(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

Relevant to this topic: https://www.wowhead.com/news/encrypted-cinematics-in-patch-9-1-over-7-minutes-of-cinematics-322881

Three encrypted cinematics, total run time of more than seven minutes. One is almost certainly for the end of the raid, so now we get to guess where the other two are.


do u seriously think someone whos been crying for over a decade and moves the goal posts whenever he doesnt get what he wants is going to admit to being wrong??? rofl


Hm, so 1:56 of Sylvanas defeating Tyrande, then one of them for Sylvanas escaping / being forgiven in the raid and the other one… I’m not sure. Probably something Sylvanas related with Anduin maybe

Tyrande Night Warrior, on the game engine.

In update 9.1, we are waiting for three cinematics on the game engine: the battle of Tyrande and Sylvanas in Ardenvelde, some unknown video and, in theory, the finale of the raid. 7 minutes in total.

By the way, here is the design of the Night Warrior Tyrande from the upcoming video: “tattoos” all over the body from the energy of Elune, and the usual tattoo around the eyes also seemed to grow on the forehead and torso, and there was also a magic crescent moon hovering in front of the forehead in the spirit of the Naaru sign.


Woa those tattoos look cool.
Too bad its wrapped around this Nightsaber droppings of a story.


While I doubt it’ll happen since it’ll tread too close to Nightborne aesthetic, I’d love if the current tattoo options were given a different glowing shade option to semi-mirror that aesthetic.

Don’t need to full Theros astral markings but just being able to be a night light glowy elf would be awesome.

How? Or is this another Grandblade Tantrum?

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Assuming that is the real deal Tyrande actually looks more beautiful.

Ooh! Neat!

Cinematic comfirmed and there’s supposedly two with tyrande

Supposed on what? Are the files labeled or something?

Yes lol like they always been

If they were “always” so-labeled, I would have expected someone to have said so by now. Do you have some evidence of this, or am I just supposed to go by your word?

Yess, they finally gave her hair some of the blue back.

OMG, she is really good.
Wonder only why her hear is black, and what is this magic.

Everyone told you but you ignored it lol

It’s night warrior magic

So you’ve got no evidence that you’re willing to share. Got it.

I mean everyone who was on the ptr knew when the cinematics happened and we told you it’s not our fault you couldn’t put two and two together like lol you do the quest the screen goes black and it says cool cinematic here and when your out of the black screen tyrande is suddenly there it’s not hard

All three are encrypted, so we have no idea which character play a role there

I think one is about tyrande
One about sylvanas
One about anduin