(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

Man Kyalin, Ethriel, you guys need to walk away from the game, have a sandwich, get some sunlight on your skin, find another setting with better writers and storytelling for you

This is never going to be fixed, Blizzard will not write the story that you want to see in part because they are currently incapable of it or veering into a weird kumbaya/saccharine direction. Your crusading act on the behalf of fictional elves in every single thread tangentially related to them - or, often, not related at all - is one of the most obnoxious barriers to conversation on this forum and has been for a long while

Just…stop, or at least calm down a bit about it. I get it, I get tilted by how the faction war is handled, but I try not to yank every single thread into a pointless 500-page tangent about how Blizzard personally sit in a conference room with tented cargo shorts drawing stick figures of night elves with blood and fire around them while cackling madly about how they’re going to piss off Ethriel today and how night elves are a dumb stupid race that only losers like


The thread is literally about the Tyrande cinematic and predictions around it. I’m not sure what about my posts you have identified as being off topic.

I’m frankly not sure that you’re familiar with my activity at all given the content of this post.

But half of the significant events literally happen in this cutscene! You can’t just put one half of the ritual in a badly rendered ingame cutscene and then put the other half after the light beam into a cinematic… how weird would that look? Half of what’s happening is already there, and it’s not just the preparation phase.
How can you not see that? The only thing missing from this cinematic would be some specific elune references and the cleansed Tyrande, how can this half be put into a real cinematic? This would be the most confusing cinematic ever then.

On top of that, do you remember how her night warrior transformation was a cinematic? Me neither.

Elesa without Nelf victim complex would be nothing.


Sertainly a nice way to defend the worst parts of the storytelling coming out of blizz in the last 5 years.

But no worries, you’ll be fine. And the story will be fine. And the game will be fine. And the content.


gl hf


Trust me they will be. Bad storytelling or not, nobody should be moaning this bad about it to the point that you ask them repeatedly to quit the game because it is obviously affecting their mental state.


Let the dev team shrug it off, and you’ll see even more fun and great stories in the future.

That might very well happen. Problem is, what happens now is arguably a good thing while the players still have some reason to care.

But the silence might come. And that will have much worse consequences.

gl hf


What are you even on?

The story will not bend to the night elf poster’s demands because first of all, even if Blizzard read these, and cared, their demands are outrageous. They want to be even more overpowered than they are and other ridiculous stuff.

So them talking or not doesn’t change anything really?

And yes, they SHOULD quit. If you get this upset about something you should put it down.





Oh so you haven’t seen the threads about making horde players go thru even more shame than in bfa? Or about deleting people’s characters, etcetera. They don’t happen that often anymore but they did a lot in bfa.


I’ve seen the threads that I think you’re trying to describe, and I know that you’re lying about the claims.

Sure I am.

You’re not the first to deploy this exact straw man attack, and you won’t be the last. That’s another pattern that I’ve observed over the past eleven years - and you’ve been preceded by people who were far better at this exact misdirection than you could ever claim to be.

You’re an embarrassment to the grand tradition of dishonest anti-Night-Elf weirdos that you’re trying to be a part of.

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It’s not a strawman if it’s indistinguishable from the truth.

Attempts to limit the scope to just the elves is fine, but ultimately fruitless. The problems, including lack of follow-ups of the events, lack of a proper narrative structure, or understanding why people play what they play, how they experience it, are the same across the board.

They are move visible on the night elf story, but fundamentally depicting the horde as imcompetent bunch who won’t act till narratively convenient moment, is the same thing. And many other things are of the same style.

Being upset at deceiveng advertisement is hardly something I personally can call outrageous.

I look at the story discussions here and there, not just forums. Things that could be considered “demands” are some “outrageous” things, like consistency, and focus on how the world evolves instead of following a few dev favourite characters.

In case you missed the BfA story even more than I did, it starts with nonsense like “we do not want to fight”, etc.

It placed many things in odd positions and was on a border with contradicting pre-established characters.

Those things that you for some reason made a choice to portray as “overpowered” have nothing to do with having bad opinions about the devs who sold the story about “seeking justice” and then went where they went.

Is deceiving marketing a good thing you want to see more of? When the players pick, say, the horde, because they liked the W3 one, but got what they got?

I’d say, no. But everyone can decide for themselves.

Given how Shadowlands seems to progress many people will. What will happen to the game after - who knows.

Demand better ©

There won’t be many good products, if at all, if your suggestion will be the default approach.

But it’s up to people to decide if they want more of bad products.

gl hf


You can demand better and should, but they suck so much out of the story that frankly, I’m tired of them demanding more and more space. Its just attention at this point.

Also its Blizzards story and people aren’t quitting in droves because of the story, because most people don’t care for the story.

And the fact that you believe there is an “anti Night Elf poster tradition” is evidence enough of how out of touch you are. More clearly, the night elves were incredibly overpowered, haven’t been shown as THAT overpowered for a while, and you are complaining that they don’t, while people just point out how stupid the night elves demands are.


And yet the both of us know that it’s not true. You’re not really convincing anyone of your disingenuous attacks except for people like you - people who, for whatever reason, have an incentive to try and advance these flagrantly dishonest arguments. Every time they come up they get corrected, and you end up looking like idiots.

The joke clearly went over your head on this one - but the point is that none of your arguments are new. I have seen variants on the same misrepresentative, fallacy-laden, low effort canards like the one you dragged out today thousands of times. You’re not slick. It’s very clear what you’re doing.

It’d look honestly pretty fine, given that the current cutscene is both a WIP and doesn’t really explain fully what the characters are talking about afterwards. Once again, you’re just assuming the worst case scenario and DEMANDING it will manifest.

Grow up.


You do realize that you are the person dying on the hill of “we don’t know if there’s a cinematic guys”?

Because I’m sorry, but if anyone is being disingenuous and annoying everyone, is you and posters like you.


But then she’ll have to develop an actual personality that isn’t about how victimized she is.

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