(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

Wrong ones is the tyrande one and the other is slotted for aredenweald so I am not sure why that one will be anduin and the last one I assume is at the end of the raid

For the sake of procession of elimination, what places on the PTR that leave room for a cinematic or cutscene have we not already seen cutscenes for? We haven’t gotten anything for Tyrande’s arrival in Ardenweald yet, have we? The images that Shernish linked to and the shot of Lord Herne in the launch trailer pointed out by Zerde don’t match with anything we’ve seen so far from cutscenes, correct?

The Lord Herne one is possibly an ingame cinematic, it is easy to achieve that with the ingame stuff. The one of Tyrande’s arrival could be either, though i somehow doubt they would devote two pre-rendered cinematics to her.

Visual effects of the “night warrior” spell seemingly are different now. In Torghast it looked like the abilities that some trolls used in Bwonsamdi’s necropolis, and visually it was similar to the look of soul keeper. Now the visuals heavily resemble Ardenweald. I guess to match the whole “sister” thing or something like that.

gl hf

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heh they did tho

theres 3 cinematics and we already know when they fire, one is tyrande’s arrival which is the lord herne one as well, and the other is the end of the ardenweald campagin, and the last one is at the end of the raid

Either attack on Ardenweald, or the one after which Tyrande states that all this time she was just on a backseat instead of in-control. Something at the end of the raid. And, depending on if the final chapter of the 9.1 story is avalable, maybe that one.

Such would be my guesses.

gl hf

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It’s highly possible, considering I see a night elf with new armor in the right bottom corner of the scene where Sylvanas gets a huge Mawsworn through the portal… My guess is that that’s Shandris in the Tyrande’s arrival scene.

Those would be cinematics like the Nathanos pre-patch one, I suppose. A compromise for having a “cinematic” but not a cg one.

gl hf

At this point people should probably just accept that the full cg story cutscenes were most likely just a BFA thing.


They aren’t making CGi cinematics with their pandemic workload I guess.

The fully rendered ones take ages to produce, I am honestly surprised we got so many on BfA. But the in-engine ones are good, too.

We did have a teaser of a fully rendered one, didn’t we? Or was that not a teaser but the whole thing?

I realize that Herne could be from an in-game cutscene, my question is if we’ve already seen such a cutscene on the PTR. Most of the cutscenes seem to be implemented in at least some form at this point, so I’m looking for places where it seems like a cutscene or cinematic is supposed to fit, but which we don’t already have a cutscene for. As for devoting two pre-rendered cinematics to Tyrande, why not? It’s not like there’s a hard rule against featuring the same character in multiple cinematics in the same patch. Tyrande already appeared in both Shadowlands pre-patch cinematics, they’ve already got a good model for her.

That is the big wildcard, since that entire last chapter is still hidden. To be honest, if Blizzard is so set on keeping that last chapter secret, I wouldn’t be surprised if they add in any relevant cutscenes or cinematics for it later, since that chapter won’t be available until several weeks after the patch launches anyway. I believe they did that with the “Sylvanas’ Choice” cinematic, adding it after 9.0 had been live for awhile, I don’t think it was included in launch. Feel free to correct me if I’m misremembering, though.

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No these types of cutscenes are never shown on the PTR

It’s possible that they do not spoil in-game cutscenes in the PTR if they have big story impacts. They did this even in BfA with the NW scene.

Well because I don’t think they find Tyrande’s story interesting enough for 2 pre-rendered cinematics,.

Doesnt matter cause theres two slots where shes around

If you say so

I mean its obivious if you did ptr testing

Everything’s obvious to you, Kat

Was right about the date and now the cinematics, I just have critical thinking, and well, when you do a ptr quest, and the screen goes black and blizzard puts a text that says COOL cinematic HERE its well obivious

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I’m using “cutscene” to mean the real-time in-game rendered stuff, contrasting with the pre-rendered (whether using in-game art assets or the more photo-realistic 3D CGI assets) cinematics like the encrypted ones in question. We have plenty of the in-game rendered cutscenes on the PTR, but I don’t think that shot of Lord Herne is from any of them. Honestly, it’s such a short shot and with a character I’m not as visually familiar with that it’s difficult for me to tell what type of render it is.

Fair enough. Personally, I wouldn’t be surprised at two pre-rendered cinematics for Tyrande if there’s a lot going on visually that’s either difficult to portray in an in-game cutscene or just much better served by a pre-rendered cinematic. I imagine something like, for example, Ysera’s death (and later rebirth) would have been difficult to do as an in-game cutscene. That’s not to say that I expect it, just that I wouldn’t be surprised either.