(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

No, that’s an objective inference based on hard information offered by the game itself, and yeah, I think it was worth it to make another thread for this that wasn’t made to feed your massive pity party. I don’t think you deserve to be encouraged.


You’re right sorry, there isn’t a cinematic. The story just jumps into 3 different directions not mentioned before in the span of 2 minutes.

Blizzards writing is bad but at least they do try to set up stuff before the go into it.


Nope, I gave my opinion about the cutscene, you gave yours. But since yours is (in your eyes) better than mine, you felt that you needed your own thread.

Just out of curiousity, why would they have half of the cutscene be a badly rendered ingame one, and then the other half a pre rendered one? What is that logic? You have absolutely nothing to back your assumptions up.

I mean, it could. It’s not something that I’d put past them. My point is however that we don’t yet know.

Pretty sure we do, based on common sense on hoe there’s obviously a part of the story missing, but do continue to use the 5 year old level skepticism that you are.


I mean, to his credit, stating that they mention x, y, and z later is more basis for an assumption than I’ve typically seen.

As an assumption

However, the necessary link is as I said, missing, and I do take issue with the framing of this assumption as “this is a stone cold fact and if you disagree then you’re just beset with a victim complex”. That’s not true or even reasonable given this company and its history.

But how do you know?

Yeah, because I actually take a minute to take in all the information from an objective viewpoint. You just go ahead and presume the worst case scenario and then say that it’s occurring, because you think that Steve Danuser wakes up every day craving your tears. I’m not saying the cinematic, or even the story, is good. But you are friggin’ ridiculous, and I absolutely believe my take on this game is better than yours. In fact, I think that most posters on this forum hit that bar as well, low as it is.

This is not a new occurrence. It happened with freeing Baine from the Underhold before it cut to the full cinematic at Thunder Bluff. Back then, the cinematic wasn’t datamined, but people could logically presume there was something in-between the cutscene for Jaina teleporting them out, and the next quest steps that followed.

People can do the same here. You cannot.

I don’t know how else to get this through your head, but THINGS THAT DON’T OCCUR HERE ARE REFERENCED DIRECTLY AFTER. There is a missing piece of the puzzle, and you’re asserting that the puzzle’s done.


Hey Grandblade. But how do you know? You can’t possibly know that!

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Somehow I knew people where gonna try to twist this even tho there’s obviously a higher grade cinematic that’s locked

Guys remember when Elesan was saying that they retconned the burning during the beta I do


I’m pretty sure I remember you saying over and over again that Night Elves were going to get their revenge on Sylvanas and calling us idiots for not seeing that or treating that as adequate over on the discord as well as on these boards.

Can you see why I have a problem with “obvious” predictions being bandied about as facts?


The difference here is that revenge is a subjective thing, and there being something after this that isn’t implemented yet is an objective one. There isn’t a standard measure for what “revenge” entails, but there’s a measurable way to tell if events occur.

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Not so subjective that I’d say Tyrande being benched in favor of Jaina really counts. But my point here is that I’ve encountered similar arguments and predictions before - and they haven’t always borne out the way that people have said that they would.

Especially the optimistic ones.


This isn’t an argument or a prediction though. You’re trying to dispute something that’s just objectively true.

Something occurs here we don’t see. Whether or not it’s good or bad, for the Night Elves or otherwise, is a different discussion entirely and absolutely can be argued. But the fact that there’s still a part of this story that hasn’t been seen yet cannot.


Again, if you come to me with a piece of metadata or the cinematic itself, I think you can say this. But right now I’m not seeing enough to graduate this from a prediction to a fact. I get that you’re confident about your prediction, but it remains a prediction.

Could Blizzard veer into something else that would connect to these events? Absolutely. They are nothing if not creative in denying good content to this particular fanbase. I’m not saying that you might not eventually be right, but there’s not enough here to say with certainty.

The difference between us again appears to be that you’re willing to give Blizzard the benefit of the doubt. I am not.

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I don’t know what’s more sad

The victim complex or talking about for 11 years non-stop


What’s depressing is the thread was made specifically as an alternative to get away from these arguements but apparently we can’t have anything that’s above the petty squabbling on these forums.


That’s easily done with an invisible wall imo

Idk, just not a fan of these cinematics when it’s not a battle scene.

Just do invisible wall and phasing.

WoW’s model’s were not made for what’s meant to be a “deep” or “shocking” scene.


It’s almost like human understanding is the product of repeated observation or something…