[Spoiler]Judgement of Sylvanas

They stopped selling the book, and are going to release it again on the 25th. That new version mught have changes.

I saw people complaining about those parts on Twitter, too.

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Well, no, that’s not what happened. What happened is what I said. Just read their wowpedia page

That’s true indeed. But on the other hand, the Kaldorei did mostly abandon Darkshore after they reclaimed it. Not sure why.

The main thing was the racism, I seriously doubt that they’ll change anything about the night elf parts.
Maybe portray the Night Elves even more as villains, who knows.
It’s exclusive to Night Elves to be painted as the aggressors in their own lands after being victims of genocide.

Because they’re nearly extinct, that’s why. The Horde is still attacking them in Ashenvale too.

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What are you sources for that ? The only information I find is that the Horde keeps with its lumber activities in Warsong Lumber Camp and the Kaldorei are attacking Splinterfree Post because they (understandably) refuse the armistice.

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Not true. This goes for Quillboar too.

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In Exploring Kalimdor the Horde is still present in Ashenvale and defending their outposts (killing Night Elves) despite having left Ashenvale in MoP because they got Azshara for their lumber issues.

The Horde has no good reason to be in Ashenvale. It’s pure aggression. If the Horde left, the Night Elves would leave them alone.


Oh yeah. That’s probably just one of the many mistakes/inconsistencies the book had though. And that means the Horde are defending (an unlegitimate outpost yes), while the Kaldorei are the aggressors. But yeah the Horde shouldn’t be in Ashenvale, that’s dumb.

Quilboars, Trolls, Drust…


Uh no, that’s not how that works. If the Horde holds on to Night Elf territory, they are the aggressors, not those that are being invaded.

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I know what you mean.

I just… Dont have the energy to expect anything. At least I can laugh at them trying to make a serious and dramatic moment out of those janky auto attacks.


What auto attacks? Forgiving the abuser and murderer of your people doesn’t need any auto attacks.

Yes ofc you’re right, but here I guess the right to keep a presence in this outpost was in the armistice conditions, or else the Horde would have left. Kaldorei don’t recognize the armistice yes but that makes the situation different.

You know this book’s sole purpose was to maintain the status quo and justify the frozen state of the game map, so that’s all very shaky to argue over

Eh, not too much woods in Horde lands. The reasoning to attack Ashenvale was always lumber.

How else is the Horde going to get wood for all our decorative spikes?

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Do you really really need decorative spikes for mugs?

The poor kobolds get it worse.

They asked only one thing of us. No take candle. And what do we do? Slaughter every man and woman in their caves.

And take candle.


The Stormwind guards told me they invaded. Good soldiers follow orders.


Making good use of the free sex change I see.


First time ever.

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Yes. Never enough spikes.

The Kobold go back to Stormwind’s founding, when they sided with the Gnolls to topple the Humans who stayed away from them.