(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

Again YOU say that, you know the night elves were established in this whole setting with the statement. "As strong as the Horde and Alliance combined.

I mean, that made for a lot of players with a certain perception of the night elves. And that image was destroyed over and over again in WOW and just like you felt addressed by the fantasy of the Forsaken, they felt addressed by the fantasy of the Night Elves.

I don’t judge anyone for preferring something, but it’s just not up to YOU to decide when THEY feel better, you’re just making it worse and throwing salt in and making things happen that you don’t really want.

I don’t always agree with that either, but it’s just hypocritical to say that they shouldn’t feel that way, because attention - even bad attention - is still attention.

The fanbase isn’t that hard to please, they want to feel strong again (no one plays a game to be a looser)…and then be left alone, you know? I could clearly read that out over the years, they want their real punch back, and then best never to be touched by blizz again.

Is that really the hassle for attention? Answer it yourself, because the only one who started this Victim train here is you again, even argued that the Forsaken lost more, while I still say they lost different and show once again what really bothers you…that someone used the word genocide and it became hard-canon, surprise, it was called that even without this book, namely by the developers in the interviews, it would have become so and so a genocide and then I recommend you your own advice.

get over it.

Tyrande, Malfurion, Maiev, Shandris, the demigods that only partner up with them, Cenarius, Elune, the green dragonflight…

All of these night elf allied ubermensh make up for the allegedly 5 nelves left in Stormwind (which took them weeks to evacuate and ran all the way to Goldshire from their sheer mass, those 5-20 nelves were thick!

Was. Somewhere after MoP. Or after the Cataclysm. After the Siege of Orgrimmar.

Of which exactly one was present to save them from near extinction and from the destruction and conquest of their zones.

Yes as a Forsaken fan I totally get the instinct to say “just leave my race alone” or “just give my race everything it wants on a silver platter and I’ll stop complaining”…I get it! I do. But that doesn’t make for good storytelling. Giving loud obnoxious fans everything they want is not a good thing to do.

You either get that or you don’t. If you’re idea of good storytelling is “give Night Elf fans everything they want so they will stop complaining on the story forums for the 10th year in a row”…sorry, that’s not how the world works, and thank goodness it doesn’t work that way.

Excellent. So, the Forsaken accept Kalia, she becomes their full-fledged leader and all (okay, half) of the Forsaken voluntarily go to the Alliance.

The Forsaken will receive a lot of attention. They will have no reason to complain. Not one, right?

We’re only complaining for the tenth year in a row because we’ve been abused for over a literal decade.


That span all the way from Stormwind to Goldshire, according to your logic.

Also surprised Pikachu face the whole army wasn’t even they’re when the Horde burnt the tree.

Which means, even if the majority of civilians died, most of the army remains, the important characters do (don’t pretend you cared about Ilthalaine or Lady Silver) and a significant amount of civilians escaped. Or 5-20 really big civilians as you choose to pretend.

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Yes they are. It is not enough. It will never be enough.

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That’s not my statement, that’s the statement of the night elf base who have been arguing here for the last 3 years, the majority just want to fight back and then be left alone.

Tyrande was so to speak their hope of this fighting back and this was now destroyed and they should be satisfied with it because revenge is something evil? Surprise, revenge is one of the most fundamental themes of Warcraft and especially of the night elves, not every race has the same morals and not every race should have the same morals.

Attention is not equal to good Attention and negative Attention is never good.

Treng, for you is already too much if they get any positive story at all :wink:


You didn’t even try to please.

You got Ashenvale back in mission tables and won Darkshore while losing less than Forsaken who gained two Alliance characters (Calia, Derek) to give the Alliance control of the Forsaken. Then you got Night Elf Ardenweald with the Night Elf Winter Queen to resurrect the Night Elf Elune’s night elf pet dragon Ysera.

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M … Not convincing. Let’s swap Illuminated Kalia for Illuminated Delaryn, and Derek will be Syrah.
These are human stories. Alliance. Not night elves.

Oh yes, the dead will be of great help to the living night elves … One question. How?

The whole army that couldn’t even get their zones back from the Horde.

Quantity matters in a genocide, and I’m allowed to care about the civilian population of the Night Elves being dead, tortured and obliterated in the maw just to make Sylvanas slightly more powerful.

And the army is seemingly also dead by now because the Horde just kept Ashenvale.

Oh the typical Horde player troll reply

No we didn’t.

Forsaken lost a capital city?.. the Night elves lost that too along with everything else they had?




What’s human about Night Elf Ashenvale and Night Elf Darkshore?

What’s human about the Night Elf Ardenweald with the Night Elf Winter Queen to resurrect the Night Elf Elune’s pet night elf dragon Ysera?

As much as I would like Ashenvale back, I require adequate proof. Can you demonstrate to me that the mission tables definitively mean that we got it back?

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Then what does Kalia and Derek have to do with it? They are not night elves.

You know you don’t have to advocate for them, they do it plenty loudly on their own. And they have made their point. Repeatedly. Endlessly.

If that’s the story Blizzard wants to tell I will not be happy, I will complain about it, then I will be on my way. I’m not going to argue on the forums forever and ever making everyone else miserable about what my fictional race is owed.

Excellent. Now convince the rest of the Horde of this.