[Spoiler]Judgement of Sylvanas

How did Sylvanas help sell an expansion that is literally about Sylvanas?

Are you serious? Are you going to have the same reaction when the Sylvanas book is a NYT best seller?

Some of you are so enamored of your hatred of Sylvanas you have lost touch with objective reality.


When you say fastest selling game that means people were just buying the marketing.

Nobody knew how much of the story will focus around Sylvanas. We knew she was involved but not that she has become the main character of warcraft.
Are you serious when you think people would have a hindsight into the future like this?


You are the one that is pretending people are enamoured with this character and literally buy this game and make best sellers because she is just so darn fascinating and awesome.
Honestly any book Blizzard releases is going to get best seller and she is a marketing prop.
She is an attractive, edgy, undead elf.

As for my “hatred” have you asked yourself why “hate” her? And what I want?


Exactly. Garrosh was equally as divisive as Sylvanas.

Dear sir, that is our own server. And your right, it is. Because even without Sylvanas, this whole debacle is a narrative mess. You’re Alliance, so I’m sure you’ve had this discussion with other Alliance members. Even if Sylvanas were to die in Shadowlands, perma-die, what’s actually fixed?

Lor’themar was still with the Horde during BfA. Baine waited until the last minute to walk away. Voss stuck around. Literally the Horde leadership under Sylvanas are still the Horde leadership. The Horde soldiers who supported her are still around. Everyone behind the whole thing other than Sylvanas, her boyfriend, and Saurfang (who died for the Horde’s sins, all praise Saurfang Christ) are still around.

And because Sylvanas is gone and Saurfang died for the Horde’s sins (praise be to Saurfang, lord and savior), everyone pretends the Horde is fixed now? Someone put a bandaid on the narrative and it’s all better? Teldrassil regrew and the night elves ressed at the graveyard?

No. Of course not. The bullcrap is still there, and nothing is fixed. But the game wants to behave like it is, the narrative wants to bend over backward to absolve the Horde of everything because Sylvanas left and Saurfang died (Saurfang protect us all), and oh look over there, a shiny new Dragon Isles to explore and forget all about how just two in-universe years ago we literally fought a war of extinction against each other.

You asked who is the face of that. It’s not Sylvanas. If she dies, if she’s sent to the Maw Time-Out corner, the mess still remains a massive, overwhelming burden on the story because it remains unfulfilled and will always be unfulfilled because the only sensible option is impossible; end the Horde as Varian promised. But, playable faction.

So who is the face of that? The devs. Because nothing short of a massive retcon can fix any of this. Not Sylvanas dying. Not the second coming of our lord and savior Saurfang (you know this has been tongue-in-cheek, right? Sometimes people don’t get that). Not even regrowing Teldrassil.

The damage is too vast for a single face to be representative of it.


Me: Sylvanas is an important character to Blizzard, they will never kill her off because she is so important to the IP and the marketing of the game

You: Nu uh! She’s stinky and I hate her. All my homies hate Sylvanas, she doesn’t sell anything Sylvanas is just a marketing prop!

Me: :thinking:


Yes. Yes he will. He already have created excuses for that inevitability sitting in his back pocket.

He is not a very honest person.


Yeah… that is totally what I said.
Its incredible that asking a character face the consequences for THEIR OWN ACTIONS is just being a hater. The projection continues…


Then you and I agree that the retcon trigger should be pulled. I was perfectly content with Sylvanas doing her thing in Undercity. But like with the Faction War, and the Afterlife itself, she had potential to be interesting, but was ruined. I honestly feel bad for Forsaken players who have been left with less than nothing because their leader was so connected with their core fantasy. I can’t help but wince when I hear the ‘Victory for Sylvanas’ line from Forsaken NPCs. With neither Lordaeron or Windrunner, they are just undead humans squatting in Orgrimmar. At least NEs have Hyjal, Tyrande, etc.


I think by and large, everyone agrees on that. Except Blizzard because that’d be admitting a mistake, which of course they can’t do. But players? Except for a handful of crazies, we’d all be happier if 9.2 and the Zovaal boss fight ended with a retcon.

Hell, I have a whole post floating around with how I’d do that very thing with the Zereth Mortis Reality Rewriting McGuffin Zovaal’s trying to use. It’s one of my most liked post.

But the sad, inevitable truth is we won’t get it. That’s the one glass they will not break, regardless of the emergency.

Unless Microsoft succeeds in the buy-out and looks at the current mess and says “well. Time to Blue Screen Azeroth and reset to default settings. When was Azeroth last backed up? Legion? Ok, let’s go with that.”

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Probably the single greatest mistake the writers could ever make.

Lots of delusion going on in this thread.


Don’t hate on the Time Warp Retcon, Evelyssa.


Hell no! [10char/]

Sylvanas returning to the Horde as if nothing happened is way more likely than the Night Elf Souls getting freed from the maw at this point

Or for the Night Elves to have a future in general.

If thats the case I want my money back. :frowning_face:

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Welcome back Ethriel! It’s been a bit!


From your fingertips to Blizzard’s eyeballs! :smiling_imp:

Go, go, go, go, go, go
Go shawty, it’s your birthday
We gonna post like it is your birthday
And we gonna troll like it is your birthday
And you know we don’t give a funk, it’s not your birthday

You can find me on the comp, bottle full of dew
Look homey I got the likes if you into making posts
I’m into PvP I ain’t into makin love
So type in slash hug if you want your topic bumped
You can find me on the comp, bottle full of dew
Look homey I got the likes if you into making posts
I’m into PvP I ain’t into makin love
So type in slash hug if you want your topic bumped


huuh? Can you post the full interview?

Why should only two paths of choises exist, and not many more? “Be merciful” or…be a genocider? Hooo?

And…you CAN`T forgive an genocide, thats not possible, never.

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i disagree, she should be die, and stay in the eternity of death without return. Because all Characters we engaged with, where commited such crimes, were brought down and died, Demons, Mortals, all of them, no one was spared, why should Sylvanas be spared?

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