[Spoiler]Judgement of Sylvanas

Thats ok. I understand.

I really hope Blizzard defies expectations. We have been waiting for a long time, whatever Sylvanas does it has to atone for all her victims directly. She has to go above and beyond to make things right.

If she submits to “tyrande’s judgement” but Danuser writes that Tyrande does and asks for nothing its bad.
If all Sylvanas does is help with the jailer and then jump into the maw to get nathanos then its also bad.

If this is not done right I am afraid Teldrassil and Sylvanas/Horde’s culpability will follow them for the rest of the game’s life span.
Everytime a Horde character comes on screen they will be associated with all of it.

Your taste in fiction could have little to say about what kind of person you are in real life.


Send her into the Maw (not consigned to the Maw) to rescue souls in the following order:

  1. All Night Elves First
  2. The Rest of the Alliance
  3. The Various Neutrals
  4. Gnolls, Kobolds, Centaurs, and Quillboar
  5. Murlocs
  6. Anyone else omitted from this list
  7. Saurfang
  8. The General Horde
  9. The Forsaken
  10. Her fallen Dark Rangers
  11. Both of Nathanos’ dogs
  12. Then and only then Nathanos

The more she presumably cares about them, the lower on the list they go.


Tell that to people like Dorn, who can’t seperate a fictional character and their story from real life and than call people toxic for liking said character

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How dare you put the murlocs after gnolls?


Well, don’t read TOO much into …what other people read. I really like Lovecraft stories, but don’t personally equate discovering that you have a Welsh great-grandmother with discovering you have a Deep One great-grandmother. Even someone reading Mein Kampf, The Turner Diaries, or Victoria might merely be reading them to understand the icky mindsets of the authors, and not because they agree with those mindsets.


By Julia’s logic that means Sylvanas cares more about the Murlocs.

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I think what Julia’s list demonstrates is the community wishlist of people Sylvanas has to make amends to.

What would actually probably happen is Sylvanas will start from item number 15 and then work her way back up… or you know. Give up at Murlocs.

The Welsh are clearly all Deep Ones and you cannot convince me otherwise.


…it’s the twist we never saw coming!..

I knew it. Skarm, I knew you were a Mi-Go in disguise.


I like the Night Elves, but I’m an atheist in real life, and much of my time is spent on anime and video games and manga (and my work involves reviewing specification sheets all day, so that’s even more staring at computer screens for money). I think I have the least Night Elf life style possible. I don’t even have any plants.

“But remember-that dark world of fungoid gardens and lightless cities isn’t really terrible. It is only to us that it would seem so. Probably this world seemed just as terrible to the [Mi-go] when they first explored it in the primal age.”

-Lovecraft, unintentionally undercutting his foreshadowing that Aekley has been replaced by a monster with a perfectly reasonable argument of cultural relativism.


Rescue of night elves from the Maw and Torghast is hardly a “nothing”. Unless of course you put little to no value on their spirits and lives.


Maybe you can answer, but why do so many conviently over look or blatantly ignore the NE souls we saved and bought back to Ardenweald?

Seems like a pretty big thing to ignore if you ask me


I wasn’t ignoring that at all. What I meant was allowing her to do something without being conveniently stopped, because reasons.

If you want someone that is ignoring stuff like that, I’m sure a certain night elf player is around here somewhere.

Because it’s a bump of dissonance on a certain vocal crowd’s victimization narrative.


Unfortunately since Blizzard insists on adding negative elements to any Night Elf recovery so far, in this case obliterating some Night Elf souls (I do not imagine it was most, like someone else would insist it was) and Danuser adding in an interview that those souls are definitely and poignantly gone.


That still doesn’t change the fact that we canonically saved the vast majority of the NE souls though

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And does not change that lore wise some were made unsaveable.