(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

You realise that that happened in 8.1 with the IN-GAME cutscene right?

I bet you do. Your critical thinking is more like “criticise (whoever disagrees with you) first, think later”

We literally only have 2 slots out of 3 known cinematics ha keep being wrong Tyrande is getting 2 all the dataminers know this, you and kyalin fighting against people who know better

and no it was in the ptr, the last build

It is not using the ingame render that is for sure because the quality is alot more superior. My guess is that cutscene plays out just before Sylvanas assaults Ardenweald.

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Again, we’re asking for the receipts, not your personal confidence.

If you don’t have them, that’s okay. You can just say “we don’t know for sure, but we think this”.

The only objection I have is you treating your prediction as though it were a fact.

Its actually the ending when sylvanas summons the army to invade ardenweald

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I’m not fighting with anyone. I just suggested a possibility and agreed with you that it is very likely Tyrande gets 2 cutscenes. But you couldn’t take the fact that I expressed a hint of doubt based on past precedent and the existence of another possible route, so you decided to fight with me on that.

What the screenshots of a cinematic arent enough anymore lol

why would they have a in game cutscene then fad to black to another in game cutscene you are just being a doomer

Where are the blanks in 9.1?

When Tyrande arrives to stop Sylvanas in Ardenweald
When Elune arrives to save Tyrande
The end of the raid.

Seems simple enough. We’ve had literally every other in-game cutscene WIP in the game for quite a while now, and these are the three blank spots where the quests/scenes beforehand clearly indicate a cutscene is meant to play.

I don’t know if that linked thing about Tyrande is real or not but if it’s fake, its pretty rad looking.


Dude I’m done arguing with you. I ALREADY AGREED WITH YOU that it is very likely, YOU CANT TAKE THAT and you want me to express 100% confidence (the confidence of a fool honestly) and I refuse to do so you bring in crap like the above (I’m not even talking about that cutscene btw) to derail my opinion.

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to complicated for some it seems

I yield to your knowledge, like I said I’m not as visually familiar with Lord Herne as with some other characters. I do have a Night Fae alt but my main is Venthyr, I spend much more time hanging out in Revendreth with all the characters there than I do Ardenweald.

There are clearly missing pieces like the Sylvanas-Anduin compass thingy, right?

There’s no indication that a true cutscene should be played there. It was just an in-game cutscene without the dialogue or voice acting added yet.

A surefire way to tell if a cutscene is meant to play is if Blizzard does a fade out abruptly, like we see with both the Ardenweald ones. Where characters are discussing something and then it abruptly fades out.


could you pls translate the russian speak above the screens?

Yeah, but that means there’s a quest or something that leads to it.

It depends on when that scene takes place. That doesn’t really have much to do about an in-game cinematic though. It could be a scene that only takes place after you beat Sylvanas in the raid, like the Z’rali and Remornia one in 9.0 that only opens after beating Deanthrius, or could just be a late-game covenant campaign chapter that unlocks.

Either way the reason people joked about that WIP scene is because it had some weird David Lynch-esque close ups without any dialogue or voice acting. There was no abrupt fade to black/white implying a true in-game cinematic was meant to play. It was just not finished.

That’s an in-game cutscene, we’ve seen it as a work-in-progress. Whatever it is, it’s not part of the three encrypted cinematics, unless there’s a cinematic in addition to the cutscene. As pointed out earlier, there is the wildcard that we don’t have access to the final chapter of the campaign; it is theoretically possible that there’s an encrypted cutscene associated with it. I personally think it unlikely, since Blizzard is going to so much trouble to hide that chapter even though it won’t be playable when the patch launches, and those encrypted cinematics will likely be findable in the data at launch. If there is a cinematic there, I wouldn’t be surprised if Blizzard just holds off on adding it to the game until the final chapter is playable several weeks after launch, in order to maintain secrecy.

that is a in character cutscene, it was already datamined

Uh, what is that? Some fan concept?