(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

This also isn’t confirmed.

I mean too bad for her, cause she is wrong again

I’m not convinced that she nor I want to be right about 90% of what we say.

I just can’t wish better things into existence, ignore past trends, or invent my own lore.

You sure like to argue against people who point out your wrong tho

first its theres no tyrande cinematics, now its theres not 2, and when the second one is 100% comfirmed its gonna be well they are bad cinematics, no matter what happens in them

Wrong that we don’t have enough evidence yet to definitively say that something satisfying follows the cinematic linked in the OP? Because that has been the item of discussion since this thread began.

These items are for an entirely different discussion that I don’t think anyone was having.

oh boy its my favourite time its the goal post moving game!!!

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We’re not playing that game, sorry. The goalposts were defined by responses to the OP. Please refer to that for the actual topic of this thread.

Wait what? Is Tyrande looking at the portal and the fae who are staring at it? Does this mean she doesn’t arrive through the portal we thought she arrives through?

Who knows how many portals will the mawsworn use.

gl hf

I remember about 3 years ago one developer once told that Night Elves will have a chance for revenge, but what will their choose to save the world or to revenge?
I guess it is this moment in the cutscene. Tyrande in Elune’s armor fights Sylvanas. But she turns to help Wild Hunt to fight this big monster, to save Ardenweild.

Tyrande will chose to save this nature realm and Night Elves souls there.

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It’s possible she crosses over through another Maw portal, presuming this cutscene isn’t during the purification.

Well, if the devs seriously think that the place like Ardenweald, that did not exist till last year for the players, can come even close in emotional connection to the players, that would be one of the most dire news for the future of the game.

edit: also, I think that might’ve been related to the justification that the devs use to change the horde into “something new”.

Do they want to get revenge on the Horde, or do they want to build a better world?

© https://www.polygon.com/interviews/2018/8/17/17697560/world-of-warcraft-battle-for-azeroth-interview-blizzard-horde-alliance-wow

gl hf


Here, you can view it as a video, copied from the page source: (delete the space)

https ://bnetcmsus-a.akamaihd.net/cms/template_resource/FS9UN6CCBQC91623947237042.mp4

She is definitely staring at the portal, which means she arrives from elsewhere. Is she a Maw Walker, lol?

Edit: Here is a screenshot:
https ://imgur.com/a/wfGOUm0

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check wowhead its real

How long til we get this as customization opti-… oh right they are not doing those again.


It would be really nice to see such…options for player characters, but i think…only if a night warrior get possesed by elune, it will enter this stance.

Night elves already have tattoos that suit them better… this looks too nightborne-ish. That gift of the naaru moon effect would look cool though

I’d like it as an alternate shade for the currently existing tattoos, though I agree it’ll knock off a bit too much from Nightborne.

A knockoff of the knockoff?

There’s an inception joke in here somewhere.

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no guys you have to show respect for the totally not incompetent art team!!!

Well, the nightborne scheme is more of an arcane glow, Tyrande’s is already significantly more extreme and sophisticated than anything we’ve seen from the Nightborne.

compare this to


tbh, its looks more like this armory

https://wow.zamimg.com/uploads/screenshots/resized/600689.jpg (the symbols on the shoulders, on the ears)

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