[Spoiler]Judgement of Sylvanas

Nope… Murlocs. clearly Murlocs.

Because NEFPAs love to complain


Certainly insist on trying to distort perception of the lore to fit their doomsaying.


They wanted to have their epic trailer shot of her burning Teldrassil and had absolutely no intention of following up on it until the fanbase kept pressing them, which means they’re throwing stuff together to have their cake and eat it too. They have to punish her because any reasonable story would punish a mass-murderer, but they don’t want to. That’s why the situation around her keeps flip-flopping.


That’s a big leap in logic. Your argument was that there wasn’t someone comparable and that attempted murder on a mammoth scale is hardly comparable to someone who committed murder on a mammoth scale. The point that attempted murder isn’t as severe as actual murder can vary sharply on circumstances outside of the perpetrator. Attempted murder because the person that was shot lived vs murder because someone died during committing a felony. But that ignores the fact that you’re scaling very far down. Scaling back up, you’re suggesting that attempted murder of a hundred people, or a thousand people, or a million is hardly comparable because they survived through whatever means (maybe they all were fire-resistant or all were great swimmers). The shoe bomber is serving 3 consecutive life sentences and 110 years without parole.

Fairly certain that murdering everyone in the Horde capital would still be a war crime. Even as a response to the Horde murdering everyone in a port military base. Technically, I’d say the Horde was at war with the Alliance when they started killing folks along the way to Teldrassil, but I’m really not sure the point of saying that 1) the actual deaths are what matters, not actions; 2) deaths matter less when at war.

It seems you’re arguing that it does. Attempted murder - no matter how severe or the scale - is hardly comparable to actual murder. That means Superman’s heroics somehow makes Lex Luthor less guilty (which is the same as the nuclear bomb scenario). As far as I’m concerned that’s not true, but it seems like you believe that.

After a fun sidestep to loot and pillage, yeah.

I’m not trying to minimize either. I think mass murder and mass enslavement and torture and murder and all of these things are bad.

You’ve picked an awfully odd hill to die on, but you do you.

The heroics of others apparently make evil less evil. Attempted genocide that required a superhero to stop the attack is apparently hardly comparable to actual genocide.

I guess we’ll just have to say we have our own views of morality and I vehemently disagree with yours. Good luck to you.

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Personally I’ll still just be fine if Sylvanas is sent into exile trying to find Nathanos. Who knows, maybe Zovaal destroyed his soul behind her back so the search would be for naught. But she wouldn’t know that, given that she didn’t know that Tyrande killed Nathanos in the shadowlands prepatch.

in all likelihood Tyrande will charge her with Harrowing Hell

which, exhausts me

We don’t know if it was “the vast majority” or the “lucky few”.

Exactly. You’re starting to get it. Unfortunately, you’re ignoring it when it comes to your Jaina / Sylvanas comparison.

Jaina’s attempted murder on Orgrimmar was not at all unprovoked; her city-state had just been destroyed in a war perpetrated by Garrosh and the Horde. Orgrimmar is the center of that. While terrible and horrific, Jaina’s act would have ended a war, would have avenged her people, would have saved the lives of more of her people.

Horrible? Yes. It’s still full of circumstances that seperate it from:

Sylvanas started the Fourth War of her own volition. She was avenging no one. Had she stopped, no lives would have been lost. Her rationale was either “get them because maybe they might try and get us, but historically probably won’t” or “I’m’a do this to murder all the people I can to assist a world-ending monster. For reasons.”

You keep trying to say those are comparable, but you need to remove all context, all motivation, and imagine a hypothetical body count that does not exist to make it work.

Like, wut?

Way to ignore the fact that the Daily Planet staff is not just one reporter!!

I literally do not. It’s what I’ve argued. Sylvanas is absolutely guilty of her actions, regardless of whether or not we saved nelf souls.

Just like Jaina is guilty of her own actions, which are attempted murder. Not murder because literally no murder occurred.

Your argument has literally amounted to intent is worse than action. Again, like wut?

No. You’re arguing that are exactly equal. That enslaving a village is equal to murdering a capital city. That taking over Greenport, NY is the equivalent of murdering Manhattan.

That is the argument you have literally used when you tried to mitigate Sylvanas’s crimes by pointing out the player characters, aligned against Sylvanas, were saving souls from the Maw.

Do you pay any attention to your own words at all?


Not being dead is better than being dead, having your soul sent to Super Hell, and used as fuel if you’re unlucky.

I do not know if what you espouse can be considered morality. Just simple facts there.


Well, that would largely depend on how many actually died when Teldrassil when it went up in flames. I just wish they would have given us some actual numbers before labeling the event a genocide

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I really don’t think that there is any question that it was a move to end the Night Elves as a nation, possibly a people. By either interpretation, the name fits.


Hugs Alysna, the bestest of mocha colored elves ever Keep up the good job as always hun :smiley:


No one is claiming otherwise :eyes:

We don’t need numbers… it’s rather obvious that the minimum for genocide has been met.


It was called a genocide in a tweet or something by Golden. I don’t recall anyone calling it that in game or a novel

Could be wrong. Though it was a terrible event regardless

(It’s still terrible what happened, before one of you weirdos tries to twist my words)

I think it was called a genocide in Elegy


Was there a group of fans that never complained? Neither in the form of “everything is bad with us,” nor in the form of “yes, everything is fine with you, everything is bad with us and we do not complain.” Who in with a smile on their face say “we are fine.”

Largely the dwarf fanbase fits this. They don’t complain about how the devs treat the dwarves, because they are wise enough to know the tragic horror that comes when the watchful eye of the Dreaded Developers turns upon you.

Individual dwarf players might weigh in on larger Alliance matters, but they know it is better to sit silently and bask in the decent lore you have than to take the rigged gamble that is the lore you might be given.

We should all wish we were primarily dwarf fans.


Thanks hun.

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Probably Blood Elves.