(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

10, 10 left, I’m sorry

Well A) the Forsaken story is absolutely miserable right now, much worse than Night Elves who are least getting to appear in cinematics without being clothed in censoring outerware, I don’t think any Forsaken fans are happy with where the story is now but you would never know it because all of them have been driven from the story forums in the last 3 years and B) Night Elves are still easily the most popular race in the game after generic humans, that’s not even a question.


I really wonder if you even play the game sometimes

For whom in the hall of souls was the monstrous merging of the souls of the night elves?

She threatens me with such a good time, if they’re were that few nelves left, my druid would be way cooler

I know how many we saved, and the minimum amount of those we didn’t save.

We only saved a tenth of those that died at Teldrassil.

You know theres more quest right maybe if you hit level 60 and got to 22 renown you’d know

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You know, with some of them it was really hard to distinguish BAIT from serious arguments.

And don’t go down that road, don’t climb VictimOlympus, you say the night elves don’t have it so hard, that’s your argument because you think you have it harder than them and they are ungrateful.

You realize yourself how ridiculous that is, that you think you have it harder and you can’t cover that objectively? You lost Sylvanas/Nathanos and Understadt…Fine, yes, that’s a LOSS, I won’t deny it, the night elves lost their pride for that, all of it, after being defeated by the Horde faction for all to see.

These are two completely different types of loss. You lost things you love, the night elves lost things they love, but I think most of that is out of hurt pride.

Imagine if the Alliance had come and destroyed Orgrimmar single-handedly, destroying everything along the way, wouldn’t you want to feel strong again after an event like that, after the other faction destroyed you in-game?

Then it should be in Blizzard’s interest not to lose this big amount of money and satisfy this fanbase, don’t you think?

Then, from a company pov, this entire arc was only a Loss-making business

They lost players and thus subscribers.

Yea you save 80, then I believe 3, 8 and again 8, which brings us to 99.

Again, 1000 died in Teldrassil alone

Unfortunately, my story ended at the entry of the venti. My knowledge is what I remember from the forum discussions. Yes, the soul quest was “repeatable”, but it was either a bug or something unplanned.

The War of Thorns was the left-over Night Elves (because the bulk of the army went to Silithus) vs. the entire Horde military machine. There’s no pride lost there. It’s a miracle the Night Elves held out as long as they did.

Sorry but I refuse to continue to indulge in Night Elf victim-fantasies because some author used the word “genocide” in a short story three years ago.

Get over it.


Spacially since most races have been genocided, at least the night elves were one of the most op races before (still even)


Okay. The civilian population fought off the Horde war machine on a grand scale. Why haven’t the army been able to drive the Horde out of Darkshore and Ashenval for two years?

Yea, the handful of refugees on the streets of stormwind that remain of the race are very “op”

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Damn you must really love nelves, you literally didnt even try to save anyone during that quest, damn all 1000 died, did you afk?

Don’t sink to Ethriel’s level.

Canonically the Night Elves won Darkshore and that’s the end of it.

Okay, then 950 died, changes nothing about my argument

Yea no that’s not the end of it. Teldrassil and Ashenvale were also their zones, the Horde shouldn’t be entitled to night elf zones just because they are mostly dead.

For two years the army could not overwhelm what the Horde had done with “great difficulty” in three weeks against the civilian population. Is there really a reason to be proud of the army?

Ashenvale has not been a Night Elf-exclusive zone since Warcraft 3. /shrug

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