(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

In not a single aspect have I been proven wrong, but since even Erevien is agreeing with you, that should show how dishonest you are and how you’re just lying and trying to dismiss night elf concerns by saying that everything is great for them, and that I’m “baiting” for just asking for the Night Elves to not be entirely eradicated from the game.

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Does it not concern you that you’re acting like blue Erevien


No, because I’m not.

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Honestly, with all this uproar about what we don’t know as of yet … I’m kind of hoping its the most absurd outcome. With that missing content showing that in fact Lady Moonberry was Elune all along, and the Mother Moon truly was just a prank that got way out of hand.


I mean we do have the visual aspects of the cinematic cutscene

No we don’t. We have some half-baked at best 10 second clip that still lacks whatever content is supposed to be there. Its the same as the Tyrande escaping the Maw moment. The content is just not in the game yet, placing energy into its absence is meaningless.


Nope, it only lacks the audial aspects.

They never added half an ingame cutscene into the game and then extended it later. They just changed the sounds.

It is?! Didn’t realize the devs announced that they’re shutting down wow servers and are discontinuing the game…

It is? Says who?

A “neutral zone” that is currently inhabited by the remaining Night Elves who survived Teldrassil as of Shadows Rising

On the contrary, it looks like there are PLENTY of living Night Elves left as Teldrassil wasn’t their only home on Azeroth. Heck, it didn’t even exist until Vanilla. That’s like saying there’s close to no Forsaken left because Undercity was destroyed. Like, they have other settlements.

Yeah, almost cuz that’s where Tyrande and the remaining Night Elves are living now.

No it does not “remain to be seen”, they’re all alive and Malfurion is recovering splendidly and is most certainly the one watching over their people in Tyrandes’ absence.

Idk, why didn’t they just conquer ALL of Northern Kalimdor?!

Is that why she evaded and defeated captors powerful enough to ensnare Jaina Proudmoore? Cuz she’s so weak?

There won’t? Says who?

Saaaays who?

Omfg, SAYS WHO?! Where are you getting this information?!

Hyjal is their home right now.

Idk about you, but we kind’ve literally rescued all the dead of Teldrassil from the Maw in the Ardenweald campaign, and the some.

Ngl, Ethriel, sounds like you’re kinda just making stuff up to further justify your seemingly defeatist ideology. Again, you’re so desperate to be right that you’re making suggestions that are further detrimental to your favorite race. It doesn’t sound like you want the Night Elves to succeed at all, it just sounds like you want them to fail horribly so you can be right.

Literally half of what you just told me are baseless fabrications that you have nothing with which prove them aside from a ceaseless desire to whine about something.


Hey, hey! That is not true, stop being disingenuous.

Everyone knows that in the end Sylvanas gets crowned the new god queen of the night elves and they all fall to her feet to worship her.


For the Night Elf race it’s all over.

Blizzard, because the Horde gets one zone after another. Now it’s just Darkshore left and given their track record, they’ll get Darkshore soon too. Who’s going to stop them?

No, Shadow’s Rising only has a meeting with Thrall there. Nothing about a new home for those few that survived.
The Horde in Hyjal certainly also wouldn’t accept that.

Yea. Ashenvale and Darkshore were too, and we both know what happened to those civilians that inhabited the zones.

Except that Undercity was fully evacuated. And it’s not just Teldrassil that was wiped out. We even know that there are “far too few” Night Elves left.

That’s just an assumption of yours then.

Yea, yet. We don’t know if Tyrande makes it out of the Shadowlands alive.

What people? Those that were obliterated in the maw?

Because they don’t have anyone. Not even to get Ashenvale back.

Uh the only thing she ever achieved was barely defeating Nathanos at very low hp.
And she was now further weakened in 9.1, and gave up on justice.

Says… Tyrande.

Ashenvale? The canon story. Sylvanas? The writers and the story.

Just think. In MoP, the Horde was given Azshara. In BfA, the Horde was given Ashenvale and Teldrassil. Guess what happens next…

No, you just assume it. And well, does it even matter when they were obliterated in the maw?

Nope, we freed around a hundred in total, and a thousand died in Teldrassil alone. Not counting those in Ashenvale and Darkshore. That’s an extremely bad rate.

No, I just know that the Night Elves will never get any positive development after seeing what happened to them in Shadowlands, and I know that I’m right about it.


No… what I said, exactly.

She’ll also raise Tyrande as a dark ranger and Malfurion, giving us undead druids!

why does every ethriel thread get 500 posts taking her seriously

just put her on ignore she has nothing of value to share except her headcanon and if you try to ask for her to prove her headcanon she refuses to rofl


Oh yeah, you’re right. That’s 100% going to happen, because you said it will.

Heck, maybe Sylvanas will become the new moon goddess after we kill Elune sometime in the next expansion whom the Night Elves will now be obligated to worship.

Wow, making baseless claims of future events is kinda fun, I won’t lie.


Everything I say is right there in the game / story.

But we love her headcanon!

i cant wait until tyrande gets killed by sylvanas and turned into a banshee who goes around killing all the night elves in ashenvale


You mean like Delaryn or Sira? Or the other undead Night Elves?

Also, there are no Night Elves left in Ashenvale.

How do you pick up night elf chicks in Tel’drassil?

With an ash tray!


Don’t you understand, Ethriel is right, it’s so obvious that all of this will happen because they said so and has no evidence.

So that must mean they’re some kinda prophet who can predict the future and doesn’t actually need evidence to prove what they claim.

Where’s the source of this?

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