(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

She is in 9.1 when thrall kills sylvanas

Thrall is not a Night Elf. Recall that you were replying to this:

I’m pretty sure I remember you saying over and over again that Night Elves were going to get their revenge on Sylvanas

Thrall is also not killing (or intenting to kill) Sylvanas.

I don’t see how this is going to change, this looks like a typical in game cutscene and the player model is in it so not a pre rendered scene like people seem to be thinking it’s going to improve graphically. This isn’t going to change much beyond voices. Are people expecting an actual cinematic? Nothing even really is happening here just the winter queen arriving. If there was going to be pre-rendered it would be the sylvanas/tyrande fight if that is in there.

Yeah and thrall is killing sylvanas for the nelves and you as a player literally fight her


He’s not even trying to kill her, and Sylvanas is not going to lose

So I assume Elune will speak through the swirly swirly glow portal?
Is there a second cinematic or not?

At this rate, I’m not even sure 9.1 will be out this year. But when it is, I do expect a second cinematic as there are clear missing links.

Just quit the game if you’re not happy. Blizzard isn’t forcing you to play at gunpoint. Your incessant whining and endless pessimism serves no constructive purpose.

People calling you out on that isn’t toxic, that’s what it is; unconstructive, redundant, and irritating.


Oh yea, and this guy personally insulting me certainly isn’t either.

How? When I’m complaining about how the Night Elf story concluded? In nothing but misery? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

The cutscene they’re talking about is what takes place between the in game cutscene and the next time we resume gameplay.

Winter Queen shows up and says she’ll get answers, it cuts to a filler cutscene that implies there’s going to be a fully rendered cutscene and then it goes back to gameplay with Tyrande being better + everyone talking about Elune speaking.

The argument is people refuse to accept that filler between the in game cutscene and gameplay exists and are thus presuming there’s nothing else.


Cuz ALL you do is COMPLAIN, while offering no constructive feedback whatsoever. The story CLEARLY isn’t over, but regardless you’re gunna constantly moan about how bad the writers treat your favorite race and how they will continue to do so anyways, because you seem to genuinely enjoy being miserable.

Nothing that comes out of your mouth is constructive or facilitating of rational discussion. All you do is go around engulfing people in your massive victim complex, cuz you can’t accept the reality that folks like to have theoretical discussion on here that isn’t inherently pessimistic.


Just because everything that happens to Night Elves is negative doesn’t mean that I’m the pessimistic one here. I’m rather rational.

If only bad things happen because the writers dislike them, and that for years, then more bad things are going to happen in the future

Time after been time, you have been told all the things Night Elves have received, and you’ve accepted none of them. You ARE a pessimist, and the rampant defeatism that you insist on injecting into every thread is why people react so harshly to you. You suck the life out of a room, and at this point, you’re doing it deliberately.


My complaints are based on things that have already happened including in 9.1.

The only thing that hasn’t happened officially yet is the Sylvanas justification, but that will happen soon so :woman_shrugging:

I guess you’re just not allowed to be upset about your race being eradicated from the game nowadays, with only negative things happening to it.

Also no, I only bring it up on threads that have to do with it.

I’m not having this conversation with you again, because anything I could say to you I already has, and it’s slid right in one ear and out the other.

Both your life and this game would improve if you unsubbed.


So Kyalin, ready to admit defeat? We finally see a glimpse of the cinematic: https://youtu.be/UWuVLKgXzKo?t=5


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Defeat for me is usually being proven right - so, no. I’ve had quite enough of that.

I’m not seeing your evidence here, however.

Are there “crows” in the sky?