[Spoiler]Judgement of Sylvanas

I’m glad you’re on the winning side

I’m not glad that I’m out of likes.

So let me see if I’ve got this right.

Humans invade gnoll and kobold lands.

The heroic gnolls and kobolds defend their lands against these foreign invaders. They get defeated.

Gnoll freedom fighters like Hogger are assaulted by random mercenaries for a pittance of silver, then thrown in prison. Others, like Goldtooth, try to make a better life for their people in caves, willingly shunning human contact except when greedy industrialist humans send mercenaries to steal gold dust and candles from these poor kobolds.

I see who the real villains are.


the gnolls invaded the stormwindkingdom and almost destroyed it…the gnollwar was terrible and long…and the other kingdoms denied their help…

(Post deleted by author)

Until I can actually delete it that is.

The gnolls were there before the humans. Way to victim blame, Zhair.


the gnolls came from the mountainregion behind stormwind…not from elwyn itself.

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The humans encrouched on gnoll lands.

The gnolls were being invaded.

Stop victim blaming. It’s ugly of you.


The gnolls were invading the humans. You stop victim blaming.

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to be seriously

Gnolls are one of the younger races of Lordaeron (Their Origin, btw)

They traveled later to stormwind.

Brann Bronzebeard believes that the gnolls may be descendants of a hyena Ancient Guardian, though for the moment this is only a theory. Around the year 2,700 BDP, gnolls were among the threats that early human settlers faced in the Tirisfal Glades.

Though normally a disorganized and brutish race, 75 years prior to the First War the gnolls became a major threat to the kingdom of Stormwind. Under the leadership of the cunning packlord Garfang, the gnolls began attacking farmsteads, convoys and villages, until they even began launching full-scale attacks upon Stormwind City itself. The so-called Gnoll War came to a close when King Barathen Wrynn, thereafter known as “the Adamant”, rode with a small party of knights into the Redridge Mountains and killed Garfang. Without a unified leader, the raiders fell to infighting, allowing King Barathen and his soldiers to decimate the gnolls and scatter them across the land.

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Why do you justify the genocide of knolls just trying to protect their homes and families?


because this didn´t happened, the gnolls came from lordaeron, the gnoll war…was absolutly…a thing that never happened before…no one beliefed that this was even possible before it happened.

Why do you love genocide?

That’s a legitimate question.

Stop troling. you are the one who defend the genocide at any moment ^^

Well that’s a lie. The humans were encrouching on gnoll lands as they expanded Stormwind.

Good thing we’re talking about Stormwind, which is not Lordaeron, and was a new kingdom itself.

You both should learn the lore.

The humans invaded the gnoll lands.


Why is it only okay when you do it?

I asked you a legitimate question, I expect a legitimate answer.


i don´t defend an genocide, so stop trolling.

You are defending an attempted genocide against the gnolls.

You are a very evil man, Zarirwhite.


But your are defending the murder of the natives…which looks ugly


if all three of you want to troll me…this is laughable…A)

Redrige Mountain, was at this point…no part of the kingdom, redrige mountan was taken later…because the gnoll lost the war and they slaugthered their way throug the human villages…B)…what are you even trying to do…?