[Spoiler]Judgement of Sylvanas

I am apathetic to your complaints about this current narrative. does that make you feel better?

On a unrelated note….I feel like race changing back into my worgen


your draino is so pretty though.


Danke. And silly me, I forgot I remade my wuggen Micah. lvl 18 atm :smiley:


Hahaha, my spellcheck mistake that I decided to keep and always use has brought this nickname back!!


Illidan worked with the Burning Legion, though as a quadruple agent I guess? maybe? He was willing to destroy Azeroth (basically) to kill the Lich King, and enslaved tons of Draenei at the Black Temple. I won’t judge him for killing the Naaru - that was self-defense. And I love Illidan as a character. We’re questing with Lady Vashj (who basically tried to steal all the water in Outland) and Kael’thas (who thought allying with demons was the right path for Blood Elves). Jaina tried to wipe Orgrimmar off the map (and her spell was held back by Thrall long enough for Kalec to make her stop). That was after she tried to get Dalaran to burn it to the ground. Maiev lied about Tyrande, claiming she was dead (which might have happened if it hadn’t come to light) just in the hopes of getting Illidan murked. Even Tyrande murked some poor guards, just to free Illidan. Alleria and Turalyon just tortured someone. Heck Varian was a huge racist and Genn/Jaina just tag-teamed (in a bad way) the Zandalari king. And Anduin … well Anduin’s perfect, we all know that.

Outside Anduin, what major characters haven’t done things that are at-best bad, and at worst downright war crimes? Dadghar? Baine’s not a fair answer because he hasn’t done anything. I’m not saying Sylvanas should or shouldn’t be punished - yall figure that one out on your own. I am saying that in this fictional universe, there’s been plenty of evil actions flying around. Sometimes we move on, sometimes we murder the person who did it. Neither action is really outside the boundaries of previous stories or without precedence.

//I think BC’s narrative was awful for KT and Illidan. I think BFA/SL have been awful for… everyone, pretty much everyone.


Exiled. Still technically exiled.

Tried being the operative word, and after Garrosh wiped out Theramore. She caused no deaths in the attempt; hardly comparable to genocide.

As the ruler of the night elves, those guards were bound to listen to her. Should she have killed a dozen people? No, probably not. Is that comparable to attempted genocide? Certainly not.

Also not comparable.

Made a surgical military strike against a base holding enemy soldiers. Let’s not pretend the Horde wasn’t using Dazar’Alor as a military base.

This was never a debate. What you quoted specifically was:

Illidan, who was absolutely punished and imprisoned for his actions, is the closest and again, imprisoned. And also did not attempt to eliminate an entire race of people.


He just enslaved the locals instead, which isn’t much better

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Elune not being perfect is not inherently bad. Her gaslighting Tyrande just makes her flawed, which is not outside of expectations of Warcraft’s worshipped beings. Thinking Elune is disingenuous in telling Tyrande it was her choice after taking her choice away is not a complaint about the narrative, just acknowledging something unappealing in an otherwise respected story character.

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Unpopular opinion; slaves can be freed. Dead people stay dead. “Some locals” isn’t the same as “the majority of all night elves”.


But the two short stories massively contradict the Most NEs though, especially when they showed Stormwind overflowing with NE survivors.

Most is relative anyway when we don’t even know the Kaldorei population numbers to begin with


I think it is a problem with the narrative, because Elune has always put her followers first and to take power away from them randomly without an explanation isn’t in line with her previous depictions, where tyrande always had access to her power no matter the situation.

It also makes the Night Warrior arc inconsistent , because Tyrande asked for the power for vengeance and used it for vengeance against several others. There needs to be a reasoning why she withheld power at that moment, beyond “it will kill Tyrande for some reason” when logically it could kill Sylvanas without killing Tyrande until she finally loses control of it later. Thiernax himself managed to kill the Old God, and Khaliiq killed her enemies before the power turned on them.


Still likely far less enslaved than how many Sylvanas killed on the tree, though.


We’ll never know how many actually died. So it’s whatever

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And we don’t know the number of people Illidan enslaved, but given Draenor had already blown up by then, the draenie had already been genocided themselves by the orcs, and were already a small numbered people due to centuries of fleeing the Legion…

It’s still smaller than “some locals”.


Well, that would depend on how many were actually in the tree when it went it up in flames now would it?

Without actual numbers, can’t claim most of the population died

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Elune putting her followers first and foremost is why it’s not out of character for for me, given as far back as the War of the Ancients Tyrande was Elune’s favorite of her favorites. Taking her choice away feels like it was purely because Elune didn’t want Tyrande to die because of that.

Well I think I responded to that as to why it’s inconsistent, the fact that it didn’t kill other Night Warriors until after they had killed their targets and the power eventually turned on them.
Tyrande was going to break Sylvanas’ neck. How was that supposed to kill her? By any logic, Tyrande could’ve survived that and could later be saved by the Winter Queen. Since Tyrande was either way slated to die, her killing Sylvanas shouldn’t make a difference to Elune.

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Tyrande looked like she was going to blow herself up to kill Sylvanas, or otherwise intended to expend herself when she declared her life in exchange for Sylvanas’ death.

As for the rest of the Night Warriors, we also saw the imperfection of Elune, as they were not Elune’s favorite children.

Of course because her attitude was so nuanced and complex to begin with. The edgy goth who always got the better of everyone because she read the script.

Ooh sorry, is that the script of the other NPCs lying on the floor, better pick that up.

Lol what a joke.