Horde look weak with the implication they couldn’t take on the night elves alone.
B, what plague? Warcraft 3?
C, no, the siege ended because the target of the siege, (Sylvanas) left. They didn’t mean to destroy Orgrimmar, just depose Sylvanas. Play the game so you understand, and watch the cinematics leading up to it, it is painfully clear, to the chagrin of people who wanted vengeance.

That’s not what he said… but this has an obvious reply… kill her soul too, or send her to Revendreth. The Jailer is clearly the next target.

The fact that we fell for the ploy of the Horde is important.
Plague of the Forsaken that Jaina froze. Battle for the Undercity.
Battle of Dazar’Alor.

But I have to say, they didn’t show the positive sides of this powerup either, this powerup is supposed to be so powerful that it wipes out whole armies and peoples without any problems, that it defeats old gods and their entire armies single-handedly, for this huge power is the inevitability of death.

They also did not show the positive sides and let Tyrande really rampage her foes.

I swear I have no idea what you’re talking about. Tyrande joining the raid with Thrall and Jaina against Sylvanas along with all the other heroes doesn’t have anything to do with her power-up. In a hypothetical scenario, she would have already sacrificed that power to help the night elves (in whatever form she currently intends to).
She can then join the raid that Thrall and Jaina- normal unpower upped selves- and take out Sylvanas together with them.
She doesn’t need a power up to pursue justice. Having the intention to pursue it is enough. It was certainly enough for Thrall and Jaina. Alternatively, she could rally the now NW empowered night elf spirits who then take out Sylvanas.

That’s fair. I’m 100% certain we will see Tyrande use her Night Warrior powers in 9.1 to save Ardenweald.

And I’m 100% certain the usual suspects will be here complaining about it.


I don’t think you understand how it went, again, play the game and read the book.

Also Sylvanas plagued her own city, that’s an attack on the Forsaken and the Horde warriors that were fighting as much as the Alliance (because she doesn’t care about them either). The cinematic even calls her crazy for blighting her own troops. It’s a tactical attack, not a Horde crime.
Battle for Undercity is the repercussion of Tel’drassil, not a Horde crime. Battle for Dazar’alor is a plan from the Alliance to stop the Zandalari from allying with the Horde. Much like Sylvanas’ plan for Tel’drassil. Its the same plan. Doesn’t make them look any smarter or stupider than her. And it is, mind you, a stupid plan.

What does the Horde’s crimes have to do with it? I am listing the nonsense of the Alliance.

It isn’t nonsense though.

The Horde can’t take on the night elves so they have to lure them away. Alliance is manipulated, Horde looks both cowardly and weak.

Sylvanas blows up her city after starting a war for stupid reasons. Makes her look bad, stupid, wasteful, cowardly, dishonorable, careless and petty. The Alliance gets to look heroic and loses no important characters. Jaina even looks cool af singlehandedly countering the blight, having an arcane ship and teleporting everyone away.
Dazar’alor, they wreck the Zandalari empire, Alliance looks cool and threatening, doesn’t lose neither Jaina nor Gelbin, we lose Rastakhan. And they look heroic.

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Yet despite all of that, you destroyed the Night Elves.

Sure, I can play one, but why would I want to after that?


It’s a theme of your race.
Also idk, settle elsewhere, Tel’drassil existed for 15 ish years, ( in lore, not in game) it’s not as important as other nelf stuff. And you still own most of Kalimdor, which was all yours after you stole it from the trolls.

We can’t have revenge. Blizzard denies us that. So what else is there?

The Alliance fell for the Horde’s trick, which means the Horde is more cunning. Somewhere on the forum, there is Kyalin’s discourse on logistics, which makes the Alliance look even more stupid, because there were some difficulties with the way to Silithus.

The Alliance has forgotten about the plague! Where are the gas masks? If not for the sudden Jaina, bye bye, Alliance.

Why lay siege to Dazar’Alor and then just leave? Okay, if there was at least some kind of military justification. But the Alliance retreated to have the trolls mourn Rastakhan. Absurd! It was possible to give battle to the Horde that went into the swamps, but no, the feelings of the trolls are more important.

The story ain’t finished. And if it sucks that much like I said: quit. It’ll save you the headache .