(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

Goblins. With them Gallywix left and Gazlowe became a trade prince.

Is it? There are also two variations, the Horde attacks and the Night Elves attack.

Which is to point out the story doesn’t care about the Horde’s deities or religions, or even the Horde as anything more than a plot device.

Also why would I like to sacrifice loa for night elves?

There’s 2 ways I’m being ironic there, to which your response is either:

A) yes, that! Thank you!


B) Yes, thank you. (Being ironic)

Neither of which make sense.

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Sure if your definition of vengeance is your enemy’s leader running away and that’s that. Not very vengeance-y.

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Does someone else have to win for the Night elves situation to suck? The other races can have it bad, I would know as a worgen, and the Night elves would still be down in the gutter due to Teldrassil and absolutely no resolution or catharsis for it since. Every story development for them seems hell bent on not adressing the actual issues, instead faffing about with this “Tyrande is consumed by vengeance” plot. It’s frustrating.

thats so weird how the they are going back and forth when the horde doesnt have a navy after dazalore

I suggested killing all the Horde Loa because you claimed that the Winter Queen is a night elf character.

I don’t know if the Horde needs a fleet in that story. I only entered the game in Shadowlands.

Ahem, Loas are Trollalligned but technically…they are neither horde nor alliance. The Wild Gods are nature, and yes, they help the trolls, but look, elune is a being of titanic power or even above them…and help the night elves.

but elune isn´t alliance nor horde.

Oh so you are arguing a story you never played before?

It’s okay, let’s spray Bwomsandi. He’s definitely for the Horde.

That…still doesn’t make any sense per the argument we were having.

Also the winter queen is not a nelf but nobody cares about her more than them, the story doesn’t give anyone else a reason to, since she’s the Elune’s sister.

I’m sorry, but that’s the story Shadowlands is telling. If that is frustrating, and I get that it is for some folks, it is what it is. Do what you gotta do. But stop dragging every lore conversation down until you get your way. Just…stop.

Yes, omg they are. Makes sense now.

Your wish came true in BfA then.

With no Night Elves in it.

If that alone is the reason why you do not care about the Winter Queen, her relatives?

Maybe you shouldn’t hold that on the basis of her kinship but just see if you like the WQ by itself when she stands for herself.

As of now, I find the Winter Queen exciting and the only thing that annoys me is this sisterhood to Elune.

This doesn’t make me feel better. You realize that, right?

You know its sad you understand the nelf story more than actual nelf players, if you hated the story the nelves got or cared maybe you could actually form a good argument

What is “spray Bwonsamdi”? Sounds hot

There are tons of night elves in it. The only souls we’re told we’ve saved take night elven shape in night elven ardenweald.