[Spoiler]Judgement of Sylvanas

Does Baal mean nothing to you?

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Nope. Void elves exist. Silvermoon is still stuck in the Dark Ages. And if at least one blood elf does not show up in every other expansion, we complain that Blizzard forgot about us.

Also, no blood elves in SL, Blizzard basically ignores us. And can we get rid of void el- err… I mean, I’m not like one of those others Evelyssa and it’s perfectly fine void elves are around.

What about Bob (Lor’themar)? It seems there were still complaints that the Sunwell was restored too early and thereby destroyed the “feature” of the race.

Another race existing isn’t a detriment to another race.



You’re not a detriment. But you exist as a less-cute version of the Number One Best Elves. You dilute our branding.

dammit i forgot him

I see what you did there :smiley:

Baal is awesome though

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I’d be easier just to kill her now.

Problem is whoever is calling the shots would have a stroke if they did.


Or attempted murder prevented by someone wrestling a semi-automatic riffle out of the planned shooter’s hands and then talking them down, versus a murderer that shot a group of people with a semi-automatic riffle and killed them all when they couldn’t escape.

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Considering that the evacuation was only in Darnassus that would have been every one in Dolanaar, Aldrassil, those alone would be 7,000 people if we go by wowwikki. Plus all of the minor settlements, the firbolg and Harpy Population as well as those still in Ru’theran Village.

How many of Darnassus’ 15,000 in population made it out is not disclosed.


Woah, weird, Wowpedia had this number, too:

I wonder where they got these numbers from.

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The un-cannon RPG IIRC.

Which are pretty much the only numbers out there.

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Found it. These numbers are from World of Warcraft: Lands of Mystery, which is not canon.

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We have however literally nothing else to work with.


Unfortunately true. The closest I’ve ever found number wise in anything is the population of Nar’thalas was ten-thousand Elves.

10,000 is a pretty popular number in wow, especially in relation to elves. A bit like the number 40 in the bible.

The numbers in Warcraft are silly if you give them any review.

For instance:

…Behind him, his own troops weathered out the rain: four companies of elite handpicked orc and tauren warriors supported by five battalions of Orgrimmar’s hardest. They stretched over the fields of Silverpine, a sea of green and brown faces against a backdrop of bright-red banners. -Edge of Night

That’s only around 6,000 troops going by the LARGER known formations named that way (the smaller count would put that force around a 1820 troops total).

You know, I used to snort at the whole ‘let’s just say it was all a dream’ approach…but currently, I honestly wouldn’t mind logging in to find a worried NPC shaking my character awake because on the return to Azeroth from Argus she slipped and hit her head and BFA-SL was just a horrible dream starting with Sargeras stabbing the planet. Random NPC 345: a SWORD in the planet? How silly! Mardrigala: Yeah I know. No more Dalaran white before space travel.


Unfortunately the show Dallas has already exhausted the number of times this gambit can be played.

For better or worse… no retcons. Just Deal with it.

Fine. Then after helping us free Anduin and stop the Jailer she can go to Revendreth to start the long, slow process of actual atonement. You can even say the Jailer was storing Nathanos in a paperweight somewhere in Torghast and he can go with her. They can take therapy sessions from the Accuser with Kael’thas and snark at each other for a few centuries.


So far on the PTR after we save Anduin Sylvanas asks him how to resist Zovaal’s domination and Anduin says he does not know. So that doesn’t really amount to anything, and the Primus has to come up with another plan.

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