(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

It appears to be real - and potentially from a cutscene other than the one that’s being speculated to follow the one that this thread is trying to discuss.


blizzard just gonna put fake cinematics on there front page?

I’m sorry, what exactly are you upset about here?

Just saying how is there a chance its not real?

This is about the use of the word “appears” isn’t it?

You’re mad about that word choice…

I am not mad I am just wondering what you think stuff is fake news

Something like:

In 9.1 we’re going to see 3 cutscenes on the game engine: battle of Tyrande and Sylvanas in Ardenweald, some unknown cinematic, and, logically, the raid finale. 7 min total.

By the way, here is the design of the night warrior Tyrande for the upcoming cinematic: “tattoos” from the energy of Elune all over her body, and the markings around the eyes also seem to covered the forehead and torso, and also there is a magical crescent moon floating in from of her forehead similarly to the gift of naaru.

afaia this all is the author’s interpretation rather than anything officially sourced.

The original preview:

(shows the animation to me in full screen)

gl hf


If that’s what you’re taking away, I get the feeling that you’re conflating statements - so let’s make sure we clarify.

This thread is discussing the cinematic that was linked in the original post. The question is whether that cinematic is going to be followed by anything satisfying.

That cinematic takes place after Tyrande returns. Based on what I have been offered so far, I’m seeing stuff surrounding the return, but not necessarily the speculated second-follow up.

Could that follow up exist? Sure. Have I seen convincing evidence to get me to say THAT it does? No.

How? Where?

Where is that?

It’s not there for me on the page you linked.

I’m confused

Watch the background cinematic.

It’s definitely real, it’s from the French version of the official WoW website, it runs in the background of the home page. If it’s not appearing for you, your browser might be blocking it, I had to change some of my addons to make it show up.

So, that settles it for me that at least one of the encrypted cinematics is in that first Ardenweald chapter. With one likely taking place as part of the raid finale, that leaves one left. Unless it’s part of that last campaign chapter that we don’t have access to, I think it is highly likely (not 100% certain, of course) that the remaining cinematic follows up the cutscene posted at the beginning of this thread. There’s still room for -something- at that spot following the cutscene, and I think we’ve gotten cutscenes for all the other places that had cutscene/cinematic placeholders earlier in the PTR.

FORTY EIGHT REPLIES!? It’s been like an hour!!

Oh, I see now.

Wow, this looks really good.
Still a shame to me that they only make her look that awesome shortly before she loses it

I think the words you’re looking for are “I was wrong.”


Based on the information we have so far, she doesn’t lose it. The ritual saves her, but does not depower her.

There is the matter of her motivations being lobotomized away, but that’s a separate conversation.

So you believe the images we have so far are of a cinematic that follows the one linked in the OP?

I am surprised that seeing you say this makes me happy :laughing:

Try not to be Debbie Downer!

One of the other languages of the official WoW site has it as part of the patch preview along with a few shots of other cutscenes, I think it might be the French site?

Either way, I assume the English site will be updated to it soon.

loses it hahahha, to bad she doesnt lose her powers

You want her to lose her completely undefined and incomprehensible powerup?


I’m wrong when the Elune part is also a cinematic. Yes. But only about that.

This still changes nothing about the direction the night elf story is heading towards just because Tyrande looks awesome in a cinematic.

It does make me happy to see that Tyrande looks this good in a cinematic, but if she is really shown to lose against Sylvanas it would still make me very upset.

But this still doesn’t change my general opinion about the story. As we all know, you can still sell a garbage story in beautiful cinematics… look at Saurfang.

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