[Spoiler]Judgement of Sylvanas

Free my guy N’zoth, he did nothing wrong.

He was traumatized by a Titan ripping his brother out of the planet.

If I sacrifice myself to kill N’zoth, the cunning Old God heralding in his Titan Overlords bent on ending all reality… I’m a hero.

I’ll probably get a statue made of me in Stormwind, a pretty big one.

If I sacrifice myself to kill Sylvanas, the cunning Banshee Queen heralding in her Titan Overlord bent on ending all realities… I’m being selfish. >.<


This pleases me greatly. This is the absolute best outcome.

This is me in July:

Pretty much all of my speculation have been right and all of my hopes and dreams for Sylvanas are coming true! Bottom line is she’s a victim and deserves a happy ending, and again, I’m hoping she’s around for the entirety of WoW.


You can unsub :woman_shrugging:


Yeah, attempted mass murder is still pretty awful. If Teldrassil had been set ablaze, but Elune protected the Night Elves and stopped anyone from dying, would that make setting Teldrassil somehow “hardly comparably” bad? And that’s not even the comparable city - Stormwind would be. To put it into a superhero-style comparison (since that’s basically what Thrall was), if someone plants a nuclear bomb, sets it to detonate, and then Superman finds it and jumps on it so nothing happens - why is the perpetrator somehow hardly comparable (your words) to the person who managed to have their bomb go off?

Except every week in Shadowlands we specifically saved their souls from the Maw, even with special quests aimed at saving them alone. By the above logic, that mitigates how terrible her actions were. If, hypothetically, most of them were saved (with most being completely nebulous about an infinite population) how evil does it become? What if it was “almost all” of them?

Your comparison to Sylvanas was based on “double dead, double dead, and also dead” with no one comparable alive. My point was that comparable is pretty clearly shown. And Illidan, for all his exiledness (and imprisonment that happened before the Black Temple), was the hero of an entire expansion, and got to choose to become the jailer of Sargeras.

I won’t pretend it wasn’t being used for military purposes (less than Theramore, more than Teldrassil) but it clearly wasn’t very surgical when part of the raid involves us looting and pillaging the city. They even use similar tactics as the strategy at Teldrassil, luring the defenders away before attacking an underdefened target, with a similar strategic goal (though it’s a little unclear since Sylvanas’ words, thoughts, and then subconscious sub-thoughts [?] are somehow all different).

Yet “the majority” of Night Elves is subject to the infinite population of WoW races and the following stories about so many survivors. Regardless, this becomes an argument about whether WW2 camps were worse than the slave trade. Both were awful. Arguing that either one was “less awful” really doesn’t serve much of a point when the topic was if anyone did anything comparable to Sylvanas.

Pretty frigging wrong is pretty much par for the course for a lot of the characters in WoW. Odin turned Helya (against her will) into the monstrosity that she is, which helped lead to the Valks serving Zovaal. Uther helped push this abomination of an expansion - Arthas’ soul is what is empowering Shalamourne. These are the “good guys.”

The crimes of all these folks warrant punishment, but that won’t happen. For good reason too, because if we started trying to punish everyone WoW becomes a giant prison. And that’d be a pretty weird game to be honest. Plus, given a yellow exclamation point and an offer of new pants, my character basically will do anything. Often to horrible ends. Case in point, we listened to a talking dagger and it led to us, in Crucible of Storms, literally helping N’Zoth.

I’m not arguing about whether Sylvanas should be punished and if so to what extent. I’m pointing out that, while her actions are undeniably wrong, stating that no one in WoW beyond dead (and double-dead) folks have done anything comparable is a bit disingenuous.


We broke the SF last night, and I wake up to this salty tear conversation? Why? Why must I always miss the good stuff?! :wolf:


The tears are flowin’

This is a QQ thread now.


Watching people like Dorn flail about has a certain…enjoyment to it. Don’t know why :smiley:


It’s because he’s been a huge jerk these last 4 years.

