(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

And played the starter version during the Cataclysm. I read the Ru-forums with the beginning of the BFA, perhaps a little earlier (the very end of the Legion). Later I also read EU forums. At what point I started reading the US forums - I don’t remember.

You read the forums to get the story, instead of playing it or on the wiki, no wonder your so in the dark

I mean kyalin doesn the same thing so I guess your in good company

So… you’d argue say Legion isn’t primarily an Alliance expansion and MoP is a Horde expansion? Because you’d be wrong.

It’s coding. Ardenweald is nelf coded and lore revolves heavily around them, don’t pretend it doesn’t.

So the Winter Queen is the night elf character or the character with whom the night elves have the most connections?

There are by definition not tons of night elves in it. There are a few dozen.

And you think that bringing Sylvanas to justice would be wrong and vengeance, but what Sylvanas did to the Night elves is fine and thus it’s fine that she gets away with it.

Okay okay… do you think Alliance players (in character, through their story) enjoy Bwonsamdi more than Horde players, specially trolls?

Because 9/10 times they don’t.

Mind you Bwonsamdi is the Darkspear and Zandalari trolls’ prime loa.

And it sucks. It’s awful. It’s a problem the writers invented, with a solution no one wanted, with an arc that has so far gone nowhere. Tyrande was justifiably angry at Sylvanas and the Horde, but apparently that isn’t allowed in the writers eyes’, so we get this. Back to square one, with nothing resolved, Teldrassil still a smoking stump, who knows how many elves dead, and a Tyrande who seems to have fallen in line with the other bootlickers.

I mean have you seen the Thread? The title of said thread? Where to post the discontent but here? Unless you mean complaining about the Night elves’ situation isn’t allowed, in which case I say “don’t care”.

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I really do think it’s an RP thing. I appreciate the Warcraft lore as a whole, and even though I defend Sylvanas to my dying breath, I understand that not everyone likes the character

I like Warcraft. I like the faction conflict. I like the Night Elves. I like Malfurion and Tyrande and the fierce Night Elf spirit. I like the Horde being savage and noble and not always living up to that word. I would be so angry if they just killed Tyrande off for “vengeance” against a bad Sylvanas story.

That’s just me though.

And bet your bottom dollar I will be here complaining if in three weeks we find out Sylvanas is dead.

But then I will recognize the Warcraft I liked is dead and gone and I’ll move on. /shrug.

Verb. Destroy. Disassemble for parts. Like a card in HearthStone.
Распылить. Не спрей.

Nope you just dont understand what justice means at all

I enjoyed it, but the Cinema with Rastakhan and Bwonsamdi was also one of my favorites out of all of BFA. And I play Alliance and Horde :wink:

terror of darkshore and the death deal of them were my absolute favorits.

No spray means like, perfume.

I know you will, but at least you’ll probably understand the story, thats more than elsean and kyalin can say

Thank you for admitting that there are Night Elves inside of Night Elven Ardenweald. That was big of you.

Right but from a lore perspective,
Bwon=troll (to a much lesser degree Horde)

Elune=nelves (to a much lesser degree Alliance)

Oh we understand it just fine. It is brainless is the problem, but some people will lap up the garbage anyway. Justice doesn’t have to be vengeance, and renewal and vengeance are not mutually exclusive.


No, “распылить” is what they do with perfumes, sprays, aerosols. Maybe the phrase “turn to dust” will do?

What does justice mean?
Making Sylvanas pay for her crimes is evil, but you’re also saying that what Sylvanas did to the Night Elves is fine so it’s okay that she gets away with it. Even if she keeps attacking them in Ardenweald

The Night Elf souls being obliterated, is that justice? Innocents and children being tortured and obliterated in the maw?

Or the Horde getting to keep Night Elf zones like Ashenvale?

What world do you live in where this is justice

There are also trolls inside of trollish Ardenweald.

And Tauren

The story is bad for our investment, you Quisling.

Probably that’s what you were looking for.

Regardless, if you quest in Westfall, that’s a human story and Silverpine a forsaken one.

Ardenweald is a mostly nelf story with some troll and kul tiran, and one tauren tacked on.