(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

Why continue to be lawfully good when being lawfully evil will bring many more benefits, both short-term and long-term?
Finally get rid of the threat of the rabid Horde. Trying to build peace with them … Phe. What a world this is, racketeering! Racket is “I’m protecting you from me”, isn’t it?

And since the Horde has decided to be lawfully good … What sacrifice will she make?

The Alliance sacrifices troops and civilians because the Horde refuses to do business peacefully every time. What will be the victim of the Horde? Mass starvation while the Alliance is feasting? Plague and sickness?

Because it will never happen, that’s the problem. Sylvanas is the only character that can commit genocide against a playable race and obliterate their souls and still being called “not evil”.

The indication is the whitewashing of her actions and the fact that the writers love her too much to write an expansion about other characters.

She is a corpse right now.

I mean you’ll see in the end. Either she returns to Azeroth or she gets a role that is very undeserved and absurd for her, like being the Arbiter or something.

Sylvanas has never and will never face any negative consequences for her actions. She even wins when it makes absolutely no sense. For example when Tyrande arrives in Ardenweald, then loses and Sylvanas leaves with the sigil taken by Anduin.

If you think that Sylvanas won’t be rewarded for her actions, then you’re wrong. The writers want to make it clear that genocide and commiting atrocities is a good thing if targeted against Night Elves.
And I’m willing to bet that Sylvanas will still be the main character of the story even after Shadowlands.

What do you want to argue about? And what is the rate? That Sylvanas will be a living protagonist, or will the state of the “Icon, for which they fight” with the disclosure of the motives, abilities of the icon, or something like that be suitable?

This is far from happy. This is full grimdark in a way that doesn’t motivate me to play.

I see no reason to want to play a race of perpetual losers, which is what they have transmogrified the Night Elves into - and I perfectly within my rights to be upset about that.

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well you don’t need a mental illness for wilful ignorance/evasion and intentional trolling.

Honestly mental illness doesn’t come with the conviction shown by said poster(s), been there and among, and there is generally more of self-doubt.
Also I don’t wanna frame every negative poster as mental illness, that is disrespectful of mental illness in general IMO.

Nah you do, the very existence of trolling is a maladaptive behavior

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“You’re mentally ill because you wanted a resolution / positive development for Night Elves”

If “maladaptive behavior” is mental illness, every person I know should be mentally ill. :slight_smile:

No because your pessimistic daily obsession that you attempt to bleed into every single thread and outlet you have across media, and you’ve stated repeatedly this is causing you significant IRL distress, is extremely unhealthy.


Correct. Yes.

Edit I’m genuinely confused at this comment like yes? Were you under the impression they aren’t? That maladaptive behaviors are good and healthy? That most people need therapy same as they need a doctor or dentist regularly?


Honestly? I get less THAT, and more you seem to the type to stockpile and snowball anxieties till they take on a life of their own. I also am more than aware that the NE player community is often one of the most insular of WoW. Where their emotional investment and resonance is almost exclusively found in a single PC race; and many of them don’t even like the other Alliance races (and forget about Horde races). Which is part of why their treatment by Blizz hits so hard for them (at the very least). Its very similar to the Sylvanas fanbase these days.

Well, it is a difference of scale and functionality, so I do think there’s a difference. Maladaptive behaviors need not be mental illness, mental illness loses gravity to call every such behavior that.

Isn’t regular visits to a psychologist part of the “right” life?

??? No? Mental illness doesn’t have to be psychiatric hospitals levels of psychosis? You should go to the doctor for both a sore throat or repeated consistent upset stomach, not just full on septicemia lmao

All maladaptive behaviors are a sign of mental illness lmao

Why the devil is that in quotations Shernish, what nonsense are you about to spew

What went wrong this time? I seem to have asked a correctly formulated and relatively harmless (?) question.
I’ll try to compose the phrase again.
A “right” life includes regular visits to a psychologist. Is it so?

“Correct” life - regular visits to the dentist, ophthalmologist, therapist. Is a psychologist one of the must-see doctors to lead a “right” life?

Everyone should go to therapy same way they should also go to a general doctor/general practitioner/family doctor/whatever local equivalent, and a dentist, and blood work done at least once a year, yes.


No, poor behavior is natural and normal until it isn’t. It is a matter of scale and extent. Poor behavior can and should be corrected, but it isn’t always a mental illness.

I didn’t talk about psychosis- why are iou bringing that up?

Because you mentioned scale.

Mental illness doesn’t require a complete break from the normal, all maladaptive behavior is precisely maladaptive because it inherently breaks from a normal, healthy, rational pattern.

Behavior isn’t “poor” (or “good” or “rich” or “bad”). Again, all maladaptive behavior is a product of mental illness because it is you adapting in an inappropriate way to a specific stimulus.

Whether you’re “high functioning” and mentally ill just going about society or in a psychiatric ward (and thus “low functioning”, btw contemporary medical community is trying to move away from that language), you’re still mentally ill and have maladaptive behaviors in both cases lol

Maladaptive behavior is like a cut on your skin. Yeah you can go about your day, your life, ignoring the gash on your arm, produced due to a reaction to something in a moment, but if you don’t treat it, that wound (the maladaptive behavior) will either close up properly (behavior stops on its own), get some bad scar tissue with a tendency to re-open or permanent nerve damage (behavior is recurring), or just flat out never heal and gets infected (maladaptive behavior extends).

If you’re being actively distressed IRL by a video game constantly day after day, as various users in this thread affirm daily, you need to go to therapy.


And my point of mentioning going to therapy at least once a year is that if you’ve never had a psych eval, once a year you should go in and do one and talk with someone about how your life is going, and see if you discover (or are found to) need more help.

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I kind of see what Faranoth is getting at, and I think you would agree Baalsamael, that suggesting people go to therapy for even minor maladaptive behaviors- as an example let’s use a tic that a person is anxious unless they’re holding something in their hands- is to possibly suggest that anyone who is not “normal”, no matter how minor, is wrong and should be corrected. Which is why the medical community is trying to move away from language like “high/low functioning” in the first place.

Of course you are absolutely not suggesting that at all, I think, you’re 100% coming at this from a compassionate standpoint, and God bless ya for it, and I think you would say the person I made up above should seek therapy for a possible anxiety problem (since the hand playing is an obvious coping mechanism), and you’d be right. And if it turned out to be a tic they were just comfortable with, I’m sure you’d say “Fair enough”.

All that said I also think you’re right, the OP, if they’re not trolling or playing a bit, clearly has way way WAY too much emotional investment in this for their own good, and therapy would probably be helpful (or just a break from WoW). OTOH they constantly get basic facts wrong (like saying the Night Elf population was almost totally annihilated when in fact an unspecified but not insignificant number of Elves escaped to Stormwind).

Anyway interesting discussion, much moreso than the actual topic.