(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

How is the current change different from the previous one? The people of the Horde are still the same and they will willingly follow the next Leader to kill and plunder.

Night Elves get more story attention than any other race besides maybe Trolls, but even then they still get at least a cinematic or two or whole zones themed after them in every expansion.

Such a tired argument, negative attention is still attention. On a meta-level, leaving the RP value of it behind, the Night Elves get more than their fair share of story attention.


No, not really. You could use that argument for humans, but not for the night elf story, which at its core is about loss. This second part, return/recovery of loss is just never presented in such a big plot as the first, death.

Saying that the night elves had it good shows me rather how biased you are and how little you really understand of the story.

Imagine if the Scarlet Crusade had really defeated the Forsaken in a great conflict, burning hundreds and hundreds in fields, and Sylvanas had told you after that event that revenge was wrong.

Would you like it?


They literally had a government change

WoD dIdN’t HaVe AnY nElF zOnEs

It’s not, because bringing Sylvanas to justice is not vengeance, especially when she tortured and obliterated her people in the maw, and just came to Ardenweald to attack the few that Tyrande saved.

But why is it good when done against the Night Elves? You’re contradicting yourself so much.
When Sylvanas does it it’s good and she can be forgiven, so that’s an exception ?

But when Tyrande or the Night Elves just want justice, it’s wrong? What?

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Great, let’s destroy the Horde with the Horde, but this time to the end! The Alliance will not participate at all. Do you want a story like this? You will die so long and beautifully … Well, will the Horde players be dissatisfied with something?

Humans literally dont get story, anduin being sad or jaina being mad isnt human story, its character story

I did not say they had it good, I said they get more than their fair share of story attention and that negative attention is still attention.

Most races get 1/20th the attention that Night Elves received. Night Elves get more lore in 9.1 than Pandaren have gotten since MOP for goodness sake.

And Tyrande looking for justice and giving up on it is Tyrande story, not night elf story.


Tyrande is a High Priestess and avatar of her people’s god. Not comparable to a king.

Yes but the souls, teldrassil, darkshore, and everything in ardenweald is

AND? Vol’jin was also a change of government, but the Horde still didn’t last long. Why won’t the people of the Horde follow a “madly evil” member of the Council? The madman will declare the Council as servants of the Alliance, harming the Horde, and that’s it, the people of the Horde will fall in love until they die.

The souls that were obliterated? Ah, cool.

Yes yes, DELETED even. Can’t make nelves no more.

I mean being obliterated in the maw is kind of like being deleted, yes. Because there’s no hope of them ever coming back or finding peace.

Attention is not the same, or would you say that every form of attention is really desired? Then you can only praise BFA with the attention of Saurfang, and the horde, don’t you think?

So what? Pandaren are an absolutely irrelevant April Fool’s joke that, frankly, is absolutely rotten.

Honestly, Attention stops being good when it chases away the players for whom this Attention is valid.

And that’s what Blizzard has done, tell me the benefit of it, that less and less players want to play night elves because they are either portrayed as too weak, as losers, or whatever, and then say again “any form of Attention is good”.

No problem, really, the Forsaken can have all the attention they want if it means they get ripped and ripped and ripped and ripped some more…and then at the end someone tells you “revenge is bad, end of story”.

This drive people away…you know? Nothing is good about THIS kind of Attention, if the player feels negative, a story is to enchant the game, and not to drive the player away because the story is terrible awfull.

From a company standpoint alone, the night elves comprise 16% of the total player base, stable for years. Do you really want to lose that as a…company?


Mhmm, completely eradicated, only 20 nelves left

Oh yes. You never answered. What stories did the night elves get, other than stories of lost greatness? There were a lot of them, but is there anything else?

On Azeroth? Probably. In Ardenweald we had around a hundred night elf souls, wonder how many of that are left after Sylvanas’ assault.