(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

continues to ignore the data where blizzard killed off other popular characters

Sexy tatted Night Elf GF


Everyone needs a sexy tatted NE lover :wolf:

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I’ve discovered the diamond in the rough. Tyrande announces that she has not been in control; Elune has. This means that Elune chose to go on a wild, stupid rampage killing everything she could in Ardenweald.

Elune is canonically not a good god.

This is the best lore I could’ve hoped for in this expansion.

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I’m pretty sure this doesn’t need to be said but Tyrande is looking wonderful.

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Wasn’t that known at least from the Night Warrior?

Guys guys, when the actual cinematic plays, the NEFPA will skip it, so they actually haven’t SEEN the evidence.

“When the arrow finds its mark, the last fetter will fall away.”

Think this will tie into Slyvanas’ dying act? Shooting an arrow at the Arbiter or someone/something to allow the Jailer the opportunity to steal the Arbiter’s sigil?

Or do you think Tyrande is going to shoot and “kill” Sylvanas’ “good soul” sparking an all out faction war WC3 style?

“Sure Tyrande looks amazing and does cool stuff here, but Night Elves haven’t gotten any content since at least 9.0, anti-Night Elf bias my guys, and also Tyrande didn’t sacrifice herself and her entire race for the sake of petty pointless revenge, totally terrible storytelling, Night Elves are treated so badly despite getting 40-50% of all of the storytelling in WoW”

I think that’s going to be the argument.

Tyrande will not be in that fight because the Tyrande story is about Tyrande overcoming the need for vengeance which is the whole metaplot of Shadowlands which 90% of the Nelf posters in this forum ignore/do not understand.


And yet you continue to be wrong if you think that Sylvanas will die or be brought to justice.

“Do not accept” is the word you’re looking for.

Because the Night Elves lost everything and were denied any sort of positive resolution in every aspect, even their souls were obliterated

And now you’re telling me that Tyrande gives up on justice too? So the Night Elves get nothing out of Shadowlands at all ? Even Sylvanas gets a pass?

By the way, before you tell me that I should be happy about the story because of the Tyrande cinematic, ask Saurfang fans if they were happy about his story.


I agree with Ethriel, I think its more of not accepting that. I don’t think a forgiveness arc was in line for Tyrande.

Why should her character find forgiveness?


She does not abandon Justice, she abandons Vengeance. That’s the whole Night Warrior storyline in a nutshell surmised by our good friend Uther. It’s so on the nose it’s painful that the story forums…and you…won’t let it go.

Saurfang was ruined by the storytelling in BfA. Fans of Saurfang pre-BfA were not his fans afterwords and vice-versa. Saurfang pre-BfA would have challenged Makgora in Ogrimmar before the War of Thorns even began.


This is even more absurd when Sylvanas literally just came to Ardenweald to destroy the zone and thus the (although few) souls of her people.

It’s so absurd. Why should she forgive Sylvanas out of anyone? There’s no reason to.

Justice is framed as vengeance, which is a whole nother problem. Justice would be killing the Jailer, the mawsworn, Sylvanas, the Horde members that killed civilians etc.

Vengeance would be burning down a Horde city along with its civilians and sent their souls to hell where they are obliterated.

Thesr are quite different, Tyrande never wanted to do the latter.

Of course I won’t, because it hasn’t improved in 3 years at all.

Yea, but I’m asking you, should Saurfang or Horde fans be happy about his story just because he got the best cinematics in the game?


But the majority(?) want Vengeance.

They want these Horde “villians” to be held accountable (and killed) for acts such as Theramore and Teldrassil.

What is the difference between justice and revenge? If Tyrande chooses “justice”, will she go to bring “justice” to the Horde in the form of prison camps, deprivation of property and parental rights?

This is not really vengeance though. This is justice. Vengeance would be doing something like Teldrassil to the Horde.
And Tyrande never even considered that.

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I’ve never seen a legitimate Horde/lore fan think that the Saurfang cinematics did anything except ruin his character and turn him into a coward/traitor in BfA. The wider audience that is easily pleased by high-def cinematics starring Thrall…sure they were happy. But they mostly didn’t even know who Saurfang was.

If you want that for Tyrande then so be it…

EDIT: Oh and Tyrande has to die in the end in this fantasy scenario that isn’t happening.

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I guess justice more so in death, than the whole Garrosh put in jail till he can escape bit… at least that was the impression I got.

I think you’re missing the point here. You, in short, just said that Night Elf fans will come up with excuses despite the cinematic, but I’m telling you that the night elf story is really really awful, and a good looking pre rendered cinematic won’t change that. Especially when Sylvanas could potentially just defeat her in this one, but that’s besides the point

The point is that the Night Elf resolution and justice arc went nowhere.

Completely missed it.

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Is never good