(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

Behaviors aren’t meant to be “corrected” in and of themselves, is why the language is being moved away from.

But the psych reason behind the behavior, i.e. why and how you got the wound on your arm in the first place, must always be treated, no matter how big or small.

Because small wounds can lead to big illnesses, and behaviors are symptoms, not the wound/illness in and of itself.

You shouldn’t be comfortable with maladaptive behaviors generally, no. If for example, you have a rigid routine such that if you have friends over and they mess up the routine and you lash out at them, that needs to be confronted.

Same things with the nervous person that holds on to objects, that also needs to be confronted.

Or the people who day after day, week after week, constantly remind themselves and their world how miserable they are in real life because of the story of this video game, how utterly despairing and hopeless they are for anything to get better.

This is not okay! Like literally every single word of what they write is DRIPPING with despair and agony.

People need to go to therapy. Walk away! Touch grass! Talk to someone! Talk with (non-WoW) friends!

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Yeah, but you’re using an example that is directly and deleteriously interfering with a person’s life and their potential happiness. If you have a behavior that causes you to hurt those around you of course you should seek help.

Not all maladaptive behaviors fall into that category, and I deliberately used an example of one such behavior to demonstrate the point.

Maladaptive behaviors aren’t bad because or only if they hurt other people, but because they exist as an untreated wound on our psyche lol


But if they aren’t hurting others or yourself then why should they be treated?

Because one should desire personal growth and development rather than cling to a psych wound that is creating a maladaptive behavior.

Like you’re literally saying “Yes, I have a chronic toe nail mycosis, but it hasn’t spread to the rest of my body (yet) and doesn’t bother me, why should I treat it?”

No, I’m figuratively saying, “I have a mole the dermitologist told is possibly pre-cancerous, so I got it removed. I have another mole the dermitologist told me is definitely not pre-cancerous, so I didn’t get it removed, because there was no point.”

Again, you’re presupposing the maladaptive behavior is deleterious, I’m saying that isn’t necessarily the case.

Anyway I have to go, good discussion, have a nice day.

@OP: Seriously man, I would really consider taking a long break from WoW in all forms, you are taking a story written by marketing execs WAY too seriously. I have a friend who had to take a break from hockey fandom for the exact same reason.

No I’m presupposing all maladaptive behavior is a product of a wound, which it is

How do you tell when a behavior is maladaptive?

Often the behavior is exacerbated when depressed, stressed, nervous, or angry.

While I agree with Baalsamael’s general point about behaviors having a root cause to them, I feel that we ought to bear in mind the following:

  1. Most of us are probably not mental health professionals.
  2. Even if you were a mental health professional, you likely lack the information to pretend to diagnose someone. You’re engaging with random people on the internet about the story in a video game - you don’t know much of anything about the people you’re actually engaging with.
  3. I am seriously skeptical about the idea that someone on the other side of an internet debate actually cares about their opponent’s mental well being. Especially on the bitterly divided topics (that nearly always get personal and nasty) that prevail on this forum.

Given 3 especially, this looks at best like an attempt at concern trolling and at worst an attempt at gaslighting. Either one of these is a disingenuous debate tactic designed to distract from the topic at hand and make it about the person with the concern - something that I notice only tends to happen when the other arguments have failed.

So, I’m going to request that we put an end to this disingenuous nonsense.

this says more about u than it says about anyone else rofl


This is a deeply sad but ultimately unsurprising thing to reveal about your worldview.


To think about it, a lot of crappy decisions were made with those “pay offs”. IMO it’s pretty clear that the current narrative team (as can be seen in the Evolution of Thrall panel) do not see the player experience and participation as a key part of the narrative of a video game as if it can mimic a book style narration (spoiler - it can’t, 'cause text density, lack of clear “dead line” for the resolution, aka existence of the final page, and being a different kind of media using different tools for storytelling).

The entire story was sold as the aftermath of the event and pursue of justice. Which, logically, to me would mean, that the story should’ve been about those things.

And then the devs decided that despite the focus on the loss of a playable race at the hands of other playable races, it’s enough to keep this story as barely mentioned side one.

And with the “win” that was revealed during blizzcon, and with the cutscene of mediocre quality available in the Shadowlands pre-patch long after the content cycle of BfA was over.

It’s ok to have some characters as “lawful good”. Slightly less ok to have entire races in such role, but tolerable.

Making the entire faction “lawful good” is a perversion of the original concept of the alliance (with focus on themes of justice and retribution) and a death sentence to ever having a good faction-related story (which would require having 2 equally valid but flawed and occasionally wrong ideologies, not 1 that is correct™).

gl hf


this one is the full version


I think it is still not full.

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Entirely possible, now I thought with “Full Cinema” not the graphics, but the dialogues :wink:

I’m not seeing anything here that makes me feel better about this.

Kyalin, with all my sympathy, but I don’t think anything Blizzard has in mind will…make you feel better.

This aged poorly

But atleast you got to be toxic about it.

I fail to see how this aged poorly, but telling you your incessant whining is irritating isn’t toxic. Cry me a river.

Edit: Oh. Just more of the same, nothing new.