It feels karmic. Like justice is being served. So many Sylvanas fans were bullied away by the vitrol and abuse from anti-sylvanas ppl. Msybe they will all come back now and the forums will be restored to a place where everyone is welcome.


I been thinking this morning, and why is it anti-sylvanas people call sylvanas fans toxic, but those who hate sylvanas will go out of their way to dismiss, invalidate and gaslight sylvanas fans into thinking their feelings aren’t real or correct? That if our feelings don’t align with NE fans and anti Sylvanas fans, than we’re somehow this terrible person irl?


Short answer: Yes. Just like attempted murder isn’t considered as severe as actual murder.

You’re also ignoring context entirely. When Jaina attempted to drown Orgrimmar, the Horde had already attacked. The Horde already blew up Theramore. The Horde was an enemy nation. This is not the case with Teldrassil.

So yeah, hardly comparable.

To use comic book logic, if Lex Luthor blows up the Daily Planet, is his crime mitigated if Superman digs through the wreckage and saves Lois Lane?

You also skipped the part where he was killed in the Black Temple, with his body imprisoned in the event he returned. He was the “hero” from Nighthold to Argus because he was the expert on killing demons, and even then kept a close eye on. And, again, his crime was not as severe as Sylvanas’s.

Except in DA, the Alliance goes in, kills Rastakhan, and leaves. Dazar’Alor is still standing. Deaths are kept to a relative minimum in relation to the goal. This is not comparable by any means.

That only works if you’re here to minimize the slave trade.

Illidan was not selling people. He was not kidnapping and enslaving massive numbers of broken draenie because the simple fact is those massive numbers did not exist. The scale is completely different, and in the end? Illidan died because of it (he got better, of course).

Yes, a crime that is punished and smaller in scale is going to be considered lesser than a crime that goes unpunished and involves an entire race. This isn’t shocking or new or unusual.

The closest example you or anyone else has given is Illidan. And to make it work, you’ve had to ignore scope. You’ve had to ignore the end result. You’ve had to ignore that punishment actually did get dealt out.

I stand by my initial statement, integrity intact.


Because they and you were defending and advocating for a child killer.

Now you are celebrating that a child killer won’t face consequences for their horrible crime.


I am not unreasonable.

Banish Sylvanas to the Maw for 10,000 years and we’ll call it even. :slight_smile:

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Let’s comprise, you farm me 10,000 salty tears of anti sylvanas fans, and we’ll think about your proposition? :smiley:


You know… this reminds me of the trump/orangeman bad meme.

No matter what horrific crap this man pulled his supporters would reduce all the criticism to “orange man bad”… they were a trump haters, nevertrumpers and therefore all criticism was biased and unreliable.


All this “Sylvanas fans are like Trump” nonsense would have more weight if the major proponent of the comparison didn’t argue there’s no justification for brown people existing in the narrative and defended objectifying women as sex objects because he likes it.


Did you honestly expect Smallioz to understand what he’s arguing for or against?


Not the writers, the jailer. He’s being blamed for everything else.

We all were thinking it but you said it and I thank you for that.


What I understand is the following:

Sylvanas and the Horde commited a horrible crime.
The victims of this crime were totally forgotten when Blizzard decided to make several cinematics from the point of view of one of the architects of the crime.

We then went on for two expansions with no real justice, vengeance or retribution. The Horde doesn’t even apologize or feel remorse for what they have done. Instead the Blizzard gaslights everyone that the true culprit is Sylvanas and the Horde was just led astray.

We now have shadowlands were the victim and the aggrieved is given a choice.
Pursue the villain.
Give up and choose “renewal” instead.
Which is supremely bad optics given the current state of affairs at Blizzard.

Now we have players here on this forum adamant that there is nothing wrong. Sylvanas is right to not answer for her crimes or face the consequences for her actions. That anyone who objects is a Sylvanas hater and a host of other accusations thrown their way.


You don’t need to be a Trump voter to be a toxic man. I highly doubt Afrasiabi voted for Trump.